
Crippling poverty knows no patriotism as ordinary South Africans seem to be showing!

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Since last weekend with the incarceration of former South African President, Jacob Zuma (JZ), to begin a 15-month jail sentence for contempt of court, South Africa has literally been under siege. The state of siege in some provinces, notably Gauteng and Kwazulu-Natal, has been linked by default or by deliberate ideological malice and twist to the incarceration of JZ. Conspiracy theories have been coming fast and thick, some gaining traction in implicating some South African citizens as agent provocateurs, among them the son of JZ, Duduzane Zuma, for instigating the unrests for own political agenda. A regime change…
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Vaccines are essential

Namibia must wage another liberation struggle to fight COVID-19. The enemy destroying lives in the Land of the Brave is no longer the apartheid army, Koevoets, or Imperial Schutztruppen, but COVID-19 and its variants. Vaccines will win the war; the government must arm the Namibian people with immediate effect. Namibia’s nearly 4,800 coronavirus cases last week is the highest rate in the world for that period. In the pandemic’s first wave last year, our country suffered less than 1,000 deaths, placing us on a list of one of the least affected countries in the world at that time. Those days…
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Long live Republic of Cuba!

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Global news has it that Cuba has developed her own Covid-19 vaccine with an efficacy of 92%. For any internationalist this is surely good news and one cannot but wish the Cuban people all the best in this great feat. Which, ultimately, knowing the international solidarity that Cuba has been renowned for years in not only believing and espousing it, but practically manifesting it, she is bound to benefit not only the Cuban people, but at one point or another she is bound to practically extend her achievements on the medicinal sphere, relating to the Pandemic on this…
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NamWater must come clean on Otavi water woes

Jefta M Gaoab The town of Otavi is strategically located in the Otjozondjupa region, in the area affectionately known as the Maize Triangle, endowed with natural free flowing water springs and reservoirs. It receives good rainfalls annually and the past rainy season was a blast. Water is life and a very scarce commodity in Namibia. On 25 March 2021, International Water Day was celebrated and Namibia also joined the rest of the world in celebrating this very important day that underscores the importance of water. From the onset, I must categorically state that I subscribe to the notion that where…
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Empire retooling, preparing for colonial comeback

Empire retooling, preparing for colonial comeback

African national liberation movements are not only being deconstructed and decentred via contemporary neoliberal discourses, but colonialists and imperialists have always made manifold efforts to destroy African liberation movements and other resistance movements throughout colonial history. Suffering natural attrition through the death of aging African national liberation fighters and leaders, African national liberation movements are in states of atrophy that is expedited and precipitated by liberal philosophies, organisations and institutions that have tripped the historic agenda of African national liberation movements. Indeed the epithet “movement” signifies ephemerality in contrast to organisational stability and permanence. With neoliberally inclined nongovernmental organisations and…
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Accept ye projects kingdom first and Germany will offer reparations later?

Yours Truly Ideologically cannot but be perplexed that those from the affected communities who must be in the better know and how, are the ones today in the forefront of delivering their communities on the altar of the second genocide. Because if the agreement between the Namibian government, and its German counterpart, needs to be seen as and/or called anything, then it is no more better than a second genocide against the very communities of the Ovaherero, Ovambanderu and Nama, that the agreement purported to reconcile and reconstruct. With the midwives of the purported reconciliation and reconstruction, sadly, none other…
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Pay for water and electricity with an eWallet

Pay for water and electricity with an eWallet

Staff Writer FNB Namibia has announced that its customers can pay for their water and electricity via its eWallet platform. “We are excited about another innovative offering that now allows our customers to pay their water and electricity account with an eWallet”, said Herman Kruger, FNB Head of Merchant Services and Fleet. “FNB Namibia customers can now pay their bills at municipalities and town councils all around the county using an eWallet. All customers have to do is dial *140*392# to access their eWallet, then select ‘Withdraw Cash’. They will then receive a One-Time PIN (OTP) and then give their…
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Namibia sorely in need of leftist ideological sanity

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Last Saturday the Activist School hosted a day-long seminar with renowned activists and ideologues like Lucy Edwards-Jauch, Gerson Tjihenuna and Shaun Whitaker from the Marxists Study Group. The seminar attracted participants from far afield as the Zambezi region, predominantly young people with a healthy balance of gender. It is encouraging to see such a blend taking a keen interest in the debate or/and seminar unpacking the virtues and vices and/or merits and demerits of Socialism versus Capitalism. Especially in a country like Namibia, that while emerging from Colonial Capitalism, have been seeming a-ideological if not unideological and anti-ideological.…
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Dundee supports community efforts to combat crime

Dundee supports community efforts to combat crime

Staff Writer Dundee Precious Metals Tsumeb Vice President and Managing Director, Zebra Kasete, handed over a donation of building materials valued at N$50, 000.00 to the Tsumeb Men and Women Network, in recognition of their community’s efforts to curb crime. The donation will be used to build an office from which the Men and Women Network will operate in collaboration with other volunteers. The Tsumeb Men and Women Network is a community policing volunteer organization that works in collaboration with local police in Tsumeb to fight crimes. “Violent and petty crimes are a growing problem in Namibia, particularly in informal…
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Gobabis residents demand ouster of corrupt municipal employees

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Gobabis Local Authority Coalition on Friday issued an ultimatum letter to the Office of the Governor of Omaheke, and the Municipality of Gobabis, demanding the immediate resignation of employees at the Gobabis Municipality involved in suspected cases of corruption. This comes amid allegations of rampant corruption and maladministration in the town’s municipality. “Any employee that is involved, but chooses to stay on and is then found guilty by the further detailed investigations and anticipated disciplinary actions, will have to face the consequences,” the letter warned if the employees do not comply with the demand. The Coalition is…
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