National News

Shoprite vs workers – a mixed bag of concerns

There are arguments on all sides of the gap in the labour conflict at Shoprite. The solution will not be easy, and each side will end up feeling aggrieved. But, a resolution must be found. There is a need for clarification of ‘temporary’ worker. A part of the list of complaints by Nafau is that ‘temporary’ workers stay on staff for years as if they are permanent. They do the same jobs as ‘permanent’ employees. And yet, they have no benefits and no job security. There is a loophole being exploited. The call for a boycott and demonstrations should yield…
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Justice Minister must examine antiquated views in Nam laws

Two cases reported recently raise an ugly point that has been long said about narrow-minded, sexist, religious-based, laws that allows convictions of rapists to be overturned and women defending themselves against domestic abuse to be convicted of murder. The Justice Minister must move to protect women under the law from Judged with their legal heads in the sand when it comes to domestic violence and rape. The High Court Judge involved in both cases referred to in this editorial, justified his decision to agree with the appeal of a convicted rapist because HE doesn’t feel the rape victims actions are…
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Hospitals must be first in the money line

When hospitals run out of vital supplies, the government does not have its spending priorities straight. No matter what excuses are offered by the Executive Director of the Ministry of Health about why vital medicines are missing, they are insufficient. The reason medicines and supplies have run out in hospitals is not an error or a mix-up. Saying they are aware and "looking into it" falls short of the credibility mark. Let us stop saying that hospitals ran out of medicine or supplies. Let us speak the truth. Government has not provided funds so that state medical facilities can serve…
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Christmas 2020 must be muted

It sounds hard to take the position that Christmas must be played low this year. And yet, that is the message. People should to not go home to the village or travel this year. Stay home. have small outdoor events with family members and close friends. Find creative ways to celebrate Christmas in your home. Play Christmas music and set up your tree. There are online Christmas themed movies and religious services. Start enjoying them. People have less disposable income or are nervous about spending. Why not reduce buying/giving as many gifts this holiday season? That is a good way…
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Is justice delayed, justice denied?

At what point do those behind bars without being convicted of a crime become victims of the system? The Fishrot accused sit in prison accused of crimes for over a year for some of them. The concerning issue is not the guilt or innocence of those standing trial. The serious concern is about why it takes over a year to collect evidence and present a strong case for the court to decide? It cannot be that people are arrested in Namibia when there is insufficient probable cause. Where is the evidence strongly pointing to the guilt of the accused that…
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Bank of Namibia watches our wallets

The Bank of Namibia (BoN) has come to the rescue. They have classified the activities of Mufhiwa Building Projects as a pyramid scheme. Those involved are conning people out of their hard-earned money and pocketing the proceeds. BoN has cautioned the public to beware and avoid any transactions with Mufhiwa Building Projects or similar entities that may be doing the exact same thing. BoN has ordered promoters of Mufhiwa Building Projects and those who are already caught in its web as ‘members’ to stop doing any kind of business. A nod must be given to BoN for watching our wallets.…
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Mistreatment in prisons cannot be Namibia’s legacy

Reports from prisoners about ill-treatment while in jail or guards who ‘beat up’ the inmates are very disturbing. Namibia, a country whose most esteemed heroes suffered torture in prison cannot possibly bathe in the hypocrisy of the mistreatment of its prisoners. Officials responsible for inspecting prisons and those providing services to prisoners must be questioned and the truth uncovered. Mistreatment in prisons cannot be Namibia’s legacy. Our leaders that have passed on and those who are still with us know by personal experience what it means to be locked up, vulnerable to a jailor, and treated as if they were…
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Veni, vidi, vici – Job Amupanda

The Latin phrase veni, vidi, vici translates roughly to: "I came; I saw; I conquered." According to the historical writings of Appian, it is a Latin phrase attributed to Julius Caesar. He used this phrase after he had achieved a tough victory in one of his many wars of conquest. The phrase is fitting for Job’s rise to the Mayorship of Windhoek. Over six years ago, Job Amupanda burst on the scene with his colleagues in the Affirmative Repositioning (AR) movement. They took radical, bawdy steps. They made aggressive demands for things that should have been handled decades before but…
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Individuals must never be judge, jury and executioner

The recent comments made by the former president of Botswana, Ian Khama, justifying Botswana's shoot-to-kill policies reflect his callous disregard for the rule of law. The United Nations, so quick to talk about sanctioning nations that habitually violate human rights, is silent on the despotic acts by the Botswanan Defense Force (BDF). The tragic loss of life of the four Namibians is a wake-up call about what has been quietly going on for years. Botswana is a lawless nation and should not be allowed to continue its affairs as if they are not accountable for their actions. No country must…
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Talk must now turn to action

It is easy to sit on the sidelines and speak loudly about what is wrong. It costs nothing to loudly and rudely challenge those with power and responsibility when you have neither. With the success of the opposing parties and some independent candidates in certain areas, 2021 means the time for populist promises and brazen talking is over. To those enjoyed success at the polls: It is you in the hot seat now. Others will take your former chair from the sidelines and snipe, gripe and complain about you. Let us hope you have a thick skin. Your vociferous talk…
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