
The question so much is whether There’s still exploitation or not?

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro What went wrong with the socialist project? Read a headline to an opinion article by Uaripi Tjihenuna in the New Era last Wednesday. What a screaming headline, Yours Truly Ideologically could not but observe. Only that it was an opinion article, and tucked and/or hidden away for that matter on the eighth page of the edition, while to my mind it warranted the front page, to give more visibility and essence to its scream in view of the relevance and pertinence the author is raising in the article. This is a question that is long overdue if not…
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The Time Traveler: Why I support ‘economic empowerment’

Hugh Ellis The National Equitable Economic Empowerment bill (Neeeb) will soon be tabled in Parliament. Exactly what the latest version of the bill says - word-for-word - is not yet clear. While there were shortcomings in the previous drafts, it is hard not to agree with the principles of empowerment that they represent. I don’t agree with the apparent demand of the ‘private sector’ (here seeming to mean long-established businesses) to approve almost every last word before the bill goes before the National Assembly. It’s noble to consult the ‘haves’ of society, but eventually, if those who have already eaten…
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COVID-19 hits NTB revenues

COVID-19 hits NTB revenues

By Maria Hamutenya THE COVID-19 pandemic devasted Namibia’s tourism sector to an extent that the Namibia Tourism Board (NTB) only generated N$3 million in levies from October 2020 to March 2021. NTB chief executive officer Digu //Naobeb said this is a massive drop compared to N$17 million the board between October 2019 and March 2020, before the onset of the pandemic. “During that period, our revenue was N$17 million, and compared to the period from October 2020 to March 2021 we only made N$3 million. We are short by N$14 million,” he said. //Naobeb said the situation has been compounded…
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Muinjangue takes first Sinopharm jab

Muinjangue takes first Sinopharm jab

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri and Rose-Mary Haufiku DEPUTY minister of health, Ester Utjiua Muinjangue, became the first Namibian to be vaccinated against COVID-19 with the Chinese drug Sinopharm on Friday. Muinjangue said she took the vaccine to dispel fears about the safety of the drug which arrived in the country on Wednesday. “I did it to set an example and to encourage others to do so. We are leaders and we are requesting the community to get vaccinated. ‘’I am not worried because I know there are people in other countries who took it before us and are doing fine. Therefore, I…
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COVID-19 jab not compulsory – Shangula …. Essential services workers react

COVID-19 jab not compulsory – Shangula …. Essential services workers react

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri, Maria Hamutenya and Andrew Kathindi MINISTER of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula says no one, including members of the uniformed forces, will be forced to take the COVID-19 vaccine. This comes as the country on Friday began its roll-out of the Chinese manufactured Sinopharm vaccine, which arrived in Namibia earlier this week. “People who are live in closed settings like people in prisons, police cells, and school hostels are the ones we want to target in phase-one, but eventually everyone will have a chance to be vaccinated. The vaccine is voluntary. If you don’t want it, no…
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Capitalism versus Democracy a paradigm shift to Monopoly/Olygopoly versus one Party State

Issy Tjihoreko Introduction A lot of articles have been written about the concept capitalism and democracy as well as monopoly/oligopoly. This piece of article is trying to diagnose the concept of capitalism vs democracy with a paradigm shift to monopoly/oligopoly versus one party state in Namibia. The article is attempting to scrutinise the current Namibian situation and how these concepts are impacting the nation daily. It appeared that before independence, our liberation movements especially SWANU and SWAPO advocated for the ideology of socialism and communism as a form of desirable systems that should be applicable to a free and independent…
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Team Namibia, free market system shall never liberate the workers

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro The National Equitable Economic Empowerment Bill (NEEEB), which is to see the implementation of the National Equitable Economic Empowerment Framework(NEEEF) seems to have reveal the true characters of some of the organisations in our society. One of them is none other than Team Namibia, which all along has been making the country believe it is there in the best interest of the country, Namibia, hence its name Team Namibia. However it is becoming clear that Team Namibia is more than meets the eye in terms of its broader interests in Namibia, particularly those of Namibian workers. From Team…
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The Time Traveler: Queen for a day

Hugh Ellis By the time you read this, the Duchess of Sussex’s allegations of racism and victimization in the British Royal Family - more correctly in the bureaucracy that surrounds them - will have been headline news around the world for a week. As a Namibian with some - increasingly tenuous - links to the United Kingdom, I’m saddened but not surprised. Firstly, it lays bare the kind of subtle racism which Europe (as opposed to Southern Africa or the United States) specializes in. You’ll commonly find white Bits or Germans or Frenchmen as cleaners or gardeners, and it’s extremely…
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AstraZeneca faces mounting bans

AstraZeneca faces mounting bans

Kandjemuni Kamuiiri and Rose-Mary Haufiku Controversy continues to dog the AstraZeneca Covid-19 vaccine as several European countries suspending the use of AstraZeneca vaccine. Despite Namibian Minister of Health and Social Services, Kalumbi Shangula, remaining adamant that Government will go ahead with the procurement of the controversial vaccine through the COVAX facility. European media have been carrying reports that the AstraZeneca vaccine caused thromboembolic events or blood clots among some individuals who received the jab. Three of 17 European countries that have received the AstraZeneca vaccine (Denmark, Norway and Iceland) have, as a precautionary measure, stopped administering the vaccine while Italy,…
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Former SME Bank employees demand N$67m from Government

Former SME Bank employees demand N$67m from Government

Andrew Kathindi Former employees of the now defunct SME Bank are demanding over N$67 million from Government in payment at the value of 12 months’ salary. According to the 208 former employees of the bank, the claim is supported by the recent decision by Finance Minister, Iipumbu Shiimi, to pay out Air Namibia employees’ salaries for one year. The SME Bank employees received their termination of service letters on 25 July 2017, with some only receiving accrued annual leave days, pro-rata bonuses, severance pay and five years long service award for those eligible. “There was no retrenchment package. Nothing at…
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