National News

LPM councils fund students

LPM councils fund students

Martin Endjala The Landless People’s Movement as part of its commitment to free quality education and well-resourced education, have announced a sponsorship for students in regions that it controls to the tune of N$400 000 and have also set aside about N$1.2 million towards tertiary education. The money was paid for registration and tuition fees for students in the region in the two southern regions it governs. This was confirmed by the LPM Youth League Command Leader Duminga Ndala during a press conference today in Windhoek.N$50 000 have so far been spent for tuition fees for students registered with higher…
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Namibia losses 20 percent of forest in 30 years.

Namibia losses 20 percent of forest in 30 years.

Staff Writer Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, says Namibia has lost nearly 20 percent of its forests area during the last 30 years. According to Shifeta the lost of forest is a result of unsustainable use of resources. He said this today during a national conference titled: The Future of Namibia’s Forests – Sustainable Forest Management as Key to Unlock Its Potential. He says Namibia is taking concrete steps to mitigate the effects of climate change. “With only eight years remaining to reach our 2030 target as set out in the revised ‘Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), Namibia…
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Paratus lost millions in CoW bullying

Paratus lost millions in CoW bullying

Obrein Simasiku Paratus Telecom has welcomed the outcome of their appeal in the Supreme Court against the City of Windhoek, which allows them now to continue with digging trenches and installing their fibre cables around the city for connectivity. "We have been doing things right from the beginning, and we have never been wrong. We are happy the rule of law has prevailed, despite intimidations and after having lost out on millions of dollars for the past years that our work was being interrupted. We have won both cases since the start from the High Court, and this signifies our…
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Municipal bus fares to increase

Municipal bus fares to increase

Martin Endjala The City of Windhoek has announced that it will be increasing its municipal bus fares effective from the 1st August 2022 in line with the government gazette 7843 N258-286 and the city of Windhoek tariffs for the 2022/23 financial year. This was confirmed by the administrative officer and acting accountant financial and administrative officer at the department of Urban and Transport Planning Anneline Gases today in conversations with Windhoek Observer. Smart card fare is expected to increase from its current N$7.50 by N$1.00, which translate into N$8.50 per trip. While Cash fare is expected to increase from its…
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HIV, pregnancy tests required for Cuban scholarship

HIV, pregnancy tests required for Cuban scholarship

Tujoromajo Kasuto The Namibia Students Financial Assistance Fund (NSFAF) invites Namibians to compete for two fully funded scholarships for undergraduate studies in medical sciences offered by the Cuban government for 2023. Some of the requirement for the scholarship are pregnancy and HIV testing. Given the advanced technological era in which the world finds itself, these two requirements have raised eyebrows about why this is required for academic purposes. Consequently, when quizzed about the impact of the results on the selection process, NSFAF Acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Kennedy Kandume stated that the conditions of the scholarship are set by Cuba,…
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Endombo eviction averted<br>…Tsumeb residents protest against dumping tenants on streets

Endombo eviction averted
…Tsumeb residents protest against dumping tenants on streets

Obrein Simasiku Early this morning hundreds of eviction threatened residents of Tsumeb's Endombo compound including sympathisers burned tyres as they blocked roads leading to the premises. This was in anticipation to stop the messenger of court to effect the evictions, however little did they know the process has been averted through an 11th hour engagement between politicians, central government and the property owner, Christo Groenewald. Aggrieved residents whom the Windhoek Observer spoke to indicated that "what happened today is just a beginning and a sign of what we are capable of doing if pushed further or if this eviction issue…
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Lack of competition blamed for soaring data prices

Lack of competition blamed for soaring data prices

Obrein Simasiku Lack of competition in the telecommunication industry as well as the state's involvement within the available operators is flagged as major factors driving data prices higher in Namibia making it unaffordable for an average person. Namibia slipped in the African Affordability ranking from 4th cheapest in the first quarter of 2016, to 33 cheapest country in the first quarter of 2021 for 5Gigabyte per month. "Namibia lost its leading role in Africa because of state-driven consolidation in the sector and the significant reduction in competition. To this end, we have made recommendations on how to address these matters,…
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Geingob describes Duarte as courageous freedom fighter

Geingob describes Duarte as courageous freedom fighter

Martin Endjala President Hage Geingob has extended his heartfelt condolences to the African National Congress on the death of its Deputy Secretary General, Jessie Duarte yesterday morning. Geingob described the late Duarte as a courageous freedom fighter who committed her life service both to the ANC and South Africa. “During this difficult hour of grief, I express on behalf of the Namibian government and on the rank and file of the Swapo party, our sincere condolences to the family of comrade Duarte, ANC and to the fraternal people of South Africa,” Geingob expressed. According to the ANC statement issued yesterday…
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Telecom plans to invest N$2,3B to leverage on digital transformation

Telecom plans to invest N$2,3B to leverage on digital transformation

Staff Writer Telecom Namibia plans to invest over N$2,3 billion in the next five years to modernise its national network, both fixed and mobile, starting from the national backbone to the core network and the access technologies. This comes after the World Bank Group Private Sector Diagnostic report emphasised the urgent need for Namibia to promote and invest in digital infrastructure as this will enable digital transformation, which in turn would lead to the adoption of digital processes. According to Telecom Namibia, Chief Executive Officer Stanley Shanapinda they couldn’t agree more with the World Bank Group that digital transformation will…
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Forestry officials confiscate planks

Forestry officials confiscate planks

Staff Writer The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has confiscated 75 planks processed from tree trunks that were buried on a farm in Kavango West Region. All 75 planks were confiscated and transported to Mururani. “Officials responsible for the two Kavango regions on 15 July 2022 discovered 75 planks buried on farm unit no.1902 after a tip off from the public. The planks are believed to have been illegally harvested from farm no 1903. Both farms are in Ncamagoro constituency in the Kavango West Region,” said the ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda. It is alleged that the planks processed from…
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