National News

Don’t play political football with land issues

Don’t play political football with land issues

The Green Schemes that were touted as Namibia’s blueprint to food self-sufficiency has failed and the government is now looking at a different management model to continue its strategy to make Namibia produce what its people consume. The company created in 2011 to run 11 Green Schemes, the Agricultural Business Development Agency, experienced serious governance, financial and operational deficiencies. In addition, the running of the Green Scheme according to the Minister of Agriculture, who was moved there in the second term of the current President’s term, observed that there were institutional challenges in the administration of the schemes. According to…
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Local tourism declining because of inflation

Local tourism declining because of inflation

Tujoromajo Kasuto Simonis Storm Securities has revealed that local tourism might decline in the near future, as local travellers battle with expensive food, fuel and accommodation prices. Theo Klein, an economist with the firm, states that the hotels, cafés and restaurants category has recorded high single digit inflation rates in recent months, averaging nine percent year on year. ‘’Disaggregating this main category, we see that accommodation services have only recorded double digit inflation rates and average 15.1% YTD. This is evident that local hospitality establishments have little capacity in absorbing a rise in input costs (e.g electricity tariffs, food, fuel,…
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Queen Elizabeth leaves behind<br>an unquestionable legacy

Queen Elizabeth leaves behind
an unquestionable legacy

Martin Endjala The world is in mourning after the devastating news on the death of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II of England yesterday. Global broadcaster, the BBC reported yesterday’s afternoon hours about concerns raised by her doctor about her health condition. Her passing was sadly announced thereafter to the anticipation of a huge crowd that was gathered around the royal palace. Tributes then started flowing in from all around the world. President Hage Geingob joined in the tributes, expressing his condolences saying “it is with a sense of deep sadness that I learned of the passing of Her Majesty Queen…
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Music Fest to mark Suicide Day

Music Fest to mark Suicide Day

Staff Writer In light of Suicide Prevention day slated for Saturday, 10 September the Office of the First Lady Monica Geingos through their Break free project in partnership with popular gospel musician D-Naff has initiated a Speak-Out Seek-Help (SOSH) Music Fest. The Mental Health Awareness Campaign is in partnership with #BreakFree and Lifeline Child line to raise awareness on Mental Health, which is one of the leading causes of suicide. Veronica Theron who is attached to the Office of the First Lady said they will be using musicians to create awareness and sensitivity and also place a strong emphasis on…
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Saara, Netumbo neck and neck<br>….as other aspirants wait in the wings

Saara, Netumbo neck and neck
….as other aspirants wait in the wings

Staff Writer The stage is set for the Swapo Party’s vice presidential campaign between the early pace setters, the incumbent, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah and Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila. Kuugongelwa-Amadhila is Nandi-Ndaitwah’s junior in the party hierarchy and the latter is Amadhila’s junior in government, one being the vice president in the party and other Prime Minister in government. But, their positions will be of little relevance in the battle for supremacy, as the camps are crystallising even before the weekend’s Central Committee meeting that will finalise the nominations for the November congress. There are just two months and three weeks to go before…
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Rubber bullets, teargas used during Katima demolitions

Rubber bullets, teargas used during Katima demolitions

Obrein Simasiku Approximately 300 mud houses illegally constructed at Lwanyanda, a self-proclaimed settlement in Katima Mulilo, were reduced to rubble today as the Town Council executed an order as granted by the High Court to evict and demolish illegal structures on municipal land. The same will be done in Cowboy and Diary. This was after the Katima Mulilo sought relief from the High Court seeking an order to have thousands of people who illegally occupied these areas are removed, after numerous attempts to have them vacate voluntary failed. In the same vein council had availed land at Nova to accommodate…
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Okakarara looks at unlocking its potential

Okakarara looks at unlocking its potential

Martin Endjala Businesses have been challenged to intensify their efforts to industrialise the country by increasing production with the goal to improve the quality of life for all citizens. Vice-President Nangolo Mbumba made this call during the official opening of the 14th edition of the Okakarara Trade Fair today. The fair is held under the theme “Unlocking business growth opportunities for Okakarara”. The theme recognises Okakarara’s resolve to unlock its potential as a fast growing business centre, as one of the economic hubs of the Otjozondjupa region. The full and active participation in the national, regional and global economy, the…
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Swartbooi slams MME for not being transparent

Swartbooi slams MME for not being transparent

Martin Endjala Bernadus Swartbooi, the leader of the Landless People’s Movement has slammed the Ministry of Mines and Energy for not being transparent, about the drilling in the Aminius Constituency in the Omaheke region, by a Russian-owned mining exploration company, which has raised red flags across the communities over concerns of water pollution with a possible consequence of destruction of livelihoods. The LPM leader was speaking today during a media briefing on the country’s status quo in Windhoek, cautioning that the Kalahari basin borehole drilling will cause pollution and damage to the tourism sector, vegetation and water sources. The process…
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Naankuse help in fight against scabies

Naankuse help in fight against scabies

Martin Endjala The San community in Drimiopsis, in the Omaheke Region yesterday received hygiene products donated by the ChariTree Foundation aimed at curbing scabies in the community. The donation was a collaborative effort by Wutow Trading, Nàankuse and Paliston Packaging. According to Nàankuse Foundation Nàankuse Lifeline Clinic Manager, Hardus Swart said that as a non-profit organisation they rely on foundations such as ChariTree. A community member who was one of the recipients applauded the charities, saying the donation was timely moment, as they had no hygiene products. Another recipient extended his call on more organizations to come on board to…
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High inflation, interest rates erode consumer confidence

High inflation, interest rates erode consumer confidence

Tujoromajo Kasuto Uncoordinated policy frameworks and a lack of cooperation between the public and private sectors, according to the Agricultural Bank of Namibia, are obstacles in the fight against unemployment. The Bank observes that a number of initiatives aimed at reviving the labour market, such as the youth agro-based value chain initiatives, are halted by the lack of coordination between the government and private sector and other policy frameworks, making it difficult to combat the high unemployment rate. ‘’Pandemic related retrenchments and slow global trade have further worsen the number of unemployed individuals in the country. Employment is the cornerstone…
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