Hertta-Maria Amutenja
Due to increased pressure from the government, the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule (DHPS) has decided to close on Thursday as per the recommendation of the Ministry of Education, Arts, and Culture.
The education ministry recommended that schools in Windhoek should close due to expected traffic disruptions ahead of Independence Day celebrations.
After initially announcing that the school will remain open for teaching the management of the school in a statement to parents, said that its priority remains the education and well-being of its learners.
“Under the current circumstances, a meaningful teaching offer is not possible. This decision affects all classes and departments, including the DHPS Kinder-Campus, the Child and Youth Center and the boarding school, ” the statement read.
The school also confirmed that the Känguru mathematics competition, a major event on its calendar, would proceed at a later date that will be communicated.
“For learners, who cannot be cared for at home, special care in all departments will be offered and guaranteed at school until 12h00,” the statement said.
Political analyst Joseph Diescho supported the school’s stance, arguing that education should take precedence over political events.
“In all fairness, the German school is correct in placing the education and learning of children first. It cannot be countenanced that children be taken out of classes all day to parade an outgoing president. Our national priorities are not in line with our readiness to prepare learners for the uncertain world. With all due respect, placing political correctness at the expense of the Namibian child is worrisome,” Diescho said.
Executive Director of Education, Sanet Steenkamp, said the ministry was not enforcing penalties for schools that chose to remain open.
“I don’t see the school’s initial decision as defying the recommendations of the ministry. If the schools have consulted the parents, then it’s okay. It was short notice because we also just found out about the processions at short notice,” she said.
She explained that the closure recommendation was made to ease expected traffic congestion caused by military processions and official activities.
“The main reason for the closures was because of traffic congestion. The expected traffic congestion from the procession could create challenges for parents picking up students from school. Additionally, certain intersections and streets will be closed for the military procession,” she said.