Do not turn a blind eye to mismanagement of school funds – Steenkamp

Do not turn a blind eye to mismanagement
of school funds – Steenkamp

Martin Endjala

Sanet Steenkamp, the Executive Director of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture, has strongly criticized school leaders for their abuse of power and their failure to address issues of maladministration and mismanagement of school funds.

She insisted on the need for school officials to take a stand against these issues rather than turning a blind eye to them.

Steenkamp expressed her concerns about divisions within schools, which have escalated to a point where they demand the attention and expertise of educational authorities.

She called on school principals, teachers, and others to address these divisions immediately. She urged them to put an end to staff room cliques and focus on matters that truly matter.

“We urge for better acceptance of each other, greater trust in the diversity of our country, and a more deliberate and focused teamwork. We also emphasize the importance of professional and sound assessment and judgment within our schools,” she stated.

These remarks were made during the announcement of the national results for Grades 11 and 12 on Wednesday.

Steenkamp emphasized the importance of proper leadership at all levels and stressed that the abuse of power should not be tolerated.

“We cannot ignore situations of mismanagement of school funds or turn a blind eye to cases of maladministration in teacher recruitment.” she urged.

Steenkamp also criticized leaders who fail to address performance agreements.

“We cannot have executive members who do not sign performance agreements or undergo performance reviews,” she insisted

She called on leaders to assert their authority responsibly and take immediate action to address key issues at all levels.

She also called for genuine participation and commitment from all stakeholders, including parents, teachers, and students.

“We are calling for a united response to the competitive challenges we face in the ministry, and we emphasize the importance of a commitment to team education,” Steenkamp said.

Furthermore, Steenkamp highlighted the importance of rewarding talented teachers as long as they demonstrate a sincere dedication to the teaching profession.

She reiterated that teachers play a crucial role in shaping the minds and hearts of the country’s future citizens and should take their responsibilities seriously.

Steenkamp also called for increased investment in the education sector to improve performance and benefit students and teachers.

She stressed that the responsibility for the education sector does not rest solely on the ministry’s shoulders but also the shoulders of all Namibians.

In conclusion, Steenkamp underscored the ministry’s commitment to remain resilient, dynamic, competent, and influential in pursuing better lives for learners and communities.

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