Observer Money

Uis Tin undergoes restructuring

Uis Tin undergoes restructuring

CHAMWE KAIRA Andrada Mining Limited, the technology metals mining company with a portfolio of mining and exploration assets in Namibia has executed a legally binding agreement to restructure Uis Tin Mining Company (UTMC), the operational Namibian entity that holds the company's licences (ML133, ML134 and ML129) to ensure a more efficient corporate structure going forward, subject to certain conditions. The company is seeking to increase its ownership interest in UTMC, from 85% to 100% through the acquisition of the 15% interest currently held by the Small Miners of Uis (SMU). “We believe that this transaction reflects the strong and collaborative…
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Nedbank to finance Tumas project

Nedbank to finance Tumas project

CHAMWE KAIRA Deep Yellow has appointed Nedbank Limited as mandated lead arranger and sole book runner to coordinate the project financing for the Tumas Project. Nedbank has a strong track record in uranium project financing and will form a banking syndicate and will oversee the due diligence and documentation process. “Nedbank has an extensive track record in financing mining projects across Africa, including uranium, and previously worked with the current Deep Yellow management team in leading project financings for a uranium project in Namibia and a second African project. It is this strong working relationship and Nedbank’s extensive experience which…
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CRAN prepares for Universal Service Fund

CRAN prepares for Universal Service Fund

The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN), CEO Emilia Nghikembua talks about investments in the communication sector, Starlink submitting an application for licences, the Universal Service Fund and CRAN's position on streaming services. Observer Money (OM): It was reported by CRAN that investments in the Namibian telecommunications sector reached N$267 million during the first quarter of 2024, marking a substantial increase from the N$137 million recorded in the fourth quarter of 2023. What do you expect for the rest of the year? Emilia Nghikembua (EN): The Authority expects continuous growth in ICT investment throughout the remainder of the year. This…
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Manganese exports via Lüderitz to increase

Manganese exports via Lüderitz to increase

CHAMWE KAIRA The Walvis Bay Corridor Group anticipates an increase in manganese exports via the Port of Lüderitz, commencing in the third quarter of 2024, CEO Mbahupu Tjivikua disclosed to Observer Money. He noted that indications are that there is a notable growth in cargo volumes, driven by an increasing demand for goods across key markets such as Angola, Botswana, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Expansion in mining activities, particularly in DRC, Botswana and Zambia, are contributing to the increased demand for transport and logistics services, he noted. The other growth factors are…
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Railway project at procurement stage

Railway project at procurement stage

CHAMWE KAIRA The proposed upgrades of railway infrastructure under funding from the African Development Bank and the Namibian government is at procurement stage with some activities on the ground. However, no implementation of any activity has yet started, except preparation and compilation of solicitation documents, Robert Kalomho director of railway infrastructure management said when asked about the progress on the project. The funding from both the AFDB and the government totals about N$7,6 billion. The project will see the upgrade of the section between Kranzberg to Otjiwarongo and Kalomho said this will take up to four years to complete. In…
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Andrada Mining delivers first tantalum

Andrada Mining delivers first tantalum

CHAMWE KAIRA Andrada Mining CEO, Anthony Viljoen has said despite the plant outages in April the mine has successfully produced and delivered its first five-tonne consignment of tantalum from its Uis Tin Mine to during the quarter ended 31 May, with the second consignment produced and targeted for shipment in the second quarter. The company’s assets in Namibia include the Uis Tin Mine with significant by-product potential for lithium and tantalum. The other mine is the Lithium Ridge (Nai-Nais), which is a lithium, tin and tantalum operation. The other two assets are Spodumene Hill, a lithium, tin and tantalum mine…
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NaCC seeks additional clarification on Osino deal

NaCC seeks additional clarification on Osino deal

CHAMWE KAIRA Osino Resources Corp has provided an update on the expected conclusion of the regulatory process for the previously announced Yintai transaction in Namibia. Osino and the Namibian Competition Commission continue to engage in the ordinary course of the NCC’s merger review process as the NCC considers the application of the previously announced statutory plan of arrangement under which Yintai Gold will acquire all of the outstanding common shares of Osino for cash consideration of C$1.90 for each Osino Share, the company said. After receiving the third of three Chinese regulatory approvals on May 28, competition law clearance from…
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Bannerman halts trading on ASX

Bannerman halts trading on ASX

CHAMWE KAIRA Bannerman Energy Ltd, which is developing the Etango uranium project in the Erongo Region has requested an immediate trading halt be granted by Australia Stock Exchange in respect of its ordinary shares. The trading halt is requested in connection with a proposed capital raising to be conducted by the company. Explaining the reason for trading halt, the company said trading halt is requested pending the release of an announcement regarding a capital raising. On the duration of the trading halt, the company said it anticipates that the trading halt will remain in place until the earlier of such…
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FIC record N$24.8m surplus

FIC record N$24.8m surplus

CHAMWE KAIRA The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) said in its annual report for the financial year ending 31 March that surplus for the year increased by N$ 28.3 million from a N$ 3.5 million deficit in 2023 to a surplus of N$ 24.8 million in 2024. Total operating expenses increased by N$ 3.9 million from N$ 45.2 million in 2023 to 49.1 million in 2024. Total assets increased by N$ 25 million from N$ 26.9 million in 2023 to N$ 51.9 million in 2024. Total investments decreased by N$ 8.9 million from N$ 12.6 million in 2023 to N$ 3.7…
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Omaheke uranium mining draws international scientists

Omaheke uranium mining draws international scientists

CHAMWE KAIRA At a high-level meeting, held in Mariental on 17 June, international scientists from UNESCO, Malcolm Siegel and Amie Legget mentioned that more information, namely hydrogeological and hydro geochemical data, is needed to make acknowledgeable decision regarding a major In-Situ Recovery (ISR) uranium mining project in the Leonardville area, Omaheke Region. Headspring Investments (HSI), which holds eight active Exclusive Exploration Licenses (EPLs) and eight active Environmental Clearance Certificates (ECCs) for the EPLs, has said it fully concurs with the views of these scientists. “We also confirm that we are prepared to continue and complete exploration drilling, conduct comprehensive studies…
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