National News

PM calls for enhanced fight against ocean pollution

PM calls for enhanced fight against ocean pollution

Obrein Simasiku Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila has called for a unified fight against polluting of oceans and maritime piracy, as she emphasised the integral part oceans play in the Namibian economy. Kuugongelwa-Amadhila said this at the 2nd United Nations Ocean Conference in Lisbon. "We cannot engage on the issue of marine and aquatic resources without looking into the negative impact of pollution. Pollution in oceans should be viewed in a holistic manner. If land pollution control measures are poorly implemented, ocean pollution is inevitable. In this regard, investments should be increased to prevent and manage pollution both on land and…
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Laws must be streamlined to fight fake qualifications

Laws must be streamlined to fight fake qualifications

Martin Endjala The Ministry of Higher Education, Training and Innovation officials have revealed that due to the gap between legislative bodies of higher education that regulate institutions, it is proving to be a challenge to address forgery and falsification of qualifications. The Namibia Training Authority (NTA), Namibia Council of Higher Education (NCHE) and the Namibia Qualifications (NQA) Authority are the regulating bodies of higher education institutions country. The Executive Director of MHETI Alfred Van Kent said that one of the Ministry’s challenges is the executing laws that are put in place that regulate higher education institutions. The MHETI ED said…
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Rotational principle election saga under the scope

Rotational principle election saga under the scope

Martin Endjala The fifth Pan-African Parliament session following last year’s chaotic and aborted event are meeting this week in South Africa to among other elect a President, which was fiercely fought last year. The South and West caucuses fought for their candidates and the election was postponed and the African parliamentarians will again be meeting with an agenda of electing a new president and a vice-President during which all five caucuses will root for their candidates. With the embarrassing pandemonium election still fresh in some minds, the parliamentarians will try and put all of it behind and hope to speak…
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BoN strengthens African ties

BoN strengthens African ties

Tujoromajo Kasuto Last week, Bank of Namibia Governor Johannes !Gawaxab met with his counterparts on the continent as part of his efforts to strengthen collaboration and seek mutually beneficial relationships among African central banks. According to the Central Bank’s Director of Strategic Communications and International Relations, Kazembire Zemburuka, separate meetings were held to strengthen ties between the Governors of the Bank of Ghana, Ernest Addison, and the Bank of Botswana, Moses Dinekere Pelaelo. He says that the Bank also intends to call on the Central Bank of Kenya, given the advances made in the fintech space. Zemburuka noted that the…
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Shangula calls for more progressive

Shangula calls for more progressive

Staff Writer The Minister of Health and Social Services, has called for the continued promotion of women’s political freedom and the abolition of all forms of violence against women and girls. Kalumbi Shangula said this yesterday at the opening of Second Joint High Level Continental Seminar on the right to health and social protection in Africa in Windhoek. The health minister said African counties need to collaborate and push forward to put an end to all forms of harmful practices that undermine the commendable progress we have made on many fronts. “We must hold hands and forge ahead in order…
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Old Mutual facilitates housing in Mariental

Old Mutual facilitates housing in Mariental

Tujoromajo Kasuto Old Mutual Investment Group has committed funding to the development of 224 serviced erven and the development of affordable houses in Mariental, the administrative capital of Hardap Region. The Tunga Real Estate Fund, an unlisted property and housing fund managed by the Old Mutual, completed the first phase of land servicing for 56 residential plots and handed over the infrastructure and services to the Mariental Municipality. According to a press statement issued today by Ashante Manetti, the group’s Acting Marketing and Communications Executive, sales have begun and the homes have been completed. ‘’A further sub division is underway…
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ECN aims to boost voter turnout …turnout decreased by 36% since 1989

ECN aims to boost voter turnout …turnout decreased by 36% since 1989

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Electoral Commission of Namibia has set itself a strategic target of increasing voter participation through working with various stakeholders and conduct research in this regard. Voter turnout has decreased by 36% since 1989. The objective is detailed in the 2022/2023 - 2026/2027 Strategic Plan. Since the first democratic elections in 1989, the Presidential and National Assembly Elections, voter turnout ranged between 97.3 percent in 1989 to as low as 60.8 percent in 2019. The Commission notes that voter turnout in subsequent elections following 1989 has been relatively low, with higher voter turnout only occurring in 2004 in…
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Traffic, wildlife, livestock offences dominate Otjozondjupa crime

Traffic, wildlife, livestock offences dominate Otjozondjupa crime

Obrein Simasiku A total of 7341 traffic fines with a value of N$5 831 525 were issued by lawless drivers and motorists by law enforcement agencies in the Otjozondupa Region during the financial year 2021/22, resulting in the arrest of 460 persons for various traffic offences. Among these 150 persons were arrested for drunken driving. Also 52 road accidents were recorded. "Our region is hard hit in terms of road carnage on the B1 road between Okahandja-Otjiwarongo-Otavi, which are currently the highest accident prone areas in the country. Namibia has the best roads infrastructure but ‘road user’s attitude’ and ‘negligent…
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Swapo SG welcomes new members in Kunene

Swapo SG welcomes new members in Kunene

Martin Endjala The Secretary General of the Swapo Party said despite its ups and downs, the party is still trusted by the majority of Namibians as the one that brought development and prosperity for all. Sophia Shangingwa said this when she welcomed new members to the party at Okanguati in the Epupa district of the Kunene Region last Friday. She told the new members that the party is the only political home for all Namibians and continues to lead in uniting the people of Namibia irrespective of colour, gender or tribe. Highlighting the many achievements of the party, Shaningwa listed…
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Otjozondjupa struggles with ambulances

Otjozondjupa struggles with ambulances

Obrein Simasiku The Otjozondjuba Region is struggling to attend to health related emergencies with only two ambulances for the vast and accident prone region. Otjozondjupa has a population of 143 903. "In terms of ambulance services the region is still challenged due to the aging fleet and breakdowns and as we are talking the whole region is only having two operational ambulances which is a serious cause of concern and requires immediate attention," said Otjozondjupa governor James Uerikua in his State of the Region Address (SORA). He said, Tsumkwe Constituency is the most affected as it heavily relies on medical…
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