National News

“Arrest the killer!”

“Arrest the killer!”

Martin Endjala Michael Amushelelo this morning confronted Khomas Regional Commander, Commissioner David Indongo and accused him of refusing to arrest the Inspector General, Joseph Shikongo for his involvement in a fatal accident last December, that led to the death of three people. Shikongo was driving his private vehicle at the time of the crash, that led to the deaths of Sofia Ananias, Frans Ndengu and Stefanus Shahafinge. Although a case has been opened, the matter is currently in the hands of the Prosecutor General’s office to decide whether or not to prosecute and if so, on what charge. Shikongo was…
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Justice Delayed…

Justice Delayed…

Martin Endjala Chief Justice Peter Shivute says the low performance of lower courts in the country last year was because of a lack of economic resources, adding that in order to see more magistrates, more courtrooms and more support staff, sufficient funds are needed to run periodical courts and to pay witness fees in order to reduce backlog of cases on the court rolls. “We have, however, not given up. We cannot give up. We shall strive hard to bring about a discernible improvement in the operations of the Lower Courts,” Shivute said during his address at the opening of…
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Investors’ N$60 billion stolen

Investors’ N$60 billion stolen

Staff Writer Nampol is investigating a fraud case in which N$ 60 billion was reportedly stolen from the Credit Union of Namibia in December at an unknown date and time. Khomas police Spokesperson Warrant Silas Shipandeni said that the suspects unlawfully and intentionally took money intended for the investors. He however says the number of suspects is yet to be determined. No money has been recovered and no arrests have been yet as of yet and investigations into the matter continue. The Chief Executive Officer of the Credit Union, Theron Louie is the complainant.
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CoW requested to intensify delivery of serviced land

CoW requested to intensify delivery of serviced land

Hertha-Maria Amutenja The Minister of Urban and Rural Development, Erastus Uutoni has appealed to the City of Windhoek under the new leadership of Nudo councilor Mayor Joseph Uapingene to intensify the delivery of serviced land and proper sanitation. “I wish to strongly appeal to the City Council under the able leadership of Uapingene to intensify the provision of service land as well as the provision of proper sanitation. I am reliably informed that if we don’t seriously address the issue sewerage starting from now we are likely to face a very big challenge in a few years to come. Therefore…
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“Be beyond reproach”

“Be beyond reproach”

Martin Endjala Legal Practitioners may soon be required to offer free legal services to members of the public, as President Hage Geingob presented a proposal for mandatory pro bono legal aid before various legal professionals today. Geingob made the proposal at the official 2023 legal year opening today, saying that it will expand access to justice and will aid citizens who are unable to cover legal costs. The president also called on the Ministry of Justice in consultation with the Legal fraternity to come up with proposals that will improve the broader provision of legal aid, with the prohibitive factor…
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“You Must Resign!” Geingob reads his Ministers the riot act.

“You Must Resign!” Geingob reads his Ministers the riot act.

Martin Endjala President Hage Geingob today told ministers who disagree with decisions made at cabinet level to resign. Geingob says it is the duty of ministers to infact advocate and defend such decisions as they are binding. Geingob made the remarks at the first 2023 Cabinet session held at state house. “Being a member of the cabinet should never be about advancing personal interests or those of family, friends or associates. It is not about advancing your own personal agenda and therefore, as I have stated before, if you disagree with a collective decision taken and agreed upon by cabinet,…
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Wasserfall’s boyfriend recounts last moments before horrific murder

Wasserfall’s boyfriend recounts last moments before horrific murder

Petrus Shoopala, Shannon Wasserfall’s boyfriend today testified in the Windhoek High court, narrating the events that ensued, the last time he saw her alive. Shoopala, a state witness, took to the stand to testify in the criminal trial of siblings, Azaan Madisia(30) and Steven Malundu, who are accused of murdering Wasserfall(22) and burying her in a shallow grave, in the Walvis Bay dunes, a few meters away from Dunes mall. In his testimony, Shoopala said that Madisia is a friend of his and that they used to attend the same church. On that fateful day, he said he went for…
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“Why did you complicate things?,” Geingob questions Nghipondoka<br>Calls to revisit major education decisions

“Why did you complicate things?,” Geingob questions Nghipondoka
Calls to revisit major education decisions

Martin Endjala President Hage Geingob said the education sector is now complicated and urges Cabinet to revisit a number of issues pertaining to the Namibian education system. “We all saw the outcome of the 2022 the NSSC, Advanced Subsidiary level exam or whatever it is called. You even complicated the issues. Just the name. By putting ‘senior’, you already complicate things. We used to say Matric. Now this senior senior. That in itself already complicated the matter. For older people of course. Maybe the young people understand it easily. Complicated. Minister, why? Senior, higher, what what. Matric, standard eight. It…
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‘Struggle kids’ too old to benefit, says Kapofi

‘Struggle kids’ too old to benefit, says Kapofi

Hertha-Maria Amutenja Veterans Minister Frans Kapofi today said that incorporating exile kids into the Veterans ministry and ultimately declaring them veterans or beneficiaries would be an impossible thing to do as the so called struggle kids are not 18 years and below. Kapofi said this in an interview with the Windhoek Observer, shortly after receiving the struggle kids’ petition to have them fall under his ministry. He says only children or dependents under the age of 18 can be registered under the ministry. “They wrote a letter and we have explained to them that the law that we are administering…
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Free Wi-Fi motion triggers mixed feelings

Free Wi-Fi motion triggers mixed feelings

Martin Endjala The idea of free Wi-Fi across the country particularly in public places, towns, public transportation and schools, has been welcomed by some public members with a cautious mind, as some public members are concerned about the dangers it can bring while also being cognizant of the successes it can bring. However, according to some public members in Luderitz, Bethanie and Keetmanshoop in the //Kharas region, free Wi-Fi will alternatively respond to local digital exclusion. Information Communication Technology stakeholders and Community members noted that it is often low-income communities that are getting left behind by the incumbent ICT infrastructure,…
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