
The Urgency of Building a Nation Brand for Namibia: How Brand Namibia can improve its global competitiveness to attract investment and tourism

The Urgency of Building a Nation Brand for Namibia: How Brand Namibia can improve its global competitiveness to attract investment and tourism

Victoria I. Shimweefeleni Often, when the term “brand” or “branding” is mentioned, it is mistakenly narrowed down to a specific attribute like a logo, name, design, or even a social media post, packaging, or signage. Although the term brand encompasses numerous definitions, in essence, a brand serves to communicate a unique narrative to customers or target market, foster trust, shape perceptions, and cultivate relationships with them. This makes branding imperative, as it elevates the offering, presenting an opportunity to differentiate it apart from its rivals. Let’s talk nation branding Just as products and services can be branded, so too can…
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Equality at the Olympics: Can Media Replicate?

Equality at the Olympics: Can Media Replicate?

Yemisi Akinbobola The Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic games saw a historic 50:50 representation . To show just how far we’ve come, compare it with 2.2% female representation among athletes in the 1900 Olympics. Whilst we celebrate this achievement with the world, unfortunately, gender eligibility was the issue that dominated the headlines, resulting in a barrage of online attacks on Algerian boxer Imane Khelif. Khelif’s story is not new to the experiences of African women athletes. Women like Caster Semenya (South Africa), Beatrice Masilingi (Namibia), Aminatou Seyni (Niger), Annet Negesa (Uganda) and Maximila Imali (Kenya) have all been prevented from…
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Nationalisation in best interest of people or capitalism in the best interest of investors?

Nationalisation in best interest of people or capitalism in the best interest of investors?

Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro What are Namibia’s economic priorities, especially as far as it relates to the owners of her natural resources who in the past did not only benefit from them but were also dispossessed of them and alienated from the? This question is utmost pertinent in view of the seeming lack of transformation in Namibia. Not only in view of this only but also cognisant of the overzealous search for investors. Whose investing in Namibia seems to be tilted more in their own interest then in the best interest of the country in terms of the benefits from the investments…
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An analysis of the ruling party of Namibia: 1990 – 2024

An analysis of the ruling party of Namibia: 1990 – 2024

Mulopo Siseho South West Africa People’s Organization (Swapo) is recognised as a freedom fighter party in Namibia. It has been the ruling party of Namibia since the country’s independence, winning all six democratic elections that have taken place in the country. It is then important to analyse this political party's trend, as it has built itself up to become a formidable pillar in Namibian politics, facing the upcoming presidential elections. Well, an optimistic observation is that it has been regarded by Namibians as a political party that fought hard for the independence of this country and has taken care of…
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Erasmus Nekundi As a nation, we acknowledge that we still have a fraction of the population whose full participation in the economy is restricted due to the digital divide. This exclusion continues to be a critical hindrance to equal access to information and ultimately, to the developmental agenda and prosperity of many developing countries. While we constantly keep on adapting and leveraging the new technological infrastructure, a meaningful impact is due when we make information and communication technology accessible to all citizens, hence the country’s incessant effort in investing in broadband technology that will give remote areas quality internet connectivity.…
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Paul Shipale President Paul Kagame was recently re-elected as Rwanda's President, and inaugurated on Sunday, 11 August 2024, in a grand ceremony marked by pomp and color at the fully packed Amahoro Stadium held in the capital, Kigali. What triggered my interest and curiosity here was when President Kagame took the Oath of Office and signed the certificate of inauguration, followed by when he was given the instruments of power or the National Symbols which are; a Constitution, a National Flag and National Coat of Arms. The oath was administered by Chief Justice Faustin Ntezilyayo at an inauguration ceremony attended…
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The fabric of separation of powers in Namibia: A case study of Michael Saddam Amushelelo and NamRA

The fabric of separation of powers in Namibia: A case study of Michael Saddam Amushelelo and NamRA

Thomas Nashongo The mandate of the Namibian Revenue Agency (NamRA), as outlined in the Namibian Constitution Act of 2017 (Act No. 12 of 2017), is to function as a state agent responsible for the collection and assessment of taxes, along with other forms of government revenue. In this capacity, NamRA plays a crucial role in ensuring compliance and efficiency in the nation’s financial system that operates under the supervision and guidance of the ministry of finance. The Namibian Revenue Agency (NamRA), plays a pivotal role in upholding government revenue through tax collection, which brings about social and economic development. The…
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The Power of Your Vote: Why Every Namibian Should Vote on November 27

Sakaria Johannes As Namibia approaches the election on November 27, it's crucial to reflect on the importance of voting. Many people, especially young Namibians, often feel disconnected from politics or believe that their vote doesn't matter. However, understanding the significance of voting and its impact on our lives can empower us to act and shape the future of our nation. The Social Contract and Your Role In political science, the concept of social contract is fundamental. It refers to an implicit agreement among members of a society to cooperate for social benefits. By participating in this contract, we agree to…
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Recommendations to ECN for effective November 2024 election preparation

Recommendations to ECN for effective November 2024 election preparation

Sem David Huge props to Namibians who understood the need of maintaining electoral democracy and took the initiative to assert their constitutional right to participate in decision-making and advance democracy. Out of the 3 million eligible Namibians, 1,467,604 registered to vote. This seems like a strong indication that either most Namibians still do not understand their constitutional rights to democracy or that not enough has been done to compel and attract the interests of the majority to register. Consider that it is insignificant compared to the 2.2 million youth in Namibia. It is easy to declare that people are not…
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Addressing unemployment: a call for government-driven job creation

Addressing unemployment: a call for government-driven job creation

Tomas Nashongo The road to prosperity is paved with the labour of its citizens, yet too many are left without a path. The unemployment endemic is a global crisis described as a state where eligible members of the workforce who are willing and able to work cannot find employment. Namibia has a high unemployment rate, which averaged 20.94 percent from 1991 until 2023 and is predicted to be 20.70 percent by the end of 2024. There is a high dependency on the mining and agricultural sectors for employment, which shows limited job diversity and a lack of capital to venture…
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