
Those with housing plots must deliver

Bravo to Oshakati officials for repossessing the unused plots hoarded by business entities. Better late than never. Make good on this needed act by putting those plots up for sale to citizens or other businesses desperate for serviced plots for houses. But that is not the story here. Plots held tight for no reason other than ego, fake social standing, and meaningless business plans beg the question of how (not why) businesses were allowed to squat indefinitely on serviced, and un-serviced land with the promise of building houses and they did not deliver. Our laws and regulations covering what happened…
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SORAs, placation of rural neglect, underdevelopment, retrogression

Recently, governors, as it has become fashionable and traditional, been delivering State of the Nation Addresses (SORAs). Listening to most of them, one cannot only wonder but also conclude that they may be no more than pure public relations exercises. Because as good sounding as most of them have been to a loyal ear, few seem to relay any substantive and/or developments with real and significant impact in the different regions of the country. Yours Truly Ideologically simply is not impressed with and about would be impact of the seeming developmental initiatives, which in essence are non-impact handouts sugarcoated by…
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Botswana loses out on TRIPS flexibilities

Botswana loses out on TRIPS flexibilities

Soraya Mentoor and Tebogo Gareitsanye COVID-19 has highlighted and exacerbated pre-existing inequalities including poverty, unemployment and struggling public health care systems between rich and poor countries. With many countries in Africa struggling with high levels of HIV, TB and other chronic conditions (regarded as comorbidities), the UNAIDS Global AIDS Update shows that people living with HIV are at a higher risk of COVID-19 morbidity and mortality, yet many cannot access life-saving vaccines. Lack of access to affordable essential medicine has been, and continues to afflict many people in developing countries due to monopoly and high pharmaceutical prices driven by patents…
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Reparations towards what end?

Reparations towards what end? Yours Truly Ideologically cannot shake off an innate fixation and intuition with this pertinent question. Amidst the debate within the reparations movement currently, whither to now with and in the reparations cause? A question that lately has been and is in the uppermost minds of most affected communities, and on their lips, be they Ovambanderu, Ovaherero and Nama. Prompted by the recent avowed Joint Declaration and Agreement between the Namibian government, and its counterpart of the Federal Republic of Germany on Genocide, Apology and Reparations (GAR). A Joint Declaration and Agreement, which apparent from the reactions…
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Get the vaccine

Let the cosmopolitan, distracted, and politically intolerant outside world fight over not taking the COVID for their strange reasons; here in Namibia, we don’t have that luxury. Everyone eligible must get the vaccine if they are available. Namibia is one of the most sparsely populated countries globally. We have relatively passable roads infrastructure and a small number of available vaccines versus the number of eligible and available recipients. One would think there would be a stampede on vaccination sites. People desperate to avoid sickness and death at the hands of COVID should be clamoring for their shots. There are not…
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FNB offers real help in times of need

FNB offers real help in times of need

“Unprecedented times call for real help and this is exactly what FNB Namibia is offering,” says Alna Booysen, FNB Premium and Consumer Head. “Not only are we extending a helping hand regarding numerous financing options, but we are also offering various options to our clients, which they need to be aware of and put in place in these trying times. This includes products and services such as wills and testaments, proxies, and funeral and life insurance policies.” Over the past few weeks, the bank has seen an alarming increase in cases where customers are faced with the incapacity or death…
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NANSO efforts pointed in wrong direction

The students’ union is fighting over the wrong issue. The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) received over 22,000 applications for state funding for the 2021 academic year and rejected 16,185. The Namibia National Student Organization (NANSO) is engaging the Fund on behalf of several hundred students who feel their applications were wrongly rejected. The real fight for the union is on behalf of all student recipients of education loans, past and present. All student loans must be converted to grants with service options for repayment. Our graduates, most of whom cannot find employment in their fields after graduation, need…
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The importance of appointing a proxy and executor

“Most of us have probably faced death and thought about our own mortality more often, and however daunting the prospect may be the consequences of not preparing for this inevitability can be devastating for those left behind when a family member passes away, which is something that has unfortunately happened far too often over the last few months,” says Taswald July, FNB Group Legal Advisor The bank has seen an alarming increase in cases where customers are faced with the incapacity or death of a loved one who had handled the finances and the family was left in the lurch…
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A peoples’ cause with no ideology!

Is the current demand by the Ovaherero, Ovambanderu and Nama for the recognition by the government of the Federal Republic of Germany, that its predecessor government of the Imperialist Capitalist State of the Third Reich, committed genocide against their forebears, and to apologise and atone for such, namely pay reparations, based on any ideology or ought it to be based on any ideology? Yours Truly Ideologically is tempted to pose this question after some soul-searching, prompted by the retrogressive legacy Namibia’s liberation struggle, which, by the admission of those engaged in it, was not based on any ideology. Other than…
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Harness TRIPS Flexibilities to Promote access to medicines in Mozambique

Aquinaldo Mandlate According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), at least 400 million people lack basic healthcare and 1.6 billion live in countries where there is weak national capacity to deliver basic health services, posing a huge challenge to global health. Mozambique records high deaths due to non-communicable diseases including HIV (24%), malaria (15%), respiratory infections (6%), and diarrhoea (4%). There are challenges accessing essential medicines to treat these illnesses in rural areas and in some urban centres where a capitalist private sector controls distribution and sale of essential drugs. This contribution analyses Mozambique’s legal and regulatory framework on…
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