National News

Freedom of speech is absolute

State House Press Secretary Alfredo Hengari got it wrong when he decried legal plans for citizens to demonstrate against the killing of Namibians by the Botswana Defence Force (BDF). The best course of action for government officials regarding citizens expressing their constitutional right to demonstrate and express their opinions (following all regulations), was to say nothing. During an election campaign and any other time, the president should not be exposed in such a way. The statements articulated on this issue make Hage Geingob look as if he wants people to be silent just because he says so. The statements came…
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The unseen is more dangerous

Over 2,000 previously registered students in the Ohangwena region did not return to school as classes reopened after the state of emergency. There is a wide range of reasons for this. But, the bottom line is that 2,000 more young people have their futures placed in jeopardy. They and any children they have are in line for grinding, cyclical, generational poverty. This is the kind of issue that should be driving the 2020 regional elections and should inspire budgets of every relevant ministry. Often it is the unseen threat that is more dangerous. If we see a problem coming, we…
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Swapo must update its campaign rhetoric

The spate of strange and inappropriate comments from Swapo speakers on the campaign trail is embarrassing. The crowds listening to high public officials pontificate about their voting choices at the end of this month are not the same crowds that were listening to Swapo heroes in 1989. Swapo speakers must update themselves and not be so out of date. Most of those in the crowds hearing these odd speeches were in kindergarten or not even born when such virulent, ‘anyone-not Swapo-is-an-enemy’ speeches were relevant. People in the voting mainstream don’t think like that anymore after 30 years of independence. The…
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Racist homes breed racist children

When young students use racism as a weapon against their fellow students as has been reported as commonplace in the Deutsche Höhere Privatschule (DHPS) in Windhoek, it means that the families of those offending students are racist. White people don’t like being called racist and always believe that their two black friends or the fact that they give their second-hand clothes to their black maid is a badge of non-racism. This year of George Floyd and COVID and economic disaster has been a golden opportunity for all people to introspect. We must find a way to live together or shrivel…
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US credibility about elections is tainted

Free and fair elections are a major pillar of a healthy democracy. One of the major casualties for the United States after the negativity and uncertainty of its 2020 national elections is its self-appointed role as a monitor/arbiter of electoral democracy worldwide. US judgements on other people’s elections have been a bell-weather on a country’s access to development assistance, trade agreements and global recognition. Those days are gone; US credibility to judge other people’s elections now carries the taint of hypocrisy. The outgoing US president, Donald Trump, has been clear that if he did not win a second term, the…
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Protests and, pronouncements solve nothing

Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) are the norm in the Republic of Namibia. The majority of women can expect to be victims on varying levels at some point in their lives. Speeches, meetings and protests will not save a woman from a bullet, a knife or fist in her face. We need to move to the stage where we are willing to dig deep into the core of the sickness in our men who perpetrate GBV and rape and cut it out at the roots. To do this is a game-changer that society is not yet ready for…yet. It…
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NSFAF put the cart before the horse

NSFAF is now cutting back from offering 32,000 laptops for tertiary education students to 10,000. The question begs about why a needs assessment was not done BEFORE the tender for the higher number of laptops was offered? Why did we need all of the noise about the needs of online education for students when the estimate of usage was a thumb suck? We all recall that pandemic prevention rules made remote education a priority. We quickly realized our entire system was not suited for this reality. With little time to get things moving, the mandate for off campus classes became…
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Young politicians must cut their teeth

The recent decision by the PDM to expel their candidate for the John Pandeni constituency, Hafeni Mafita, is quite telling. The young politician posted on social media, “I hate whites.” These are ugly words. However, this is the first in a line of faux pas, gaffs, and immature moves by the plethora of younger candidates now gracing Namibia’s political scene. Let the initial response to these errors be more supportive than punitive. Mafita’s real violation is not hating whites but posting it online. And in saying it on social media, he put his immature foot deeply in his own mouth.…
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The Auditor-General needs teeth

The Auditor-General of Namibia (AGN) needs more than just a bark; the holder of that office needs the ability to take a deep, nasty bite. To do that, he needs legislative and regulatory teeth. The Act governing this office must be strengthened. We need our AGN to be able to subpoena records. The AGN must be able to lay charges with the Prosecutor General. The Auditor-General should have the ability (with a judge’s warrant) to have people locked up until they comply with the law for reporting, providing accurate records, and allowing access to registered AGN personnel. This is a…
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State funds must build Namibia first

The contract for printing Namibian ballots is now farmed out to South Africa. This is a mistake during this unique, crisis situation in Namibia. How can this country hope to revive if state funds, i.e., taxpayer money, are going to secure South African jobs? The government must invest at home, even if it seems to cost more (on the surface) to kick start the economy and save local jobs, businesses and families. In this terrible economic crisis, the government must ensure that Namibia revives. The bottom line is that we need different avenues to invest at home to inject money…
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