
The Thin Blue Line

The Time Traveler: Hugh Ellis I sincerely hope the Minister of Justice is wrong. The State of Emergency set up to deal with the Coronavirus pandemic was lifted last week on the night of September 17th. If Namibian social media is anything to go by, the next few days were filled with partying, drinking, non-mask wearing and lack of enforcement of social distancing and sanitising requirements. On September 19th, Minister of Justice Yvonne Dausab tweeted: ‘I too am very concerned. People have completely thrown caution to the wind. Parties are abound. Funerals are crowded. Music is loud. Masks are in…
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Ideologically hollow policies with cosmetic impact telltales of radical transformation

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Yours Truly Ideologically has been postulating about the essence of the national resistance, national liberation, from an ideological perspective. In a nutshell, about the essence of the Namibian Revolution, the ultimate, which must have been the unshackling of the capitalist chains. Especially unchaining workers from the colonial yoke. So that the toil of their labour is not a mere commodity but that they own the fruits of their labour. So that practically the workers, together with other social strata of society, commonly own the resources of the country, and the means of production thereof, to the equal benefit…
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Netflix – Movie Review:  Enola Holmes

Netflix – Movie Review: Enola Holmes

Jackie Wilson Asheeke I am a Sherlock Holmes fan from as far back as when I remember starting reading. I have read and re-read the Complete Sherlock Holmes and many other ‘spin offs’ for years. (Check out the books co-authored by basketball star Kareem Abdul-Jabbar about Mycroft Holmes!). Therefore, I was attracted to watch this Netflix movie about Holmes’ younger sister, Enola (or alone, spelled-backwards). I was disappointed. The basic write up of the story says that Enola, while searching for her missing mother, precocious teen Enola Holmes uses her sleuthing skills to outsmart big brother Sherlock and help a…
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Anglo American Namibia Foundation, De Beers group boost border screening capacity

Anglo American Namibia Foundation, De Beers group boost border screening capacity

Staff Writer The Anglo American Namibia Foundation (AANF) and De Beers Group, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, have announced the opening of new health screening facilities at the Ariamsvlei and Noordoewer port border posts in southern Namibia, to support country's efforts to protect citizens from the spread of Covid-19. The upgrading and construction of the facilities at the two main port border posts with South Africa cost a total of  N$ 4.4 million. The AANF and De Beers Group worked together with the Ministry of Health and Social Services to establish the facilities, which have been designed for…
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ANIREP gets NSX Main Board nod

ANIREP gets NSX Main Board nod

Staff Writer The Namibia Stock Exchange (NSX) has approved Alpha Namibia Industries Renewable Power Limited’s (ANIREP) application to be admitted on the NSX Main Board. The reclassification from a Capital Pool Company to the NSX Main Board shall be effective 01 October 2020. “The Board is pleased to announce to shareholders that an application to be admitted to the NSX Main Board, on finalization of the acquisition of majority shareholdings in two viable assets, has been approved,” the company said. “We have been advised by the NSX that ANIREP will be included in the FTSE NSX Index Series as of…
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PDM Youth League wants death penalty for abusers

PDM Youth League wants death penalty for abusers

Helena Johannes The Popular Democratic Movement Youth League (PDMYL) leadership members from the Khomas region is immediately calling on the government to introduce a death penalty law for perpetrators of Gender Based Violence (GBV) including rape and human trafficking in Namibia. They said this in a press statement provided by the PDMYL Khomas regional chairperson Alpha Uzera. “We are therefore of the strong opinion that rapists, perpetrators of Gender-based violence and human traffickers should receive the death penalty as punishment for their barbaric acts,” he said. Uzera added while respecting that people who commit this kind of crimes also have…
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No plans for further health regulations

No plans for further health regulations

Andrew Kathindi The Minister of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula, has ruled out further restrictions after admitting they are not likely to change anything, despite raising concerns of a steady rise in cases. The government last week gazzetted new regulations that were put in place after the state of emergency ended, under the Public and Environmental Act. Gatherings of more than 50 people are prohibited unless for school, work or government business, under the new laws while taxis continue to only carry three passengers. While the health minister has raised concerns of cases rising in crowded places, he has…
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Govt never consulted over Air Namibia salary cuts

Govt never consulted over Air Namibia salary cuts

Helena Johannes and Andrew Kathindi Government says it was never consulted by Air Namibia over its decision to cut workers’ salaries by 50 percent. Public Enterprises Minister, Leon Jooste, told the Windhoek Observer that the decision to cut employees’ salaries who have not been going to work, by 50 percent, came as a surprise to him as “the Ministry was not consulted on the matter. We were not consulted on any of this.” The Minister further noted that “Air Namibia has been receiving monthly subsidies specifically for paying salaries.” This revelation comes as the national flag carrier’s plan to cut…
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Rape: A horrific crime of violence

Namibia’s commitment to address the issue of rape and sexual assault must go beyond statements, prayers or whispers of outrage. We need to take action. We must change our society’s sexist, outdated views about females, cultural/traditional second-class citizenship regarding women and girls, and tacit approval of sexual assault by those in our families. We need aggressive prosecution of those accused; better forensic work to collect evidence; and those who know the rapists and have evidence must testify in court. Unfortunately, Namibia is not prepared to change; therefore, rape, sexual assault, molestation and incest will continue unabated. This is a tragedy.…
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Agribank makes new appointments

Agribank makes new appointments

Staff Writer Agribank has appointed its Organisational Development (OD) Manager Muhindua Kaura as the new Executive for Human Resources with effect from 1 October 2020. Kaura, who has been with the Bank since January 2015 will succeed Selma Ambunda, who is set to leave the Bank by the end of this month. The Bank has also appointed its Otjiwarongo Branch Control Officer Etuhole Ingo as the Regional Branch Manager for Oshakati, effective from 1 November 2020. Ingo is set to succeed Johannes Nekwaya, who will go on retirement after a life-long career of distinguished service to the Bank. Announcing their…
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