
2024 Election: A Challenging Election Year in SWAPO Party History: The Legacy of Dr. Kandjafa in SWAPO Party.

2024 Election: A Challenging Election Year in SWAPO Party History: The Legacy of Dr. Kandjafa in SWAPO Party.

Stephanus Pombili SWAPO Party is notoriously known for stifling dissent, ousting those they perceive as threats, and eliminating those who outshine them in intelligence. In 1999, Ben Uulenga was labelled with derogatory terms, and the late Hidipo Hamutenya famously voiced out "It's called outside SWAPO party," while his colleague Cde Jerry Maudjuu Ekandjo branded him a "traitor" for advocating for justice and opposing constitutional amendments. Despite this being a common practice, the SWAPO party has failed to acknowledge the internal strife it is causing. An Oshikwamyama proverb states, "What is destroying the party is within the party." Ben Uulenga went…
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First competitive election for Namibia

First competitive election for Namibia

Mulopo Siseho In Namibia's 34 years of independence, the elections of 2024 will be the most competitive. The opposition political leaders, filled with high expectations, have prepared themselves and are ready to dance. win the upcoming presidential elections. The past South African 2024 elections, The ANC was baffled, which boosted the confidence of Namibian opposition leaders. Though safe, calling the previous elections uncompetitive is misguided. The recent elections in South Africa have sparked the high hopes of current opposition leaders. This has motivated them to vigorously compete for power. The same election might have also put the ruling party under…
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Namibia’s uncharted blue economy has a lot of potential

Namibia’s uncharted blue economy has a lot of potential

Josef Kefas Sheehama Given the potential for the blue economy to generate a significant number of direct and indirect jobs, Namibia has a great chance for long-term economic growth and development. The NDP 5 interventions can also be utilized to realize Namibia's Vision 2030 aspirations of eradicating poverty, decreasing inequality, and fostering an inclusive economy. Namibia must revive, implement robust climate change mitigation strategies, and maintain an eco-friendly economy that generates employment to preserve the ecosystems. The country will thereafter be able to effectively combat climate change. The green economy is defined by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) as…
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Voting as a Rite of Passage: Encouraging First-Time Voters in Namibia.

Voting as a Rite of Passage: Encouraging First-Time Voters in Namibia.

Thomas Nashongo The anatomy of Namibian democracy is dependent on the commitment of all those eligible to vote. While youth engagement is often highlighted, participation by all eligible age groups is as important.It is also critical to understand that first-time voters come from a variety of ages and backgrounds. Whether they are young or old while casting a ballot, newly registered first-time voters' voices are vital to delegate a democratic type of government. Namibian citizens should embrace voting as a civic duty and a rite of passage especially for first time voters. As a citizen of a vibrant democratic one…
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Did the system fail the youth? A Franz Fanon lens of Analysis

Did the system fail the youth? A Franz Fanon lens of Analysis

Johanna Hipangelwa In Namibia, as in many post-colonial nations, the question of whether the system has failed its youth is a pressing one. Franz Fanon's seminal work, particularly his ideas on decolonization and the psychological effects of colonialism, offers a lens through which we can critically examine this issue. Namibia’s independence from South Africa in 1990 after a protracted struggle, initially held promise for its youth. Liberation movements like SWAPO (South West Africa People's Organization) fought not just for political sovereignty but also for social justice and economic equity. However, decades later, many young Namibians find themselves grappling with systemic…
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Investors cannot, should not be left to own devices nor that of their handlers

Investors cannot, should not be left to own devices nor that of their handlers

YOURS Truly Ideologically cannot help but increasingly fear and get the impression that Namibia is heading for the worse economically. In that sooner rather than later she would have no natural resources of her own to speak of. Article 100 of the Namibian Constitution on the Sovereign Ownership of Natural Resources enshrines that: Land, water and natural resources below and above the surface of the land and in the continental shelf and within the territorial waters and the exclusive economic zone off Namibia shall belong o the Sate if they are not otherwise lawfully owned.” Be that as it may…
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Black people cannot be racist

Black people cannot be racist

Tomas Nashongo As a point of departure Frantz fanon posits that reality requires total comprehension. In society a black man who acts, dresses and enunciates his words like a white man is considered well-articulated and educated. Subsequently a white man imitating a black man is rather uncommon. In turn racism is fundamentally about racial hierarchy and power. The misconception comes in when racism is abruptly defined as verbal discrimination based on skin color, racism has to do with systematic power. Systematic power hosts racism through various practices and policies in society and institutions . Such as how the Namibia legal…
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A Hero’s Path to Reconciliation and Nation-Building: Review of “My Journey” by Nico Kaiyamo.

A Hero’s Path to Reconciliation and Nation-Building: Review of “My Journey” by Nico Kaiyamo.

Ndumba J Kamwanyah Niko Kaiyamo’s autobiography, "My Journey," stands as a testament to the transformative power of personal and collective resilience. Set against the backdrop of Namibia’s transition from colonial rule to independence, the book provides an intimate look into Kaiyamo’s life and the broader historical events that shaped his nation. Contribution to Reconciliation and Nation-Building: Kaiyamo’s narrative plays a crucial role in Namibia's ongoing reconciliation and nation-building efforts. Through his detailed recounting of personal sacrifices and the values of faith, family, and friendship, he underscores the importance of addressing historical injustices to build a cohesive and peaceful society. His…
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 Analysing the performance of Namibia’s young parliamentarians

 Analysing the performance of Namibia’s young parliamentarians

Appolonia Iithete  In recent years, Namibia has observed a transformative evolution in its political landscape, driven by the dynamic rise of young parliamentarians championing youth empowerment and innovation. These young leaders, entering political arenas early in their careers, have demonstrated remarkable resilience and vision, challenging conventional scepticism and redefining leadership expectations. In their roles, these parliamentarians have not only tackled pressing issues but also initiated transformative projects that resonate across the country. Their commitment to innovation and inclusivity has brought tangible advancements, from digital transformations to environmental sustainability efforts. One notable initiative is their advocacy for women's and adolescent sexual…
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Why Vote?

Why Vote?

Henning Melber After the horror of the Nazi regime and witnessing the Soviet dictatorship under Stalin, the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill declared in 1947:  ‘Many forms of Government have been tried, and will be tried in this world of sin and woe.  No one pretends that democracy is perfect or all-wise.  Indeed it has been said that democracy is the worst form of Government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time.…’ Namibian Fight for Democracy Namibians suffered under white minority rule until 1990. There was no democracy.  Only whites were entitled to…
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