National News

Swapo and ANC remain inseparable

Swapo and ANC remain inseparable

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The South African ruling party, African National Congress (ANC) and Namibia’s ruling party, Swapo continue to be inseparable since the struggle history of apartheid. This is according to Swapo President Hage Geingob and his counterpart, ANC President Cyril Ramphosa, who reiterated that the parties are bound by a history of struggle against the tyranny of Apartheid oppression in Namibia and South Africa. “Our two Governing Parties, SWAPO and the ANC are inseparably bound by a difficult history of struggle against the tyranny of Apartheid oppression. Our camaraderie has been forged in the fiery cauldron of the war of…
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Namibia not on track to eliminate open defecation by 2030, Schlettwein says

Namibia not on track to eliminate open defecation by 2030, Schlettwein says

Stefanus Nashama The Minister of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform, Calle Schlettwein says Namibia has a long way to go and is not on track to eliminate open defecation by 2030, with a reduction of open defecation-free areas of only 0.4 percent recorded between 2000 to 2017. The Minister cited the Namibia Census Mapping Basic Report of 2019 to 2021, saying 43 percent of the population is practising open defecation, helping themselves in riverbeds when nature calls. He further cited that 23 percent of this population is urban and 65 percent of this population resides in rural areas. He indicated…
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Women representation almost 50 percent

Women representation almost 50 percent

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Namibia has done well in terms of women’s representation, with a representation of women that is just under 50 percent, according to National Assembly Speaker Peter Katjavivi. “We have done well in terms of women and youth representation. Women representation is just below 50 percent and was achieved mainly because of the zebra strategy adopted by the ruling party. We also have quite a number of young people in both parliament and high-level government structures. We were hoping that we could liaise with the Angolan parliament to share experiences and strengthen our cooperation and we look forward to…
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Man hacks his mother to death

Man hacks his mother to death

Stefanus Nashama A man in Kavango West Region killed his mother after he hacked her with a hoe on the head, on Sunday. The 53-year-old woman who was identified as Anastasia Tjangano died on the spot. It is alleged that an argument broke out between the son and the deceased, resulting in the deadly incident. The police have arrested the 25-year-old suspect, and investigations continue. The victim’s next of kin are informed. Meanwhile, a 35-year-old Namibian female by the name of Diana Ames died suddenly at home after she collapsed. The incident happened last week Friday between 10h40 and 10h52…
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DBN launches second recovery scheme

DBN launches second recovery scheme

Martin Endjala The Development Bank of Namibia (DBN) has announced its participation in the Bank of Namibia Small Medium Enterprise Economic Recovery Loans scheme. Its participation brings the number of schemes on offer by DBN to two. The other scheme offered by the Bank is the Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau Bankengruppe (KfW) scheme. This was announced by DBN Head of Marketing and Corporate Communication, Jerome Mutumba yesterday, who says the BoN scheme is of a longer duration of seven years, and the interest rate floats at prime -0.5 percent. The KfW scheme is of short duration, with repayment to conclude by…
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‘SWAPO will build a better future’

‘SWAPO will build a better future’

Niël Terblanché Namibians must build a better future by embracing the second phase of the struggle and making it their mission to bring about socio-economic emancipation. President Hage Geingob, in his capacity as the President of the SWAPO Party, during the 63rd commemoration of the governing party’s existence at Grootfontein on Saturday, said his wish as the head of the organisation is for Namibians to continue and to complete the important work of the second phase of the struggle. “Our work is not done, but if there is something that the past 63 years have told us - only the…
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Roman Catholic Church concerned about poor service delivery

Roman Catholic Church concerned about poor service delivery

Stefanus Nashama The Roman Catholic Church says it is deeply concerned about the poor implementation, performance and outcomes of public health and police services. The Church held the Namibian Catholic Bishops Conference (NCBC)’ on 13 April to analyse and comment on the National Budget tabled by Finance Minister, Iipumbu Shiimi, on 22 February 2023. The Church said the concern is brought about by the fact that the majority of people especially the poor cannot afford private services, thus they rely on the public sector for basic human needs such as education, health and public safety. NCBC President Archbishop, Liborius Ndumbukuti…
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NamRa recognises taxpayers and traders

NamRa recognises taxpayers and traders

Stefanus Nashama The Namibia Revenue Agency (NamRa) held the second taxpayer and trader awards, honouring individuals, and institutions from the public and private sectors for their commitment in paying tax revenue.The appreciation event took place at Droombos on 19 April, where De Beers Marine Namibia (Pty) was awarded five accolades for being the highest revenue contributor while Anheuser Bush Inbev Namibia Breweries (Pty) Ltd. took the second place. De Beers Marine Namibia (PTY) and Anheuser Bush InbevNamibia Breweries (PTY) Ltd also received tokens of appreciation of N$20,000 each, to give to any charities of their choice. According to a current…
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SPYL sued over alleged debt of N$14 million

SPYL sued over alleged debt of N$14 million

The Swapo Party Youth League (SPYL) finds itself in a legal battle after being dragged to High Court by a local close corporation, True Media Trading for allegedly failing to pay N$14 million and for breaching a contract of an integrated electronic system. It is alleged that SPYL failed to honour an agreement by not paying N$14 million for services rendered by True Media Trading. Court documents suggest that in 2018, the parties entered into an agreement that contracted True Media Trading to supply and install an integrated membership system at various Swapo offices, but the youth league allegedly failed…
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Genocide officially commemorated in Lüdeirtz

Genocide officially commemorated in Lüdeirtz

Niël Terblanché The genocide perpetrated against the Nama and Herero people while Namibia was under the colonial rule of Germany at the beginning of the previous century has for the first time been officially commemorated by the descendants of the victims. The date of the event is crucial because, on 22nd April 1905, German General Lothar von Trotha issued his Extermination order against the Nama people. A three-day event that started on Friday and culminated on Sunday was held at Lüderitz where the leaders of the Nama and Ovaherero traditional authorities, Gaob Johannes Isaack and Paramount Chief Professor Mutjinde Katjiua,…
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