Observer Money

NUST VC case heads to court

NUST VC case heads to court

Helena Johannes Legal lawyer Sisa Namandje has revealed that a case to challenge the appointment of the newly appointed Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) Vice-Chancellor will be filed in the High Court in the next two days. “I cannot give more details about my client to the media, but the case will be filed tomorrow or Friday morning,” said Namandje. This comes after the NUST Council through its lawyers had responded justifying the appointment. NUST lawyer Patrick Kauta according local media indicated that a joint search committee of council and senate on 12 November had recommended, voted in…
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NSFAF withhold fees as students, EMONA clash

NSFAF withhold fees as students, EMONA clash

Helena Johannes The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) has put the payments of student’s accommodation residing in EMONA hostel on hold over alleged excessive amounts charged to students, until students review and agree on reasonable amounts. The request to withhold the payments was made by the Namibia National Student Organization (NANSO) “Your request to hold 2020 payments to EMONA hostel has been considered and payments are currently on hold,” said NSFAF Acting CEO Kennedy Kandume in a statement he issued to NANSO. He said some students accommodation payments have already been made to EMONA. “Your organization should resolve this…
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JSC maintains PG recruitment stance

JSC maintains PG recruitment stance

Andrew Kathindi Judicial Service Commission (JSC) has maintained its stance that it will move ahead with the appointment of a Prosecutor General without holding public hearings, despite increased calls for transparency in the process. This comes as the process to appoint a PG has been highly criticized, amid threats from Affirmative Repositioning (AR) to hold demonstrations countrywide and demand that the process be restarted. “The JSC rejects the unfounded allegations and remains on course to perform its constitutional mandate. The JSC has previously explained why it decided not to hold public hearings for the appointment of the next Prosecutor-General. It…
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Botswana sends Cabinet team to border areas

Botswana sends Cabinet team to border areas

Clifton Movirongo A Permanent Secretary from the Republic of Botswana, Andrew Sesinyi, revealed on Monday that Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi will dispatch a high level Cabinet Team to the border areas between Namibia and Botswana on Tuesday 17 November. The team according to Sesinyi will keep the Botswana communities in the areas abreast of the recent developments following the fatal shooting of the four unarmed Namibian fishermen that took place along the Chobe River near Kasane on 5 November. Sesinyi said the ministerial mission is to further enhance the spirit of good neighbourliness nurtured by the “excellent bilateral relations subsisting…
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Ministry of Health spends N$3m on COVID-19 drug …as WHO cast doubt over its effectiveness

Ministry of Health spends N$3m on COVID-19 drug …as WHO cast doubt over its effectiveness

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Health and Social Services has spent N$3 million on procuring Remdesivir, the experimental drug used as a last ditch treatment for COVID-19 patients in extreme conditions. Although the ministry has announced that it will be halting further purchases stating that they have enough stock, Health Minister Kalumbi Shangula however, said the government would still purchase the drug should the need arise. “COVID-19 has not gone away, patients still need the medication,” he told Windhoek Observer. The minister’s position comes as a World Health Organization (WHO) study recently cast doubt on the effectiveness of the drug.…
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Parliament still to discuss abortion …as matter is postponed to next year

Parliament still to discuss abortion …as matter is postponed to next year

Helena Johannes Parliament has blamed COVID-19 for its failure to debate the issue of legalizing abortion in Namibia despite the matter having been tabled for discussion during the pandemic. National Assembly spokesperson David Nahogandja said Parliament has received two petitions of which one is for and the other against abortion in June this year. “We only sat for two terms this year due to COVID-19, we have not sat as usual to discuss more about this,” he said. Nahogandja said the parliamentarian committee seized with the matter will sit early next year when parliament opens to look at both petition…
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Thousands demonstrate against BDF killings

Thousands demonstrate against BDF killings

Helena Johannes Thousands of Namibians took to the streets to demand justice for four Namibian fishermen killed by the Botswana Defense Force (BDF) on Thursday 05 November 2020. One group marched to the Botswana High Commission in Windhoek, were it presented a petition, which was received by the High Commissioner, Batlang Comma Serema, who was given seven days to respond. Among some of the demands was the speedy completion of investigations, to be jointly conducted by the Namibian Police Force and the Botswana Police. The Botswana government has been asked to abolish its shoot to kill policy which has been…
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Vice Chancellor appointed amidst scandal at NUST

Vice Chancellor appointed amidst scandal at NUST

Clifton Movirongo A new scandal has rocked the Namibia University of Science and Technology (Nust) after the institutions council is accused of overlooking Professor Frednard Gideon for the post of Vice-Chancellor (VC) opting for Dr Erold Naomab, despite him having scored higher during the interview process. This comes as the Nust Council Chairperson, Florette Nakusera on Friday afternoon announced Naomab as the new Nust VC for the next five years, effective January 2021, replacing Dr Tjama Tjivikua. According to information made available to the Windhoek Observer, the Nust Council appointed Naomab for the top post despite him scoring 64.5 percent…
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Government flirts with legalising cannabis…as PM’s office chairs taskforce

Government flirts with legalising cannabis…as PM’s office chairs taskforce

Andrew Kathindi The Ministry of Health and Social Services has begun consultations on the regulation and controlled use of cannabis, in anticipation of its possible legalization. This comes as according to the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) 33 countries in the world have permitted the cultivation of cannabis for medical and research purposes. Some of these countries are in SADC region. In addition, some countries have decriminalized its use. Health Ministry Executive Director Ben Nangombe said the Ministry had engaged several governmental agencies a few months ago on the matter. He hinted that it could be time for Namibia to…
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Jooste backs Fishcor board . . .as Nghipunya clings onto CEO post

Jooste backs Fishcor board . . .as Nghipunya clings onto CEO post

Staff Writer Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste has come out in support of the beleaguered Fishcor board, amid mounting tension between it and the company’s management. The minister’s support comes as the fishing company’s managers in a scathing letter leaked to the media in which the minister was copied in, accused the interim board of malfeasance. They claimed that board members Social Security Commission Executive officer Milka Mungunda, lawyer Ruth Herunga, Mihe Goamab II and Penny Hiwilepo-Hal directly interfere in the day-to-day operations of the company. “This Board was appointed to an institution with a multitude of complex, intricate legacy…
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