Donation of specialised equipment enhances fight against malnutrition

Niël Terblanché

The Capricorn Foundation assisted in addressing the pressing issue of child malnutrition in the Omaheke region by donating ten infusion pumps to the Gobabis State Hospital Paediatric Ward.

The donation, valued at N$264 500 made last Wednesday is a vital addition to the hospital’s equipment, enabling the administration of essential fluids to malnourished children.

The Governor of the Omaheke Region attended the official handover of the infusion pumps.

Ismael Pijoo Nganate stressed the dire malnutrition crisis exacerbated by drought and food insecurity in the region.

“Our most vulnerable people are children, and they cannot stand for themselves. This donation comes at a critical time and demonstrates the importance of collaborative efforts in improving healthcare services,” he stated.

The Capricorn Foundation supports improved health outcomes by promoting nutrition and expanding access to healthcare as part of its health focus area.

Veripura Muukua, the Capricorn Foundation’s coordinator, stressed the organisation’s commitment to assisting vulnerable Namibians.

“We are grateful that we can make a difference in the lives of Namibians, especially children. Our support for the Gobabis State Hospital Paediatric Ward falls under our health focus area, where we address health-related issues and support better health outcomes,” she said.

The malnutrition crisis in Namibia is a growing concern, with nearly 2 000 cases recorded this year alone, including 300 cases in the Omaheke region between January and June 2024.

According to the World Food Programme (WFP), 24% of Namibian children under five are stunted, 6% are wasted, and 13% are underweight.

The WFP’s recent reports reveal that widespread food insecurity affects over 40% of the Namibian population, compounding this crisis.

Namibia’s malnutrition issues are linked to the ongoing drought, which was recently declared a national state of emergency by President Nangolo Mbumba.

According to the World Food Program, the impact of climate change and the COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated food insecurity and malnutrition among vulnerable communities.

Efforts to address these challenges are ongoing, with initiatives like the Capricorn Foundation’s donations playing a crucial role in providing immediate relief and long-term support.

The Capricorn Foundation’s recent donation builds on previous support efforts, such as the provision of nutritional and protein-rich food items valued at N$291 000 in February 2024 through a partnership with the Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN).

These combined efforts aim to alleviate the immediate impacts of malnutrition while promoting sustainable solutions for the future.

Governor Nganate expressed optimism that these collaborative efforts would significantly improve healthcare services for malnourished children in the Omaheke region.

He said that the ongoing support from organisations like the Capricorn Foundation is vital in addressing the malnutrition crisis and ensuring better health outcomes for Namibia’s most vulnerable children.

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