Observer Money

Ministry cuts funding to private schools

Ministry cuts funding to private schools

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Education has discontinued funding private schools after discovering it was not uniformly done. Education ministry executive director Sanet Steenkamp said the ministry put a stop to funding after discovering that certain conditions for funding, such as providing scholarships for 10 percent of its enrollment to vulnerable children, was not being met. Some private schools were also heavily reliant on the subsidy and could not prove that they were self-reliant. N$87 million per annum was dispersed to private schools in the past. Steenkamp said that while the economic downturn of the last three years has also…
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Nampol welcomes alcohol ban

Nampol welcomes alcohol ban

Staff Writer The Namibian Police Force (NAMPOL) has welcomed the newly amended government regulations which have imposed a total ban on the sale of alcoholic beverages during the on-going lockdown, reversing earlier regulations which had allowed alcohol with a content below 3 percent to be sold. Under the new gazetted regulations, liquor is now defined as any spirits, wine, beer, cider or other beverage containing alcohol intended for human consumption, excluding alcohol intended to be used for medicinal purposes. “The amended regulations make it easier for us to enforce the lockdown and we are glad the leaders heeded to our…
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Conservation sustainability gets N$16 million boost

Conservation sustainability gets N$16 million boost

Andrew Kathindi A total of N$16 million has been raised for the Conservation Relief, Recovery and Resilient Facility which aims to address the long-term impacts associated with COVID-19 on the sustainability of the Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Program in Namibia. Of this amount, the Namibia Association for CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) will receive N$7.5 million. The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) pledged an amount of N$1.5 million, while Nedbank Namibia has pledged an amount of N$1 million to the project. This amount is about a quarter of the conservancy income from tourism operations…
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Informal sector sidelined

Informal sector sidelined

Andrew Kathindi Informal sector traders have accused government and the City of Windhoek of sidelining them when it came to polices regarding their operations during and post-lockdown. According to Namibia Informal Sector Organisation’s Secretary General, Veripi Kandenge, the 7,000-member strong organization was never consulted by government and the city council regarding its members’ concerns and operating conditions. “We have not been consulted about the way forward regarding the opening of markets despite certain informal markets set to reopen by Monday,” he said, “We call on policy-makers to include the informal sector representatives when developing policies concerning them. Our sector provides…
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Founding father donates to COVID-19

Founding father donates to COVID-19

Staff Writer Founding President Sam Nujoma handed over a donation of basic necessities and food parcels valued at a total of N$40,500 to the Office of the Prime Minister to be used in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. “Indeed, following the declared state of emergency by the Head of State and the subsequent lockdown of the whole country on account of the COVID-19 pandemic and now the gradual ease on the lockdown, we are aware that our government has established a multi-sectoral national coordination mechanism. The government has asked all stakeholders such as private health sector, the business community…
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Air Namibia to reassess COVID-19 impact

Air Namibia to reassess COVID-19 impact

Andrew Kathindi Air Namibia Acting MD Elia Erastus said the airline will review the full impact of COVID-19 on its operations after 36 months even though they’ve managed to fully retain staff and pay salaries during the lockdown. Erastus revealed that Air Namibia has had zero revenue generation in the last month. He was hopeful the relaxation of lockdown regulations would allow the airline to focus on internal flights and generate some revenue. Erastus said the national airline will focus on regional flights to curb competition. He points out that the negative ripple effect of COVID-19 on airline operations is…
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China debt relief not on the table-Shiimi

China debt relief not on the table-Shiimi

Staff Writer Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi says government has not considered appealing for debt relief from China, in light of the increased financial burden that the emergence of COVID-19 has had on government coffers. This comes as government has continued to dig deep to fund various grants to assist those that have been hardest-hit by the effect of COVID 19 such as businesses and workers in tourism, construction and other service sectors. “It is not something that we have looked at and we don’t have a government position on that,” the finance minister said. Of the N$93 billion that government…
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N$600m lost in the arts sector

N$600m lost in the arts sector

Andrew Kathindi The chairman of the National Arts Council of Namibia (NACN), Patrick Sam says around N$600 million in potential revenue has been lost in the Namibian arts and entertainment sector due to the COVID-19. He attributes this to a number of shows, events, arts sector based public gatherings that have been cancelled or postponed as well as advertising firms’ projects called off due to the lockdown. “We currently have 143 individual members and 22 organizations registered. There are no statistics available to gather the data of the wide-reaching impact of the pandemic because the sector has not been prioritized…
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ECB declines power tariff hike

ECB declines power tariff hike

Staff Writer Electricity Control Board (ECB) has declined NamPower’s tariff application for an effective bulk tariff (inclusive of generation and transmission) increase of 3.9 percent for the financial period 2020/2021. This would have seen an increase from an average N$ 1.65 per kilowatthour to N$ 1.71 per kilowatt-hour. “In determining the tariff, the ECB considered several factors, including the impact of the tariffs on the Electricity Supply Industry, consumers and the economy at large. In particular, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the industry and the consumers as well as the current economic climate,” ECB Chief Executive Officer, Foibe…
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Utoni clueless on COVID-19 labour impacts

Utoni clueless on COVID-19 labour impacts

Andrew Kathindi Minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, Utoni Nujoma is clueless on the number of jobs that have been lost during the period of the COVID-19 pandemic. “I’m not in a position to give figures on lost jobs. You will have to get those details from the regions,” said the minister, whose ministry is key towards providing guidance to employers and employees affected by the coronavirus outbreak. Despite admitting that the labour market was in turmoil even before the COVID-19 outbreak, the minister failed to provide estimated job loses post-outbreak and what measures were being implemented to…
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