Observer Money

No plans for ivermectin COVID-19 treatment

No plans for ivermectin COVID-19 treatment

Staff Reporter The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) has no plans to use the ivermectin drug, stating that there is not enough evidence to its effectiveness. The drug was approved for limited use by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority, and by the Zimbabwean government. “In Namibia it is not registered for human use. There is always excitement when any drug is believed to be beneficial in treating COVID-19. We are familiar with the history of hydroxychloroquine. There was hype about it and many others and Ivermectin is just joining the long list of those types of…
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Air Namibia board resigns …accuses shareholder of governance violations

Air Namibia board resigns …accuses shareholder of governance violations

Staff Writer The Air Namibia board resigned en masse on Wednesday after writing a scathing letter, accusing government of corporate governance violations in its dealing with the airline. First to hand in his resignation was Willy Mertens, who is reported to have resigned on Monday, after the airline on Friday had entered into a settlement agreement with Belgian company, Challenge Air whom it owed for a 1998 airplane lease agreement. Air Namibia board Chairperson, Escher Luanda, and Heritha Muyoba are reported to have tendered their resignations on Wednesday, a position confirmed by Public Enterprises Minister, Leon Jooste, with the status…
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President denies systematic corruption in Namibia

President denies systematic corruption in Namibia

Andrew Kathindi President Hage Geingob insists corruption in Namibia is not a systemic problem, but rather a result of some corrupt officials. The President remarked at the official opening of Cabinet this year. “I believe that corruption is not systemic in Namibia, but perceptions have been created that Namibia is a corrupt society. Although corruption is not systemic in Namibia, we recognise that some corrupt officials have tainted the name of our country. It is therefore important for all citizens to emphasise that corruption in any form, e.g. kickbacks, or percentage commission for the amount of a contract, is unacceptable,”…
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Theft tops Namibia’s crime offences…as murder and rape remain a concern

Theft tops Namibia’s crime offences…as murder and rape remain a concern

Andrew Kathindi Theft and traffic fines top criminal offenses committed countrywide since last March, the Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) has revealed. Altogether 524 theft offences were committed by inmates admitted into correctional facilities from March 2020- January 2021, while 345 traffic offenses were committed during the period under review. “It is interesting to note that theft (which is classified as an economic offence) was the most common offence with 524 offenders incarcerated for that offence,” Commissioner Meunajo Tjiroze, Directorate Reintegration in the NCS told Windhoek Observer. She added, “The second most occurring offence is stock theft (which is classified as…
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CoW moves against colonial statues, street names

CoW moves against colonial statues, street names

Maria Hamutenya City of Windhoek (CoW) is next week set to deliberate on the removal of the Kurt von Francois statue and the changing of colonial street names in the capital. The move comes amid calls for statue removal and name change in some of the city roads, with current CoW Mayor, Job Amupanda having led the charge, calling for the Kurt von Francois statue to be replaced by human rights activist Anna Kakurukaze Mungunda. “The changing of street names still has to go to council for a decision. It was elaborated on at a management committee meeting and yes…
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Govt seeks legal opinion over Air Namibia deal

Govt seeks legal opinion over Air Namibia deal

Staff Writer Ministry of Public Enterprises has requested a legal opinion regarding Air Namibia’s last minute settlement agreement reached with Belgian company, Challenge Air, which is alleged to have been concluded without its approval. The government is considering the consequences of the agreement, which might require treasury to fund the multimillion dollar deal or provide guarantees. “I have requested a legal opinion and we are looking into what transpired last week. We will only be able to pronounce ourselves once this is concluded,” Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste told the Windhoek Observer. This is amid concern that the airline, which…
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PAAB investigates PwC

PAAB investigates PwC

Andrew Kathindi The Public Accounts and Auditor’s Board (PAAB) has confirmed that it has instituted an investigation into allegations raised against auditing firm PwC by Affirmative Repositioning (AR) leader and Windhoek mayor, Job Amupanda. Amupanda accused August 26, a holding company owned by the Ministry of Defense, of transferring N$200 million from the Defence Ministry account, an action which he alleges to be unlawful but was not flagged by PwC which conducted its audit. “Where such an investigation is complete and finds the registered auditor guilty, the PAAB may take disciplinary action against the guilty auditor. The disciplinary actions range…
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PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

PDM Parliament hopefuls to approach court…as Parliament is set to open

Andrew Kathindi With Parliament set to open in just over a week’s time, Lawyer Norman Tjombe has threatened to approach the courts to have his clients’ gazetted as Members of Parliament. This comes after a High Court ruling, delivered in July last year, ordered that Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) members Charmaine Tjirare, Reggie Diergaardt, Frans Bertolini, Yvette Araes, Mike Venaani and Tjekupe Maximilliant Katjimune be added to the opposition party parliamentary list, an order which is yet to be implemented. The High Court ruling had further ordered that a public gazette be published in that regard. “As a result of…
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I am tired – Jooste

I am tired – Jooste

Maria Hamutenya Public Enterprises minister, Leon Jooste says he is tired of seeing public enterprises being dragged to court due to governance failures that can easily be prevented. The minister’s frustrations come as the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST) joined the growing list of public enterprises that have been taken to court over various transgressions. “I will always be concerned when there's an aggrieved party due to any process that should be conducted in a fair and transparent manner. I'm really tired of seeing Public Enterprises constantly being dragged to court, in particular when it's due to governance…
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Schools get N$70m for sanitisers

Schools get N$70m for sanitisers

Maria Hamutenya Public and private schools have benefited from N$70 million availed by the Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture for the acquisition of sanitisers ahead of school opening this week, Executive Director, Sanet Steenkamp has revealed. N$14 million was availed to private schools last December as a once-off grant, with N$56 million dispersed to the ministry’s regional offices this year to assist public schools in implementing COVID-19 measures. “Almost N$ 70 million was allocated by the Ministry of Education to different schools to help fight the spread of Covid-19,” Steenkamp said. The ministry will, however, no longer avail masks…
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