National News

SONA shout-backs are the new normal

We watched the State of the Nation speech delivered by President Hage Geingob. We want to focus on the shout-backs during his speech by a few members of the parliament. With the change in the Swapo over-dominance in the previous parliament, there are now more voices of elected parties that have much to say. And, they will most definitely say it. Many of these voices are younger and might be new to public politics. Others have different experiences and agendas and will be ready to ‘take on’ the mighty Swapo Party in a den it previously controlled. Regardless of the…
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SONA in a time of crisis is a challenge

What can any leader really say during the worse time in the history of the country he was elected to lead? President Geingob’s State of the Nation Address (SONA) rehashed the drips and drops of positive news that have already been in headlines. The speech tries to convince the nation that the glass is half full; many will still see it as half empty. In our view, the Finance Minister’s budget speech presents the real SONA. The president stated the disturbingly high unemployment statistics for Namibia that we already knew, (i.e., 33 percent in general with youth unemployment at 46.1…
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Everything is connected

People are uncertain these days. The economy is in decline. Solutions to lift it up will be slow, painful and might not work. The pandemic might take turns that no one can predict (though we all hope not). In such distressing circumstances, selfishness easily emerges in people and in businesses. Far too many are ready to step on the bodies of others, just to get to the lifeboats first. To avoid the stampede of self-preservation, we all must understand that everything is connected. The money needed to be paid to others must come from others who don’t have money because…
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Schools want absolution

As schools partially re-open this week, some are forcing parents to sign indemnity forms that they assume will relieve these educational institutions of any responsibility for protecting learners from exposure to COVID-19. Are these forms a type of ‘washing of the hands’ ala Pontius Pilot or are they an insensitive bureaucratic step that leaves parents even more uncertain? During a time of crisis, reassurance is needed. People are nervous and uncertain, particularly parents of school aged kids. Institutions of stability like the government, churches and schools must step up to their higher place in society. They must lead from the…
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Are we prepared for COVID round two?

For the past 2-3 months, the shape of Namibia has been re-moulded, stretched, and remade to fit the government’s efforts to stem the spread of the pandemic. Through it all, the leadership credibility of President Hage Geingob is on the line. But has the foundation to get ahead of this disease actually been laid to battle the spread of the virus? Or are we assuming progress on the basis of hopeful reports and general briefings? During round one of the president’s proclamations have people been cutting corners? Have allocated funds been chopped? Are people scamming on project implementation? If the…
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Praise the Lord and pass the masks

We are aware of the continuing debate about restricting churches during the pandemic. This is not an easy debate, but it is a necessary one. People need hope, faith and courage in these difficult times. Will their churches rise to the challenge to serve? The government has not only the right, but the obligation to protect the people in national health emergencies like this one. At the same time, the constitution declares that church and state must be separate. High Courts in different countries are being asked to apply their minds and decide if government has the right to block…
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A budget of hopes and wishes

At the end of the day, a budget is only words on paper. One cannot spend a budget. Government has once again laid out what it wishes to spend in a fiscal year vs what it hopes will be income in that same year. In saying this, we do not in any way denigrate the hard work of Finance Minister Ipumbu Shiimi’s team. That man should be nominated for the war medal given to soldiers who take wounds in service of their country. He stood calmly before the august house and laid out the largest deficit budget a free Namibia…
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Jealousy clouds the point

We have regularly commented on the current flawed process of Members of Parliament (MPs) disclosing a part of their assets to the public. The point of this disclosure is to identify conflicts of interest in matters before the legislature. A public listing of assets of lawmakers is irrelevant if not used specifically and only for that purpose. The point is to stop decision-makers, like the accused Esau or Shanghala, from voting on laws with outcomes that pad their pockets. We must keep our eyes on the prize and stop getting lost in how many cars or houses are owned by…
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It is not your N$750

When the emergency income grant (EIG) of N$750 was announced, we applauded the idea. At the same time, we raised concerns about how the program would be packaged and rolled-out to the public. The current wave of public gripes about the grant seems to reflect that indeed, there is major misunderstanding about what the EIG was meant to be. Expectations were raised that cannot be met. Promises of ‘free money for all’ to momentarily deflate rising fear and anger amongst low-income citizens, could backfire. When loftily-announced pledges (like fishing jobs for all who were retrenched due to Fishrot) fall flat,…
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Is the cure worse than the disease?

We remain committed to following government rules regarding the multi-stage lockdown. However, we feel obliged to ask the question for debate: Are our cures/prevention remedies for the pandemic worse than the disease itself? The latest articles and commentary seem to agree that this virus will never ‘go away’. It will be in our world always until there is a vaccine or cure. Shall we stay in a state of emergency forever? With rich countries ready to pay for the vaccine or cure, big pharma (global drug companies) is moving like Usain Bolt with research and testing. A treatment/cure/vaccine will now…
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