National News

Eight suspected rhino poachers arrested

Eight suspected rhino poachers arrested

Martin Endjala The Ministry of Environment Tourism and Forestry has arrested eight suspects on charges related to rhino poaching over the Easter long weekend, in two separate incidents. “Last week two suspects that illegally entered the Etosha National Park to hunt Rhinos were arrested during a mobile roadblock on the Tsumeb and Otavi road, two fresh rhino horns were found in their possession and confiscated by Blue Rhino Task Team,” the environment Ministry’s Chief Public Relations Officer, Romeo Muyunda said in a statement. A Namibian male by the name of Sakaria Johannes and Tomas Domingos an Angolan male, appeared in…
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Fishing could be allowed in restricted zone

Fishing could be allowed in restricted zone

Niël Terblanché A process to allow fishing vessels to catch horse mackerel within the 200-metre isobar restricted zone as an experiment has commenced, after the Namibian Cabinet issued a directive in this regard. If found to be scientifically viable to harvest horse mackerel within the species’ spawning zone, the experiment will offer a lifeline to fishing companies geared to land wet fish for shore-based processing. The Namibian fishing industry and related industries once employed more than 15 000 people but the moratorium on the harvesting of pilchards along with delays with the implementation of a new system by which quotas…
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Incomplete state veterinary clinic worries councilor…as state funds run dry

Incomplete state veterinary clinic worries councilor…as state funds run dry

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Okahao Councilor Leonard Shikulo has raised concerns over the Okahao Veterinary Clinic and staff accommodation that has not been in operation, nine years after its construction. The building, which is already in deplorable condition due to its non-usage, is a project of the Ministry of Works and Transport, together with the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. Speaking to the Windhoek Observer, Shikulo said he had enquired with the veterinary office in Okahao and was told the contractor refused to hand over the keys to the building as the contractor was not paid. “I am concerned about…
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Opposition MPs say lack of basic learning necessities fail education

Opposition MPs say lack of basic learning necessities fail education

Stefanus Nashama Popular Democratic Movement Parliamentarian, Elma Dienda said the Namibian education system fails in executing delivery due to a lack of infrastructure and basic learning necessities. She said this during her contribution to a motion tabled in Parliament by a fellow party member, Nico Smit, on the investigation and a full audit of the expenditure of the N$14.1 billion allocated for education with a comprehensive view into infrastructure and textbook expenditure. In his motion, Smit pointed out that textbooks are among the bare minimum of what is expected for children to be provided with at school. “What are the…
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Geopolitics is unavoidable in Green Hydrogen

Geopolitics is unavoidable in Green Hydrogen

Martin Endjala With more interest emerging from numerous countries globally in the much-anticipated green energy boom in Namibia, some experts have come to terms with geopolitics, saying that it is impossible for projects of this magnitude to not be politicized. Frederico Links, a Researcher at the Institute for Public Policy Research, said that energy is a geo-political policy and security concern and priority and politics are what is driving energy discussions everywhere. “Green hydrogen, like all other energy-related developments, is political so the fact that it would be politicized, is a given. It is simply unavoidable and Namibia is no…
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Hundreds of Jobs expected at Farm 37-LPM Councillor

Hundreds of Jobs expected at Farm 37-LPM Councillor

Martin Endjala More than 1 000 job opportunities are set to be created once the construction of houses at Farm 37 7 kilometres east of Walvis Bay in the Erongo region commences, Landless People’s Movement Walvis Bay Councillor, Ryan Gordon says. According to Gordon, Farm 37 is not only envisaged for the construction of houses but also to provide an opportunity for job creation for the community. Gordon told this publication yesterday in an interview that he is currently in discussions with various investors to come on board to construct affordable homes for members of the community. Companies will have…
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Renting taxi permits is illegal, Roads Authority warns

Renting taxi permits is illegal, Roads Authority warns

Stefanus Nashama The Road Authority (RA) yesterday said it has taken notice of the prevalent renting of road public carrier permits, which it says is illegal and that those doing so risk getting prosecuted. In an interview with the Windhoek Observer, Roads Authority Spokesperson Hileni Fillemon called on vehicle owners interested in owning public road carrier permits to follow due process, by applying. Fillemon reiterated that members of the public should refrain from renting out permits, adding that any person may apply, in accordance with the Road Transportation Act 74, 1977, Section 12. “A person may qualify by providing a…
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Suspect in brutal double murder commits suicide as police approach

Suspect in brutal double murder commits suicide as police approach

Niël Terblanché Members of the Nam ibian Police were horrified when Michael Simaneka Martin, a resident of the Oshikweyo Village near Eheke committed suicide by shooting himself in the head while they were approaching him for questioning. Martin is accused of killing two of his colleagues on Tuesday, before fleeing to the north. The horrific suicide was also witnessed by members of Martin’s family. According to the incident report provided by the Public Relations Division of the Namibian Police, the 30-year-old Martin was the main suspect in the brutal murder of 22-year-old Visser Bock and his 30-year-old brother Albertus Bock.…
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Namibian Parliamentarians failing to be proactive

Namibian Parliamentarians failing to be proactive

Martin Endjala Popular Democratic Movement Parliamentarian, Elma Dienda said parliamentarians are failing to be proactive as they continuously repeat talking points in parliamentary sessions. She has since urged MPs to “up their game”. She also said that members move on to new discussions without successfully concluding the previous discussions. She said this during a parliament session yesterday while contributing to a motion calling for flood control measures and an approach to flood management in flood-prone areas. The discussion follows the recent floods experienced in northern Namibia. “It is time that we become awake to the situation and not act after…
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Unemployment of fishermen redressed

Unemployment of fishermen redressed

Niël Terblanché Almost 600 workers in the fishing industry have been re-employed after signing contracts with four fishing companies in Walvis Bay recently. The re-employment of the 581 fishermen is part of an effort by the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources and various fishing companies to mitigate the devastating effects of the mass lay-offs that occurred in the wake of the Fishrot debacle. At the time, nearly 5 000 workers lost their jobs and a majority of the former workers have been protesting the devastation to their lives at the soccer stadium in the Kuisebmond neighborhood of Walvis Bay…
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