Observer Money

Namibia ponders auctioning all fishing quotas

Namibia ponders auctioning all fishing quotas

Andrew Kathindi Government is considering auctioning off all fish quotas for future allocations, and not just its portion kept for governmental objectives, Finance Minister Iipumbu Shiimi has revealed. This possible government action comes from the Presidential High-Level Panel on the Namibian Economy (HLPNE), which was appointed by President Hage Geingob last year. The Panel has the scope to consult and make recommendations to the President on the Namibian economy. It recommended that government auction off its fish quota for governmental objectives. These quotas were, in the past, handed to Fishcor to facilitate their disposal. Last week Shiimi revealed that the…
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‘Every BODY Counts!’…as bodily integrity and autonomy campaign kicks off

‘Every BODY Counts!’…as bodily integrity and autonomy campaign kicks off

Moses Magadza WINDHOEK, NAMIBIA – Justice and equity fell into sharp focus on 1 October when the AIDS & Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) launched a campaign to call for the realisation of the rights to bodily autonomy and integrity in Southern and East Africa. The rights to bodily autonomy and integrity presuppose the ability for everyone to have dignity and agency to own and take decisions and make choices – including those related to Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) - over one’s body without regard to external pressures. Dubbed ‘Every BODY Counts!’ and launched virtually, the regional campaign…
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Ramatex property still under litigation

Ramatex property still under litigation

Helena Johannes After 12 years since the closure of Ramatex Textile Namibia by the Malaysian Ramatex Textile and Garment Factory, the property is still under legal dispute, City of Windhoek Property Manager Sheridan Simpson has revealed. “The sale of Ramatex is still pending before Court,” she said. The liquidators of Ramatex Textile Namibia and the Municipal Council of Windhoek have been involved in litigation since 2009 after the company was placed under provisional liquidation on 8 May 2008, and the newly appointed liquidators informed the City of Windhoek the next day that they elected to continue with the lease although…
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NSFAF distributes connectivity devices for online learning

NSFAF distributes connectivity devices for online learning

Helena Johannes The Ministry of Higher Education in collaboration with the Namibia Student Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) has spent nearly N$2.3 million for the installation of ICT infrastructure as part of the laptop and data connectivity devices initiative at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST), NSFAF acting Chief Executive Officer Kennedy Kandume said. Speaking at a press conference on Monday, October 5, 2020 held at NUST, Kandume said the government in partnership with the Ministry of Higher Education will eventually spend N$19.3 million for the laptop initiative and data installation at higher education institutions and the distribution of…
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Auditor General dismisses Vilho’s claims

Auditor General dismisses Vilho’s claims

Andrew Kathindi The Auditor General, Junias Kandjeke, has said that the adverse report his office gave the Defense Ministry is not solely based on the competence of the auditor, but on the findings of the auditor based on information provided by the auditee. This comes after the Minister of Defense, Peter Vilho, last week in parliament said that he was unimpressed with the quality of auditors sent by Kandjeke to inspect the military’s books. “Let me state it categorically clear, that the audit opinion is not solely based on the competence of the auditor, but on the findings oThe Auditor…
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Namibia records decline in HIV/AIDS cases

Namibia records decline in HIV/AIDS cases

Helena Johannes The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) says Namibia has made great strides on the issue of containing and preventing the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the country. According the National HIV Prevention Coordinator from the Health ministry, Lylie Ndeikemona, Namibia has since 2002 recorded a significant decreased in infection rates. “The transmission of HIV/AIDS from mother-to-child has also decreased from 13.4 percent in 2002 to only 3.4 percent in 2020, which clearly shows a massive decrease on transmission of this decease,” she said. Ndeikemona said the use of pre-exposure prophylaxis (PREP) has significantly contributed to the decline…
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Gender Minister proposes ‘Prison Island’ for sexual offenders … Justice ministry moves to pass Combating of Rape Act

Gender Minister proposes ‘Prison Island’ for sexual offenders … Justice ministry moves to pass Combating of Rape Act

Clifton Movirongo The Minister of Gender Equality, Poverty Eradication and Social Welfare Doreen Sioka, has proposed that a “prison island” be build where sexual offenders can be housed, as she also suggests depriving offenders of any ‘contact with their family members’. Sioka’s statement comes amid a countrywide surge in rape cases involving minor children and women, human trafficking and Gender Based Violence (GBV). “On the issue of rape, a lot of people are calling for surgical castration of men and that is something I cannot support even if it is happening in other countries. That is very inhumane and I…
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SWAPO mum on youth election participation

SWAPO mum on youth election participation

Helena Johannes The ruling Swapo party remains mum on its position regarding youth participation for the upcoming regional council and local authority elections slated for the 25th of November 2020. This comes as the ruling party has been heavily criticized over its policy of fielding older candidates in previous elections at the expense of the youth. Currently the party has been attacked over its decision to field 62 year old Aram Martin, a former Councilor and Member of Parliament as its preferred candidate to run as councilor of Oshakati West in the Oshana region. The Affirmative Repositioning (AR) leader Job…
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Air Namibia employees call for Mberirua’s axing

Air Namibia employees call for Mberirua’s axing

Andrew Kathindi and Helena Johannes Air Namibia employees are calling for the immediate removal of interim Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Theo Mberirua after their salaries were officially cut last week. This comes after the national airliner previously announced that it will cut, by 50 percent, salaries of all employees who have been unable to report for work due to a grounded fleet, incompliance with state of emergency regulations. Despite Air Namibia’s flight schedule resumption after the state of emergency lapsed, Ndapewa Amupanda, Chairperson of the Shop Stewards’ Committee at Air Namibia confirmed to the Windhoek Observer that a company memo…
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FirstRand Namibia HOPE Fund hands over 25 ICU patient monitors

FirstRand Namibia HOPE Fund hands over 25 ICU patient monitors

Staff Writer The First Rand Namibia HOPE fund handed over 25 ICU patient monitors worth N$2.4 million to the Ministry of Health and Social Services last week as part of efforts to assist medical staff to respond better and quicker to the medical needs and treatment of their patients. Minister of Health and Social Services Kalumbi Shangula expressed his sincere appreciation towards FNB who made the generous contribution through the FirstRand H.O.P.E. fund. “I appreciate FNB’s commitment to meet government halfway to ensure the speedy recovery of COVID-19 patients.” Bronwen Chase, FirstRand H.O.P.E. Fund Team Leader said that the Group…
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