Covid-19 testing no longer required

Stefanus Nashama

The Ministry of Health and Social Services says there is no need for operational testing centres for Covid-19 in the country.

The ministry spokesperson, Walter Kamaya, said the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that the pandemic is no longer a world health emergency.

Kamaya said this in an interview with the Windhoek Observer on Tuesday.

“We do not have any cases. We are not even talking about the wearing of a mask now. The 45th Covid-19 update has made it clear that the pandemic has subsided. We do not need operational testing centres,” he stressed.

Kamaya pointed out that testing is only necessary when a person is showing signs of Covid-19.

He added that there would be no need to rely on operational testing centres for Covid-19 for such incidences.

“That would be a waste of resources if there are no cases. At the centres, they do the testing, send the results to the update centre, and compile them. That whole process would require resources,” he mentioned.

According to Kamaya, some health facilities still offer Covid-19 vaccines, but only for those who are willing to receive them.

He stated that since there are no longer any reported cases of the virus, the ministry will not order any more vaccines.

“We do not force anyone to be vaccinated. It is for them to do so willingly. For those who still want to be vaccinated, the vaccination is available at some of our health facilities,” he emphasised.

Kamaya further stated that no vaccination passport for Covid-19 is required for those visiting other countries.

Many countries have lifted Covid restrictions entirely for visitors and tourists.

According to the Covid-19 epidemiological update in March, there were 275 000 cases reported globally and 4 200 deaths.

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