National News

Mutorwa speaks truth about poor performance

We are impressed that Works and Transport Minister John Mutorwa said that corruption, favouritism, and nepotism are dragging the country down. Given that many ministers are cautious when they speak out about anything that could be perceived to be ‘negative’ in government, Mutorwa spoke bravely. He was speaking to his staff in Windhoek during a presentation on capital infrastructure projects for 2020/21. He gave an example of officials not hiring for positions that are open because they claim they cannot find the right person. He said the real reason is that these people cannot find someone they prefer or someone…
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CoW CEO runs for calmer pastures

It is no wonder that recently resigned City of Windhoek (CoW) Chief Executive Officer, Robert Kahimise has jumped ship. The worse job in Namibia is to be a CEO of a municipality or township or village. Who would choose a toxic work environment with stones being thrown from all sides? The skills-based portion of the CoW CEO job could be attractive to many seasoned, experienced city administrators. But, swimming through the effluent of political nonsense, power struggles, personality minefields, and entrenched long-serving bureaucrats is not worth it. Potential city executives out there who value their sanity, expect affirmation at work,…
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TUCNA leader fires several shots across the bow

In a recent interview, Trade Union Congress of Namibia (TUCNA) Secretary-General Mahongora Kavihuha raised challenging issues. He makes one major misfire in his points and yet, he brings other issues to the table that can stimulate the national debate. He decried the supposed ‘deliberate’ destruction of parastatals. He believes that private companies are killing the SOEs so they can buy them up and control strategic portions of the Namibian economy. In the context of bemoaning 'schemes' about parastatals, Kavihuha asks whether the “pandemic itself was purposefully crafted to push some hidden agendas.” Perhaps the unionist's real intention was not reflected…
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Police brutality must be challenged

Recently, the Ganja Users Association (GUN) of Namibia made a statement urging that higher salaries be paid to the police. They did this in response to the shameless and consistent police brutality they claim that their members endure. After seeing various videos circulating on social media where Namibian police and army members are playing judge, jury and executioner as they brutalise unarmed people, we conclude that the problem is deeper than salary level. We support more competitive salaries and benefits packages for our security officials. Of course, in this pandemic time of near-catastrophic unfunded budget deficits, there is no money…
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Haufiku firing wastes scarce resources

The firing of former health minister, Dr Bernard Haufiku from his post on the pandemic Task Team is a waste of limited resources. At a time when there are insufficient healthcare workers to assist where needed in Namibia, a top medical expert has been kicked to the curb. Was that the only option or just the easiest one? The final clash between the current minister of health Kalumbi Shangula and his predecessor was predictable. The strain between the two parties was evident from previous conflicting comments. Haufiku’s demonstrated method is to tackle issues straight on. He seems to speak his…
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New party or same story

The Independent Patriots for Change (IPC), helmed by former Independent Political candidate Panduleni Itula has been launched. The formulation of another anti-Swapo party can signal a mature change in the Namibian political scene. Or, it can be yet another party formed on the basis of what they are against, rather than what they are for. There is no doubt that Itula is a force to be reckoned with in Namibian politics, at least for now. Having a party to allow his constituency to have a base from which to grow is an important step. We note that the overwhelming majority…
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The generals must stand down

The country must ask the brave veterans to come to the aid of nation once again. Namibia is on the brink of economic disaster. Veterans must not make further demands and add to the grave problems the country must face. The government is struggling to feed, house, protect and provide healthcare and jobs for the people. Veterans are respected and appreciated. As a result, they have received many layers of compensation and benefits since independence. In 2020, there is no more money available and, in our view, no more benefits are required. Recent reports claim that frustrated ex-generals wish to…
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Unleash the private sector for job creation

A representative of one of Namibia’s long term development partners made a great comment. She said, “We are convinced it’s not governments that will create long-term employment opportunities that are needed; it’s the private sector.” Many have been screaming this point for decades. In the new normal, this reality will be shoved down Namibia’s throat forcibly. Government is basically broke as it struggles to find money to fund its deficits. It must spend the pennies it has left, not on direct employment projects, dropping bureaucratic barriers on the private sector. Allow service and product providers to get on with it.…
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Dancing with the devil

…Namibia seeks IMF loan And so it begins. The descent of Namibia into the ranks of so many other nations that have mismanaged their affairs, made honest mistakes, been captured by corruption, and suffered unavoidable bad luck has happened. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is happy to race to the rescue. They have thrown Namibia a radioactive life preserver. The country must decide to either drown or grab the thing. Those are the usual choices when you are forced to dance with the devil. Make no mistake; the IMF is a powerful and effective instrument of western capitalist imperialism. They…
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Govt must be proactive instead of reactive

Does it take fire and the death of yet another baby in a shack to get things moving? In the midst of the fiery cataclysm on Sunday night in Twaloloka at pandemic slammed Walvis Bay, one can only say, “when it rains, it pours.” It reiterates the problem that tin shack suburbs are social, political and actual powder kegs. In dealing with such situations, the government seems to be constantly on the back foot; being reactive instead of proactive. It is a curious coincidence that the fire area, Twaloloka, was in the midst of planned ‘thinning out’ action by local…
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