
The importance of appointing a proxy and executor

“Most of us have probably faced death and thought about our own mortality more often, and however daunting the prospect may be the consequences of not preparing for this inevitability can be devastating for those left behind when a family member passes away, which is something that has unfortunately happened far too often over the last few months,” says Taswald July, FNB Group Legal Advisor The bank has seen an alarming increase in cases where customers are faced with the incapacity or death of a loved one who had handled the finances and the family was left in the lurch…
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A peoples’ cause with no ideology!

Is the current demand by the Ovaherero, Ovambanderu and Nama for the recognition by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, that its predecessor government of the Imperialist Capitalist State of the Third Reich, committed genocide against their forebears, and to apologise and atone for such, namely pay reparations, based on any ideology or ought it to be based on any ideology? Yours Truly Ideologically is tempted to pose this question after some soul-searching, prompted by the retrogressive legacy Namibia’s liberation struggle, which, by the admission of those engaged in it, was not based on any ideology. Other than…
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Harness TRIPS Flexibilities to Promote access to medicines in Mozambique

Aquinaldo Mandlate According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), at least 400 million people lack basic healthcare and 1.6 billion live in countries where there is weak national capacity to deliver basic health services, posing a huge challenge to global health. Mozambique records high deaths due to non-communicable diseases including HIV (24%), malaria (15%), respiratory infections (6%), and diarrhoea (4%). There are challenges accessing essential medicines to treat these illnesses in rural areas and in some urban centres where a capitalist private sector controls distribution and sale of essential drugs. This contribution analyses Mozambique’s legal and regulatory framework on…
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Last will and testament of great importance in these times

Last will and testament of great importance in these times

“In the wake of the Covid-19 third wave we have seen numerous instances where couples have died, leaving children behind and families reeling with the aftermath,” says Anielle von Finckenstein, Head of FNB Fiduciary. FNB Fiduciary has been part of the challenging and emotional journey of numerous family members who have been left dealing with the administrative duties that need to be sorted if a loved one has passed away. “We have borne witness to families being left in a legal bind as there was either no will to work with or an extremely outdated one. We thus offer some…
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The redline menace, yet again

Once again, resistance to the existence of the infamous redline or so-called veterinary cordon fence that divides the North from the South of Namibia has flared. In May of this year, Affirmative Repositioning (AR) movement activist Job Amupanda filed a lawsuit in the High Court to eliminate the controversial barrier. We support Job’s intentions just as we have supported previous calls to remove the need for a redline. However, to remove the redline precipitously without planning and foolproof solutions for the need for a veterinary cordon barrier is irresponsible. The redline has been used as a hammer of repression against…
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Genocide, a human rights issue not a simple matter between two State actors

The article a fortnight ago in the Namibian newspapers by members of the Marxist Study Group of Namibia, Shaun Whittaker and Harry Boesak, headlined “Reparations and Nation building” is interesting as it is mentally enriching, thought-provoking, ideological and intellectual. In fact many a times Yours Truly Ideologically have been challenging the Namibian intelligentsia to make its voice heard and its intellect present in the ongoing debate on Genocide, Apology and Reparations. Because for some unknown reasons this important sector of the Namibian society has been ominously conspicuously absent in this debate. Which has been predominantly a playing if not trampling…
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A recommitment towards the youth: an insight into the third national youth policy

A recommitment towards the youth: an insight into the third national youth policy

The youth are the building blocks of a nation and increasingly the backbone of economies, especially in Africa. An investment into youth development is in turn an investment into the future of Namibia. It is therefore critical to mainstream youth development into the fabric of the national agenda. The First National Youth Policy was developed against this background and was first adopted in 1993. This version was then revised in 2006, which led to the Second National Youth Policy. These two documents were important for laying the foundation of the Third National Youth Policy (NYPIII) which is by far the…
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The Rise of eCommerce – is Namibia ready?

The Rise of eCommerce – is Namibia ready?

Reginald Obaking and Frans Uusiku eCommerce has become a buzz word as one of the key revelations of the 21st century economic realities. We have all witnessed the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic further reinforcing the importance of being able to buy and sell goods and services or transmitting funds or data over electronic networks. According to the United Nations’ report on eCommerce global view, global eCommerce as a share of global GDP was estimated at 30% in 2020, while its share of global retail sales has increased from 14% in 2019 to 17% in 2020. This highlights the ever-changing…
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Ending inequality and inequity key to ending AIDS as a public health threat

Felicita Hikuam The 2021 UNAIDS Global AIDS Update, launched last week, has rightly pointed out that addressing inequality and inequity are key amongst the issues that need to be urgently addressed over the next decade, which could arguably be the last frontier of the global response to HIV and AIDS. In many parts of the world including east and southern Africa, despite remarkable progress, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, inequality and inequity within and between countries, continue to deter progress in ending AIDS as a public health threat, as committed in the Sustainable Development Goals. In the recently adopted United Nations…
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Choices and bodily autonomy are key to development

Felicita Hikuam On 11 July, the world marked World Population Day, with the light shining brightly on the rights to bodily autonomy and integrity, which are prerequisites not only for realization of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), but also for overall socio-economic development in our countries and the entire world. The day is observed annually to raise awareness about global population issues such as family planning, sexual and reproductive health and rights, poverty, gender equality and human rights. This year’s theme was: “Rights and Choices are the Answer: Whether baby boom or bust, the solution to shifting fertility…
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