Does Namibia’s Refusal to Legalize Gay Marriage Question Its Democracy?

Tomas Nashongo

A closer examination of democracy reveals that it is a system of governance where eligible members of the state dictate laws and policies through their elected representatives. Consequently, these elected representatives work to serve the people. We can thus assess that democracy is a system of governance by people for the people equality and freedom is thus at the core of democratic principles.

The refusal to legalize same-sex matrimony questions the anatomy of Namibia’s democracy because it denies same sex couples the fundamental tenets of democracy, which is equality and freedom in this case to marry. Furthermore, the refusal to legalize same sex marriages breeds discrimination thus questions its commitment to its democratic principles. The law is the anchor of a states democratic legitimacy, where all citizens are subjected to equal treatment and freedoms. Namibias legal system shows legal disparities and an inconsistency through not legitimizing same-sex marriage and thus same sex-couples rights are denied and violated.

In essence Namibia’s legal framework can be questioned on the universality of its law because, of the fact that same-sex couples do not enjoy equal freedom as the rest , this creates social inequality that breeds social-unrest. Same-sex couples are thus marginalized and therefore alienated. Namibia’s exclusive democratic soft-where thus fosters an unhealthy environment because the social exclusion may perpetuate discrimination and possibly gender based violence.

To fully affirm her democratic values Namibia needs to recognize and legalize same-sex marriages. This would reflect the state’s commitment to its democratic values and show that the state protects, values and incorporates equality for all its citizens. Moreover, this fragmentation shows the flaws of Namibia’s democratic anatomy and further weakens its legitimacy.

Refusal to recognize and legalize same-sex matrimony casts doubt on a state’s adherence to its democratic values. A democratic system is more than just a system of administration . It represents a state’s promise of equality, freedom, and justice for all. By denying same-sex couples the right to marry, a state fails to uphold this promise, revealing a gap between its democratic ideas and its practices.

Tomas Nashongo is a recent graduate from the university of Namibia , whom is eager to conquer the world and seeking employment , he can be contacted ;

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