Electricity supply industry set for major upgrades

Erasmus Shalihaxwe

The Electricity Control Board’s (ECB) chief executive officer, Robert Kahimise, has called on players in the electricity supply industry to stay informed about the latest technology in the industry.

Kahimise was speaking at the stakeholder workshop in Windhoek on Tuesday, which was focused on the review and update of the distribution grid code and connection code that took place.

‘’As you all know, the current distribution grid code was promulgated in 2018 and has not been reviewed since then. However, there have been a lot of changes and technological advancements in the electricity supply industry, amongst others including the introduction of the modified single-buyer market model. The development of the new connection code, which was partly developed during the recent review of the transmission grid code in 2023, also needs to be concluded,’’ he said.

Kahimise explained that the distribution grid code is important in establishing the rules and procedures that ensure the distribution network’s safety, reliability, efficiency and economy.

The code applies to all entities connected to the distribution network, including distributors, embedded generators, end-use customers, retailers and resellers.

He added that the new connection code will consolidate all connection issues from both the distribution and renewable energy grid codes, aligning them with the Southern Africa Development Community Regional Codes and adhering to international best practices.

‘’Promulgation of the Renewable Energy Grid Code was therefore withdrawn and cancelled as a result of this latest development. The connection code incorporating the renewable energy grid code and containing connection issues from the transmission grid has since been drafted and is now being reviewed together with the distribution grid code to incorporate distribution connection issues,’’ stated Kahimise.

He also announced that ECB management plans to submit the final distribution grid and connection codes documents to the ECB board for approval in November 2024.

The documents will be submitted to the Ministry of Mines and Energy for ministerial approval and the ensuing promulgation by the Ministry of Justice.

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