Collaborative initiative aimed at sustainable healthcare

Niël Terblanché

Healthcare providers have joined forces with the healthcare funding industry to foster a sustainable future for the healthcare sector.

This strategic collaboration is a crucial move designed to revolutionise the healthcare landscape in Namibia and is spearheaded by the Namibia Association of Medical Aid Funds (Namaf), which has announced the formation of the Healthcare Provider Working Group and the Healthcare Provider Forum.

According to Namaf, the new platform aims to harness a wide array of functional expertise from healthcare providers to identify and resolve potential issues proactively, thereby minimizing costly mistakes, rework, and miscommunication.

Namaf’s initiative reflects a deep-seated commitment to tackling the challenges of waste and abuse within the healthcare system head-on.

By adopting stricter billing rules and guidelines, among other targeted strategies, the industry seeks to enhance efficiency and ensure the long-term viability of healthcare services in the country.

According to Namaf, the new collaborative approach stresses the need for sustainable solutions to the industry’s challenges that can only be achieved through the collective effort of all stakeholders.

According to the association, early signs of progress, with efficiencies already beginning to emerge from the strategies implemented across the healthcare and funding sectors have already been noticed.

Namaf pledged to continue its vigilant oversight of these strategies’ rollout, aiming to build a healthcare industry that not only meets the current needs of Namibians but also secures a healthier future for generations to come.

The association stated the new initiative is a significant milestone in Namibia’s healthcare journey, promising a shift towards a more collaborative, efficient, and sustainable healthcare system.

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