National News

Standard Bank CEO resigns

Standard Bank CEO resigns

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Standard Bank Namibia’s Chief Executive Officer Mercia Geises has resigned. Confirming the resignation, Geises said she is resigning to pursue other interests. “I just resigned to pursue other personal and professional interests nothing else,” said Geises. Geises was appointed last year on 1 May after Vetumbuavi Mungunda stepped down in April 2021. “In accordance with Paragraph 3.59 of the Listing Requirements, Shareholders are hereby advised that Mercia Geises has advised that, after seven years with the SBN Holdings Group she wishes to step down as Chief Executive and leave the Group to pursue other personal and professional interests,”…
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Labour laws must be amended to remove police power ambiguity

Labour laws must be amended to remove police power ambiguity

Martin Endjala Lawyer Kadhila Amoomo has come out strongly in support of the amendment of labour laws in the country by saying that there is an ambiguity on the power of the police when it comes to labour-related issues. “The law in its current form should be amended in order to remove the ambiguity on the power of the Namibian Police,” he said. Amoomo, during an interview with this publication yesterday said that workers often fall victim to police harassment during labour disputes and strikes. “This is a problem, as workers are supposed to exercise their rights if they feel…
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Aviation legend to visit Namibia

Aviation legend to visit Namibia

Niël Terblanché Enthusiasts from the Namibian civil aviation community are all set to welcome Kerry McCauley, an American ferry pilot who has flown light aircraft all over the world in his extensive career during a fly-in event that will be hosted at Lapa Lange for the next few days. McCauley is credited with delivering aircraft of all shapes and sizes to more than 60 countries while flying over vast stretches of the earth’s surface whether it be ocean or land. His adventures were immortalized in the book ‘Ferry Pilot’ and he also starred in a Discovery Channel series ‘Dangerous Flights’.…
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Grootfontein Council in court over unpaid invoices

Grootfontein Council in court over unpaid invoices

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Grootfontein Town Council has been dragged to court by a solid waste disposal company, Frontier Multi Industries (FMI) for allegedly refusing to pay N$ 1.8 million due to the company. According to documents filed in the Windhoek High Court, in November 2021 the council and FMI entered into an agreement for the solid waste company to provide solid waste and disposal services for a period of three years to the council. The two also agreed that the council would make payments for the services,30 days after the invoices were submitted. FMI is claiming that the council failed…
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Credit improvement needed to grow economy

Credit improvement needed to grow economy

Martin Endjala Although the country’s economic recovery is in its early stages, credit growth will have to improve in order to support improved economic growth rates going forward. According to Economist Theo Klein, a myriad of other factors also needs to change in order to support higher growth, but prolonged negative real credit growth can limit growth. “Various factors would likely also have to change, whether it’s the mathematics behind internal models used to assess credit risk by banks or local businesses and entrepreneurs coming forth with better ideas that are bankable,” he said. Klein does not foresee higher interest…
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New born baby murdered and dumped

New born baby murdered and dumped

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Several murder cases were reported over the long weekend, including an incident reported on Saturday, in which the lifeless body of a new born baby boy was found dumped in the bushes. Police said it is unclear when exactly the baby was dumped, but the incident happened at Ogongo settlement in Omusati region.“It is alleged that the suspect hit a newly born baby boy on the head near the right ear with an unknown hard object which caused severe injury and resulted in the death of the baby. It is further alleged that the suspect dumped the body…
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PM salutes workers on May Day

PM salutes workers on May Day

Niël Terblanché Namibia managed to control the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic because of the dedication and commitment of essential workers. Prime Minister Saara Kuukongelwa-Amadhila, in her message to the workers of Namibia on International Workers Day said that in emergencies, workers serve at the forefront as the first lines of defence to save lives, provide essential services and ensure the productivity and profitability of enterprises. “During the fight against the pandemic, some workers succumbed to Covid-19 while in the line of duty. It is this dedication of the workers that is celebrated on this day. The first of May…
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Revolutionary Union claims business and political elites captured unionists

Revolutionary Union claims business and political elites captured unionists

Stefanus Nashama The newly established Revolutionary Union (RU) claims business people and political elites give instructions to ‘captured unionists’ who sell out the workers for political positions in the corrupt party and its government. The Union said this yesterday on Workers’ Day, indicating that sellouts and captured unionists are characterized by wage negotiations dictated at dinner tables where elites give instructions to captured unionists. The ‘corrupt party and government’ referred to by the RU is the SWAPO Party and the Government. The Union further said for the past 33 years, political freedom has been worse for the workers of Namibia.…
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Shifeta excited about tourism sector amidN$ 132m worth of new park infrastructure

Shifeta excited about tourism sector amidN$ 132m worth of new park infrastructure

Staff Writer The Minister of Environment Tourism and Forestry, Pohamba Shifeta, has expressed his excitement about the tourism sector following the inauguration and handing over of park infrastructure and equipment in the Dorob and Skeleton Coast National Park in Namibia last week. This was made possible through the support of the German Government through the KfW Development Bank to the tune of N$132 million. The infrastructure and equipment will assist in the management of the National Parks in which they are situated and enhance biodiversity conservation. The infrastructure includes new park management stations constructed at Cape Cross, Ugabmund, Möwe Bay…
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Agricultural sector continues lacklustre performance

Agricultural sector continues lacklustre performance

Martin Endjala The agricultural sector of Namibia continues to underperform despite all sub-sectors of the industry expanding in output in 2022. During 2022, livestock farming increased by 1.2 percent, fishing increased by 2.3 percent and crop farming 4.3 percent in 2022, leading to the overall growth of 2.6 percent in the agricultural industry. The agricultural industry is a crucial component of any economy, especially in Namibia, as the industry has one of the highest potentials to absorb the abundant unskilled labour in the country and improve socioeconomic indicators such as poverty and unemployment. To this end, the urban population of…
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