Observer Money

CoW stalls decongestion plan

CoW stalls decongestion plan

Andrew Kathindi The City of Windhoek has yet to take action on decongesting the informal areas of Windhoek amidst rising COVID-19 cases, nearly a month after President Hage Geingob gave the directive. Urban and Rural Development Ministry Executive Director (ED), Nghidinwa Daniel confirmed to Windhoek Observer last month that the ministry had given directives to the Windhoek local authority to implement the decongestion plan. Chairperson of the City management committee Moses Shiikwa had previously stated that implementation would likely take place at the end of August, as it would need to go through the channels, passing through the Committee before…
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Health Ministry dismisses Remdesivir concerns …orders second batch

Health Ministry dismisses Remdesivir concerns …orders second batch

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) has placed a second order for a batch of Remdesivir, the antiviral medicine being used worldwide to treat COVID-19 patients despite growing debate over the safety and efficiency of the medication. This comes after the ministry has spent N$1 million for 1,000 vials for the first batch that came into the country last week. Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula confirmed that the medicine is already being prescribed to patients as it has been shown to shorten the recovery time in patients. “The medicine is part of our essential medicines and will…
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Shiimi pushes for Shivute at NamRA …as board remains in the dark

Shiimi pushes for Shivute at NamRA …as board remains in the dark

Staff Writer Bank of Namibia (BoN) Director of Banking Services, Sam Shivute is front runner to land the Commissioner position at the newly established Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) amid allegations that Finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi has deliberately pushed through the candidature of his former colleague in a questionable recruitment process. This comes as insiders revealed that Shiimi had forwarded three names for cabinet’s consideration, with Shivute scoring 20 points more than other candidates despite his lack of an accounting or tax background, a key requisite for the post. The scoring of the Shivute is said to have raised concern among…
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Telecom receives 72 CEO applications

Telecom receives 72 CEO applications

Staff Writer Telecom Namibia says it has received 72 applications for its Chief Executive Officer (CEO) position which has been vacant following the exit of Theo Klein. According to the government-owned telecoms operator, 13 of the applicants are female and 59 are male. “The board intends to have the recruitment and selection process concluded by end of September 2020, at which stage we hope to have identified a suitable qualified candidate to assume the role,” Telecom Board Chairperson, Jerry Muadinohamba said. The Muadinohamba-led board was appointed for a three-month period, effective 08 July 2020 to 08 October 2020. Government through…
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Govt rules out SOE bailout … as Air Namibia remains grounded

Govt rules out SOE bailout … as Air Namibia remains grounded

Staff Writer Public Enterprises minister Leon Jooste maintains that the government has no immediate plans to bailout any State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) despite a number that have been hard hit by the negative impacts of COVID-19. This comes as SOEs such as Air Namibia have already raised alarm bells. The national carrier already had an existing precarious financial position which was made worse by the pandemic. Jooste, however, said the government going forward maybe be forced to come to the aid of some SOEs if the negative effects of COVID-19 become prolonged. “We are monitoring the situation continuously and assessing…
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Parents support schools reopening – Ministry … as union approaches Prime Minister again

Parents support schools reopening – Ministry … as union approaches Prime Minister again

Andrew Kathindi The Education Ministry maintains that 64 percent of participants in its survey on the best way to proceed with learning amidst the pandemic indicated a desire to return to face-to-face teaching. This comes as Namibia National Teachers Union (NANTU) is set to meet the Prime Minister, Saara Kuugongelwa on Tuesday to voice its displeasure at President Hage Geingob’s announcement that grades 0-9 should reopen for face-to-face teaching on 7 September. According to the Ministry, it received feedback from 18,000 respondents. Of these 8,712 were parents; 4, 778 teachers and 2,820 learners while 1,565 were community members, drawn mostly…
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Gvt suspends solidarity, wealth tax plans

Gvt suspends solidarity, wealth tax plans

Andrew Kathindi The solidarity wealth tax which was proposed over two years ago by then Finance Minister Calle Schlettwein has been dropped due to lack of support, the Agriculture, Water and Land Minister has revealed. In its place, a “proper” wealth tax was proposed before his change in portfolio; however that too was met with opposition and has since been put on the back burner due to COVID-19. Finance Ministry spokesperson Tonateni Shidhudhu said the wealth tax has been set aside to focus on other options. “The Wealth Tax and the Solidarity Tax were just ideas to augment the revenue…
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Namibia placed under national curfew the country opens borders to tourists

Namibia placed under national curfew the country opens borders to tourists

Andrew Kathindi President Hage Geingob has extended stage 3 lockdown measures currently in place across the country’s 14 regions for an additional period of 14 days. The President has also extended the curfew, which was introduced on 13 August and currently being enforced in Erongo and Khomas regions, between 8PM and 5AM daily, to all 14 regions across the country. This comes as Geingob announced that Namibia has recorded five more COVID-19 related deaths, bringing the national death toll to 65. Namibia currently has the highest rate of new infections per population on the continent, and there are now confirmed…
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Fish quota auction raises N$630m

Fish quota auction raises N$630m

Staff Writer The government has raised N$628 million from the auction of its fishing quota as part of efforts to generate income to fund COVID-19 related expenditure, the Ministry of Finance announced on Thursday. Finance minister, Iipumbu Shiimi said the auction had attracted increased scrutiny amid transparency concerns after it was announced. He said, “Section 3(3) of the Marine Resources Act, Act No 27 of 2000 as amended, makes provision for the State to utilize or harvest marine resources to advance any social economic, cultural or other governmental objectives in the public interest.” The minister reiterated that government had managed…
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‘Good riddance’: Shaningwa on resignations

‘Good riddance’: Shaningwa on resignations

Andrew Kathindi Swapo party Secretary General (SG) Sophia Shaningwa has said good riddance after a number of opinionated, outspoken youthful members, including Job Amupanda, officially resigned as members of the ruling party on Wednesday. The Affirmative Repositioning (AR) leader along with a number of former Swapo party youth league members, including Walvis Bay constituency councilor Knowledge Iipinge, officially left the party in a coordinated effort on Heroes’ Day, attributing their decision to not wanting to be associated with the “corrupt” Swapo party. Shaningwa, however, welcomed their departure, stating that it was a “headache off her shoulders as a Secretary General…
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