Observer Money

DRC, Malawi to chair regional Model Laws Committee

DRC, Malawi to chair regional Model Laws Committee

Moses Magadza WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA – The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Malawi were last week elected chair and vice chair, respectively, of the recently-constituted Regional Parliamentary Model Laws Oversight Committee (RPMLOC) of the SADC Parliamentary Forum. This happened as the regional inter-parliamentary body acted towards ensuring that the region’s citizens benefit meaningfully from development of regional soft laws, which are arguably immensely persuasive. Model laws are typically developed in line with international human rights law and international best practice. The RPMLOC held its virtual meeting on Friday and unanimously elected DRC lawmaker Andre Leon Tumba as its chair for…
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PSEMAS audit still on-going

PSEMAS audit still on-going

Staff Writer The Ministry of Finance says the audit process of the Public Service Employee Medical Aid Scheme (PSEMAS) launched last year is still on-going, with 75 percent of the main members and 95 percent of dependents having been verified as part of measures to reduce fraud and abuse of the government employee’s medical fund. The member audit comes as media reports attributed to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) revealed the medical aid fund has been losing close to a billion dollars annually to fraud, abuse, waste and collusion. “During the first phase of the verification 95 percent of dependents…
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ACC chief investigator loses Prime Minister appeal

ACC chief investigator loses Prime Minister appeal

Staff Writer The High Court, on Monday 28 September, dismissed a case by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC)’s Chief of Investigation Phelem Masule who had sought to overturn Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila’s decision to remove him from his position. The Prime Minister, earlier last month, removed Masule from his role as the Chief of Investigation a mere week after he received the promotion, citing “irregularities” in his appointment. Masule, who replaced Nelius Becker who is now with the Namibian Police, last month approached the High Court to hear his case against the Prime Minister. When contacted for comment, ACC boss Paulus…
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Traditional authorities vow to take case to US Supreme Court

Traditional authorities vow to take case to US Supreme Court

Andrew Kathindi Genocide descendants have vowed to continue the fight “in and out of court” after the US Court of Appeals, last week, dismissed their case brought after they unsuccessfully sued the German government for reparations for the atrocities committed from 1904-1908 in US Federal Court. Paramount Chief Advocate of the Ovaherero Traditional Authority, Vekuii Rukoro and Gaob Johannes Isaack of the Nama Traditional Leaders Association, have instructed their lawyers in New York to file a Petition for Rehearing and for "En Banc" Proceedings, following a USA Court of Appeals’ decision, which they say had “fundamental legal error at its…
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GIPF appoints UK consultants…as RisCura loses contract

GIPF appoints UK consultants…as RisCura loses contract

Staff Writer The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) has announced the appointment of two new United Kingdom based investment consultants. According the fund, Lane Clark & Peacock LLP will consult on investments, while BFinance UK Limited, will consult on the selection/search of asset managers. “Lane Clark & Peacock LLP will consult on investments, while BFinance UK Limited, will consult on the selection/search of Asset Managers. Both entities are domiciled in the United Kingdom and both bring a wealth of financial and investment expertise to the Fund. The selection process, which was advertised late last year, was guided by, and in…
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ECN won’t investigate illegal voter registration

ECN won’t investigate illegal voter registration

Andrew Kathindi The Electoral Commission of Namibia (ECN) has ruled out investigating allegations that Angolan nationals are being illegally registered as voters, a move which opposition political parties have said will impact on the credibility and outcome of elections. The decision by the ECN flies in the face of a confirmation by Swapo Omusati regional coordinator Sackey Kayone that he had received a report detailing how Angolan nationals are being registered in his area. According to Kayone, the report from the Okalongo councilor has fingered church leaders and ECN officials for assisting Angolan nationals to get voting cards. When quizzed…
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State assets valued at N$11.9 billion…as Shiimi admits non-compliance

State assets valued at N$11.9 billion…as Shiimi admits non-compliance

Andrew Kathindi The Namibian government has assets worth N$11.9 billion as of 16 September, Finance minister Iipumbu Shiimi has revealed. Of this, the state has movable assets amounting to N$3.9 billion, which include stock, equipment, furniture and vehicles while immovable assets, including land, plants (factories) and buildings stand at N$7.9 billion. The combined total value of movable and immovable assets is N$11.9 billion. The government’s value of immovable asset consists of 692 farming units and 744 housing units. “With regards to resettlement farms, to date Government has spent about N$2.3 billion to acquire about 558 farming units measuring about 3,376,965…
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Sam Shivute vows zero tolerance for tax avoiders …as NamRA Act is still to be enacted

Sam Shivute vows zero tolerance for tax avoiders …as NamRA Act is still to be enacted

Andrew Kathindi Newly appointed Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRA) Commissioner, Sam Shivute has vowed zero tolerance for tax avoiders. He said he would not be intimidated in his pursuit of tax collection. This comes six years after it was alleged that Shivute’s tenure as the Commissioner for Inland Revenue in the Finance ministry came to an end when he pursued certain non-tax-compliant business people. It is alleged that he received personal threats as a result. “In NamRA, integrity and good ethics will be non-negotiable and there will be zero tolerance to corruption. We will endeavour to have the right staff, with…
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Twaloloka residents to receive houses by October

Twaloloka residents to receive houses by October

Helena Johannes Information minister, Peya Mushelenga has announced that Cabinet has given the municipality of Walvis Bay until the last week of October to ensure the occupation of housing units which were allocated to Twaloloka beneficiaries. Mushelenga said Cabinet has mandated the Ministry of Urban and Rural Development to oversee the implementation of the relocation of programme, supported by the Walvis Bay municipality and the office of the Governor of the Erongo Region. “The Cabinet is in line with sourcing of service providers on an emergency basis to implement the project, while the beneficiaries would contribute to the construction of…
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Govt gazettes new regulations

Govt gazettes new regulations

Andrew Kathindi New regulations that will guide how Namibians will live under the new normal have finally been gazetted, following the lapse of the state of emergency, last week. Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula will now be empowered under Section 29 of the Public and Environmental Act to implement regulations which were initially set to come into effect on the 18th of September. “The drafting of the Regulations took longer than anticipated due to the nature and number of legal issues that requires thorough consideration,” Attorney General, Festus Bandeka told Windhoek Observer. The new regulations came into operation at midnight on…
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