National News

Slashing salaries bears watching

The Ministry of Labour wasted time and energy last month making ridiculous noises about regulations to forbid employers from firing staff. Instead they should have gotten ahead of the curve and provided guidelines when employers slash salaries. Mass salary cuts from a wide range of businesses in all sectors are in the headlines. This is inevitable in these unprecedented, harsh and unclear business times due to the State of Emergency and its backlash. There could be thousands of bankruptcies and business reductions in the wake of this pandemic’s devastation. Hundreds of thousands of employees will be affected in some way.…
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E-learning:  an expensive, elusive dream

E-learning: an expensive, elusive dream

We applaud the efforts of our decision-makers who are trying their best to carry the country through the COVID-19 crisis. That said, we cannot avoid pointing out that recent comment by the Executive Director of the Ministry of Education that the country was never ready for mass e-learning for all learners, is no surprise at all. Who seriously believed that Namibia could substitute home learning using the internet (in English) for primary and secondary school classroom lessons? We certainly did not. The entire effort was a waste of resources. Is our government actually telling the country that it had no…
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Find your #newnormal before it finds you

Don’t deny the reality that everything is changing. Accept that your world post-COVID-19 will be the same as before the pandemic. Other than the banks, all economic sectors and households are taking a beating. And Government cannot save each of us. We must plan to save ourselves. The world as we all knew it is gone. If you are middle class, prepare for the lower middle class or worse. If you were living pay check to pay check, you are in big trouble. If the cash lenders own your pay check and it is not coming any more, you are…
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Masks: the cart before the horse

The national phased plan to reopen Namibia is not Namibian. We have cut-and-pasted regulations suited to other people’s COVID-19 situations. However, prevention of the pandemic is not always a one-size-fits-all proposition. The Phase 2 demand that masks be worn by everyone while in public has given rise to this concern. The World Health Organization (WHO) website clearly states that there is no need for ALL citizens to wear masks. On the contrary, they cite that ONLY those working with patients in hospitals, those who are ill or living with those who are, the immune-compromised, and essential health care and safety…
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Read the fine print before cheering

The statement that the devil is in the details is spot on. As people slog through the criteria, rules, and exceptions attached to the announced COVID-19 financial support plans, all that glitters is not gold. Before giving more applause to the headline-grabbing announcements of N$8.1 billion for this or N$400 million for that or N$700 million for these, people must step back, take a deep breath. Read the fine print. Fact: Namibia was broke before COVID-19 hit and the coffers were dry. This remains the case. The money that is being bandied about is coming from sleight of hand by…
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Lure customers back to the shops

…50 percent of something is better than 100 percent of nothing Business owners lament each day they are unable to open; it means more losses. And, they are correct. But, the crisis is not one-sided. All the businesses in the world could be open, but without customers, what’s the point? Just opening doors is not the end of the nightmare, it is just the beginning. Stores and shops must invest in encouraging timid former consumers to come out and spend money. Lockdown showed many people the things they can live without. Someone used to buying fresh bread every day learned…
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Prepare for the re-opening of Namibia now

The time to reset minds, attitudes businesses to a post-COVID-19 reality is now. Fisheries Ministry executive director Moses Maurihungirire allowed Erongo Marine Enterprises to go to sea despite the ban. Allowing one freezer vessel to go out while others remain on lockdown is not the way to re-open the economy. It is a poor start, but a start nonetheless. We can do better. Now that one vessel is out, the sea should be open for the other vessels as quickly as practicable. The last thing needed now is even more hostility on the docks due to the accurate perceptions about…
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This is not the time for a party

This is not the time for a party

…it is a time to be sensitive and sincere We are disappointed at the ill-considered ‘party’ that was held to celebrate the SWAPO 60th birthday. We are fine with the ruling party rightfully applauding its 60-year history and its future in power in Namibia. But, during a COVID-19 pandemic, a state of emergency and an extended lockdown where people are being herded into their homes, forced to stand distances apart in queues to buy bread, and watch their financial futures crumble, the ruling party -led by the President himself- is having a grand old time, at a party with a…
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Required leadership style in turbulent and uncertain times

Required leadership style in turbulent and uncertain times

Julia Muetudhana 1. Organisational structures On 17 March 2020, H.E. Dr. Geingob declared a state of emergency followed by a lock down that officially started on 28 March at 14:00 and ends on 17 April 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic has infiltrated all spheres of our society and work life. It can therefore reasonably be concluded that Globally and for Namibia it has been business unusual especially for many Governments and Private companies. This article is inspired by one of John Maxwell’s quotes: “Everything rises and falls on leadership”. During these turbulent times citizens and employees are looking for leadership to…
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Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

Tourism is too big to fail . . . banks must step up in this time of crisis

The financial crisis that the country has experienced over the last three years is heightened for the tourism sector due to COVID-19. The sector is drowning right now with a lockdown and closed borders. There will be major business contractions in 2020; this is unavoidable. But, some industries are “too big to fail”. Tourism (including restaurants/cafes, professional hunting and communal conservancies) is one of them. The banks must take the lead, along with government and the private sector, to make tangible, well-considered bailout plans to save the stronger parts of the industry before it is too late. We note that…
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