
A youth with conscience and willingness to effect change: a dispensation must take place

A youth with conscience and willingness to effect change: a dispensation must take place

Sem David What a Namibian youth should do to effect changes in the country? As an advocate of youth empowerment and community development, I often ask myself where we are headed in this current state. It is concerning to observe the lack of understanding and limited participation among youth in the revolutionary process of change. We sit down and complain and attack each other on social media, ignoring the fact of what we are supposed to do to bring about the changes we claim to have. We are in a state of chaos and disarray, and it is only when…
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For mediocrity let’s get a landslide in November!

For mediocrity let’s get a landslide in November!

Are some of the political parties and formation and/or would be politicians what the Namibian voters deserve, and therefore they must accept and leave with them and the mediocrity presented to them? Yours Truly Ideologically cannot but pose this question. Since sooner in November the country is going to the polls when voters must make that important and crucial choice. A choice that every voter only makes every five years or so. Meaning, unless she/he makes that choice this November, for the next five years in one way or another she/he is doomed. Because given the nascent nature of Namibian…
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Leading green hydrogen with strategic partnerships and cutting-edge research

Chris Movirongo Climate change is one of the greatest challenges facing the global community, but it also presents a once in a lifetime opportunity for significant economic growth and expansion. For countries like Namibia, the climate emergency presents a chance to take control of its future energy needs and secure economic prosperity. As well as being an environmental imperative, decarbonation through the replacement of fossil fuels is the pathway to a stronger, more resilient economy and nation. It provides plentiful low-cost green energy and enhanced global competitiveness and diversifies the economy to future-proof it for a carbon-counting world. Namibia holds…
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Can Namibia’s Youth Lead the Nation?

Can Namibia’s Youth Lead the Nation?

Heiki Namboga In the midst of Namibia's political fervour, where every party seeks a seat in Parliament or the presidency, the predicament of young leaders is shown vividly. The emergence and eventual demise of young leaders such as Henny H. Seibeb (LPM), Sadam Amushelelo (NEFF), and Vipuakuye Muharukua (PDM) raises serious concerns about youth leadership, political stability, and maturity. While youth-oriented parties provide forums for policy advocacy and community representation, many young leaders leave due to internal party issues, discontentment, a lack of support, or sabotage. In this respect, Michael Sadam Amushelelo's activisms alongside the NEFF as an 'Advocate for…
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A must for GNU choice to radically tackle socio-economic deficit in SA

A must for GNU choice to radically tackle socio-economic deficit in SA

Cannot imagine how many analysis has been written, spoken and if you like proffered if not ram down the throats of many especially South Africans by an eclectic eminent family of analysts who before, during the South African elections have descended on her electoral-politico-economic terrain to make us wiser, if at all, about the developments there. No so much in an independent and neutral sense but desirous of the political pendulum swinging their own way, known o themselves. Because regime-change had written over some of them, echoing mutely that the African National Congress (ANC) regime be changed. Which was the…
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Understanding Youth Voter Turnout Trends and Behaviors in Namibia

Understanding Youth Voter Turnout Trends and Behaviors in Namibia

Appolonia Iithete Youth voter turnout in Namibia is not just a numerical statistic but a reflection of broader socio-economic, educational, and regional dynamics that shape political participation among young citizens. An understanding of these trends and behaviours is essential for identifying the obstacles to and possibilities for promoting a more representative and involved democracy. Socio-economic factors play a significant role in influencing youth voter turnout in Namibia. For many young Namibians, voting represents a pathway to influence policies that could address unemployment, improve economic prospects, and secure a better future. However, socio-economic disparities between urban and rural areas often create…
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The benefits of youth engagement in voting

The benefits of youth engagement in voting

Tomas Nashongo Youth participation in voting is fundamental to deciding our nation's future. Despite constituting a significant portion of the electorate, many young people remain disengaged and detached from political issues. Providing motivators that align with the interests and values of the youth is one of the most effective ways to engage them in governmental issues. Politicians can thus target youthful electors with their missions by understanding what drives this age. This could involve implementing programs such as providing contribution-free or heavily subsidised services, fostering professional development and educationally achievable outcomes, or advocating for causes that are important to young…
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Women, Gender parity and the Tourism Puzzle in Namibia

Women, Gender parity and the Tourism Puzzle in Namibia

Aradhana Khowala Those of us in the West like to think of ourselves as the centre of the progressive world. On a recent flight to Namibia where I was invited to give a keynote at the African Hospitality Investment Conference, a story riveted me and captured my attention because it had an ending that I didn’t expect. It was the recent Gender gap report from WEF and it was clear to me that we remain stubbornly stuck to our prejudices about Africa and it’s time for a rethink. Since its independence in 1990, Namibia has made strides in achieving gender…
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Local content in oil & gas: a catalyst for shared growth

Local content in oil & gas: a catalyst for shared growth

Ndapwilapo Selma Shimutwikeni In light of the recent oil and gas discoveries in Namibia, local content was a central focus at the recently concluded 6th edition of the Namibia International Energy Conference, which was attended by over 750 delegates from 46 nations. In the oil and gas industry, local content refers to the development of local industries, workforce, and resources to support the operations of international oil companies within a country. For Namibia, fostering ‘Namibian Content’ can significantly enhance economic growth, social development, and technological advancement. As highlighted by the World Bank, “Implementing effective local content policies can drive economic…
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Uninspiring leaders lacking ideology responsible for slow voter registration, likely voter turnout

Uninspiring leaders lacking ideology responsible for slow voter registration, likely voter turnout

Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) chief electoral officer Peter Shaama said recently that the ECN during the ongoing voter registration exercise it had then registered 366 036 voters. Which by that time was 21 percent in two weeks. Representing an average of 29 918 registered voters per day during the period 10 to 15 June. With the Khomas region then leading the process with 77 098 registered voters, followed by Ohangwena with 40 122 registered voters. The Zambezi region had registered the least voters (11 381), followed by the regions of Omaheke, Kunene, Hardap and /Karas. This pace may have…
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