Observer Money

Taxis reject curfew

Taxis reject curfew

Andrew Kathindi Taxis drivers have stated they will not comply with the curfew regulations if government moves ahead to include them, as Windhoek and 5 towns begin lockdown curfew. This comes after government on Wednesday hinted at extending the curfew laws to taxi drivers as it might encourage people to move around, beyond the permissible hours. Namibia Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU) leader Werner Januarie told Windhoek Observer that government has not yet consulted them on this matter and he would not agree to a curfew on taxi drivers from 8pm. He further said that taxi drivers would not survive…
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Swartbooi calls for parallel genocide negotiations

Swartbooi calls for parallel genocide negotiations

Andrew Kathindi Landless People Movement (LPM) leader Bernard Swartbooi has urged communities affected by the 1904-1908 Nama and Ovaherero genocide committed by Germans to form their own technical negotiating team, independent of the Namibian government. This comes after government earlier this week announced that while the €10 million offer made by Germany’s negotiating team was not enough, the reparation funds will eventually be used for costed projects from seven identified regions in the country. The regions are //Kharas, Hardap, Khomas, Kunene, Omaheke, Otjozondjupa and Erongo. “The affected communities must now wake up and stop just demanding to want to be…
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Debmarine and Unam launch Covid-19 testing lab

Debmarine and Unam launch Covid-19 testing lab

Staff Writer In the wake of increasing transmission of COVID-19 across Namibia, Debmarine Namibia and the University of Namibia have teamed up and established a laboratory that is licensed to conduct COVID-19 tests as from 3 August 2020. Debmarine Namibia acquired a COVID-19 PCR testing laboratory and signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) with the University of Namibia (UNAM), School of Medicine to conduct tests. “The sponsorship will support Government efforts in the national fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this sponsorship supports the Company’s internal focus on protecting and testing its employees as well.” ”UNAM’s rich profile of science…
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Prime Minister, Deputy PM in  Corona scare

Prime Minister, Deputy PM in Corona scare

Staff Writer Health minister, Kalumbi Shangula has revealed that Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and Deputy Prime minister and Minister of International Relations, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah are currently self-isolating at their homes as part of COVID-19 precautionary measures. According the Health minister, the Prime Minister took the measures after coming into contact with a positive case, while Nandi-Ndaitwah self-isolated after a staff member at her ministry tested positive for COVID-19. “The Deputy Prime minister is also at home isolating. She did not test positive, but it’s because of the case of one of the staff members. The Prime Minister is also isolating…
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Robert Mugabe Clinic overwhelmed . . . as Windhoek’s expanded testing still to roll out

Robert Mugabe Clinic overwhelmed . . . as Windhoek’s expanded testing still to roll out

Andrew Kathindi Government is yet to implement its expanded testing organized program in Windhoek, which has led to long lines at the Robert Mugabe Clinic where swabs are collected for the general public that has no private insurance. This comes nearly a week after Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula raised concerns over rising cases in the capital city, as 152 cases were recorded this week in Windhoek within two days as community transmission without known contact traces becomes prevalent. Health Executive Director, Ben Nangombe said the Ministry will create more spaces for people to be able to be swabbed so that…
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Namibia reverts to stage 3 restrictions

Namibia reverts to stage 3 restrictions

Andrew Kathindi President Hage Geingob ordered that the country revert to stage 3 of the state of emergency lockdown starting Wednesday midnight 12 August, amid rising COVID-19 cases in the country, particularly Windhoek. The lockdown according to Geingob, will last for 16 days and as part of the new dispensation, measures which were applicable to Walvis Bay, Swakopmund and Arandis have now extended to Windhoek, Okahandja and Rehoboth. The new measures include a curfew on the mentioned local areas which will prohibit the movement of people between 20:00 to 05:00 daily. “These have not been easy decisions to take, but…
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ECN appeals PDM list ruling

ECN appeals PDM list ruling

Andrew Kathindi The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has on Tuesday appealed the High Court’s ruling on the amendment of the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) parliamentary list. This comes after ECN boss Theo Mujoro previously told Windhoek Observer that the commission did nothing wrong. Government Attorney, Mati Asino, who represents the ECN, confirmed the decision to appeal the ruling. “Our client gave us instructions to appeal because they strongly feel that they have good prospect of success. We are not just appealing for the sake of appealing, there’s good reason why, and those will be presented in court,” he told…
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NSFAF rocked by impropriety claims

NSFAF rocked by impropriety claims

Staff Writer Higher Education, Training and Innovation minister, Itah Kandji-Murangi on Tuesday said she will summon the Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) board and management to explain various allegation of impropriety at the fund. This comes as a letter written by a concerned staff member making rounds, raised various allegations against the organization, including cases of staff victimization, corruption and wasteful expenditure running into millions. “I have received the letter from the Acting Chief Executive Officer and when a letter like this brings out significant allegations, it calls for them to be looked into. Given the magnitude of the…
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Genocide reparations to fund regional projects

Genocide reparations to fund regional projects

Andrew Kathindi Government has announced that repatriation funds from Germany for the genocide on Herero and Nama people at the start of the last century, when eventually received, will be used for costed projects from seven identified regions in the country. This comes as President Hage Geingob stated that the offer for reparations made by the German Government remains an outstanding issue and is not acceptable to Namibia in its current form, as negotiations continue. Germany made an N$206 million dollar (Euro 10 million) settlement offer as part of reparations. According to a statement by the Presidency, the Special Committee…
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NAMCOR board appointed

NAMCOR board appointed

Staff Writer Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste on Monday announced a new National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) board to be chaired by Nampost Executive, Jennifer Comalie. MTC Chief Human Capital and Corporate Affairs Officer, Tim Ekandjo who was recently appointed Deputy Chairperson of the Namibian Broadcasting Corporation, will take up a similar role in the new look board, which has seen former board Chairperson, Engelhardt Kongoro becoming an ordinary board member. Professional Coach, Movational Speaker and Human Resources Executive, Florentia Amuenje was also appointed to the board with Namdia board member, Selma Shimutwikeni. Tresia //Gowases and previous board member,…
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