Dairy farmers get extra winter levy


Namibia Dairies has announced the implementation of a supplementary winter levy to support its dairy farming partners during the challenging winter season.

The company said recognising the current trading environment and the considerable strain posed by the ongoing drought, Namibia Dairies is committed to supporting its partners in the dairy industry to the best of their ability.

The company announced that subject to all quality specifications being met, the winter levy of 75 cents per litre will be paid for all raw milk delivered by standing dairy farming partners between 1 June and 31 August.

The initiative aims to provide additional financial support to the valued dairy farmers partners during a traditionally challenging season. It’s also underscores the company’s gratitude for the longstanding partnership and dedication to supplying Namibia Dairies with high-quality raw milk.

“We understand the significant challenges our dairy farmers face, especially during winter. The ongoing drought has placed an unprecedented strain on their operations,” said Wynand Oosthuizen, Acting Managing Director of Namibia Dairies.

“This supplementary levy is a testament to our commitment to the sustainability and resilience of the dairy industry in Namibia. We hope it will alleviate some of the financial pressures our farmers are experiencing and ensure the continued supply of quality dairy products to the Namibian public.”

Oosthuizen acknowledged the hard work and dedication of the company’s dairy farming partners, who play a crucial role in maintaining the quality and reliability of its dairy supply chain.

Oosthuizen said the initiative is part of its broader strategy to support the agricultural sector and contribute to Namibia’s dairy industry’s overall stability and growth.

“We trust that this supplementary support will positively impact the financial well-being of our farmers. Namibia Dairies remains committed to working closely with our partners to navigate these challenging times and ensure a continued, prosperous future for the dairy sector in Namibia.”

Oosthuizen concluded by encouraging Namibians everywhere to continue to support pure, local goodness and in doing so, help support and uplift not only the local dairy industry but local manufacturing at large.

Namibia Dairies, a subsidiary of the Ohlthaver & List Group, is the leading dairy production and processing company in Namibia. The company’s Superfarm, plays a crucial role in its operations, houses 1800 cows, approximately 900 of which are milk-producing. These cows, on average, produce about 35 Liters of milk per cow per day. The products are free from hormones and GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms).

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