National News

Local slaughter of sheep may increase

Local slaughter of sheep may increase

Tujoromajo Kasuto The slaughtering of more sheep, instead of on the hoof export of these animals, is on the horizon as the Farmers Meat Market Mariental has conducted test slaughtering at the end of August. This could signal the start of slaughtering activities on the basis of promising sheep `numbers according to the Meat Board, it is reported in Simonis Storm Agri monthly report. The comes as Namibia’s local livestock slaughtering has remained predominantly mute over the first half of the year, despite it exceeding levels recorded for the same period in 2021 and decreased by 29.4 percent on average…
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Kalahari Holdings makes impact on rural learners

Kalahari Holdings makes impact on rural learners

Martin Endjala The completion of two hostel blocks and a kitchen for hostel dwellers to the Oshamukweni Combined School 34km outside Okongo in the Ohangwena Region at the Shalumbu village has come at a time when enrolment numbers at the remote school is rising. This was said by the principal of the school Werner Nangolo at the handover of the hostel and ablution blocks last weekend. Kalahari Holdings build the hostel blocks and the ablution facility, while a US company, Footsteps for Africa provided the kitchen. The morale of the teachers and learners at the school are high following the…
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Omuthiya council fight reaches boiling point

Obrein Simasiku Long-running boardroom battles dating back to 2020 between the Mayor of Omuthiya and his deputy has resulted in the suspension of the latter. Mayor Johannes Ndeutepo of Swapo and Deputy Mayor Petrina Shiindi from the Independent Patriots for Change, had been at each other’s throats and Shiindi allegedly had been trying to remove the mayor. The fights were taken to and featured on various social media platforms. The fights came to a head on Friday, when Shiindi was served with a suspension letter, where she is stripped of all benefits as a deputy mayor and also asked to…
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Katutura hospital children’s ward refurbished

Katutura hospital children’s ward refurbished

Martin Endjala The dilapidated civil, structural and electrical components of the Katutura State Hospital children’s ward room in 8A was fully revamped and replaced to full functionality at the cost of N$470 000. The refurbishing investment comes through a sponsorship of Vivo Energy Namibia under its Project Play. Project Play was launched today at the handover of the rooms to the Ministry of Health and Social Service, and the company plans to run the project on an annual basis by extending it to other state hospitals in the regions that are in need of childhood development play rooms and as…
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Farm worker kills boss with axe handle

Farm worker kills boss with axe handle

Tujoromajo Kasuto A 26-year-old Namibian man was arrested after killing his employer, Christof Mberitjiua Mungunda,66, by allegedly striking him several times on the head with a wooden axe handle until he collapsedunconscious to the ground.The incident took place on Friday, September 16 around 22h00 at Mberitjiua Post, Otjombinde Constituency in the Omaheke region. According to Nampol’s weekend series crime report, ‘’the suspect then went to the deceased yard, took the car and loaded alcohol and food. It is further alleged that the suspect was informed by his girlfriend that the deceased was still moving and breathing heavily, that is when…
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Omaheke received budget of over $15 million

Omaheke received budget of over $15 million

Staff Writer The Omaheke Regional Council has received a budget allocation of N$15,939,400 for various capital development for the 2022/23 financial year. Senior Public Relations Officer Tauno Iileka said the construction of the Aminuis Constituency settlement offices and Corridor 13 offices are part of the projects to benefit from the budget. “The projects include the construction of Corridor 13 and Aminuis settlement offices at N$5 million and N$3 million respectively. Corridor 13 settlement office is expected to be completed by the end of this year, with possible savings to be re-allocated to other projects. The allocation for Aminuis settlement office…
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Ministries heading for collision over uranium

Ministries heading for collision over uranium

Tujoromajo Kasuto Minister of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo yesterday said in the national assembly that Headway Investments’ and its partners’ ISL uranium mining activities in the Aminuis Constituency have obtained all the relevant permits for all the activities they are currently carrying out or activities they have already carried out and their operations are not illegal. Alweendo further noted that the company is currently not drilling because the water drilling permit that was issued has expired, and they have applied for a new permit that is still being processed by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform. Minister…
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SAN wants security industry regulated

SAN wants security industry regulated

Martin Endjala The absence of a watchdog body for security companies is contributing to lawlessness in the industry, where companies continue to violate labour laws with impunity. This concern was sounded by the Security Association of Namibia, at its 30th annual general meeting in Windhoek today. Dawid Nuuyoma, the chairman of SAN, said that they are not forcing anyone to be part of the association but said the lawlessness in the industry requires a body to which the companies are affiliated, which will ensure that the rights of both employers and employees are safeguarded. SAN says non-compliance certificates issued by…
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Nam’s foreign debt mainly in Euro, JSE bonds …AfDB, China Exim Bank, KfW main creditors

Nam’s foreign debt mainly in Euro, JSE bonds …AfDB, China Exim Bank, KfW main creditors

The government of Namibia’s total foreign debt stood at 33.2 billion dollars at 31 March 2021 compared to 36.5 billion the previous year after interest payments amounting to two billion and over 20 million in cost for borrowing were made. This is contained in the Auditor General’s report on government finances for 2020/2021. of the expenditure related to borrowing was for settling the capital amounts on the loans. In 2021 about N$40.55 billion was spend on repayment of debt of which 38 billion was for domestic debt. The foregoing amounts show that most of Namibia’s borrowings are skewed to the…
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EIF accreditation of GCF extended by five years

EIF accreditation of GCF extended by five years

Martin Endjala The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia has penned five-year accreditation master agreement extension with the Green Climate Fund. The re-accreditation signed yesterday between the two funds comes after the EIF’s five-year term lapsed in June 2021. The re-accreditation was preceded by a rigorous institutional review and assessment of the Fund by the GCF secretariat. The signing of the accreditation master agreement shows that the EIF of Namibia is recognized as maintain global standards, competence, and governance systems to access the financial resources of the GCF. It is also said to demonstrate the cooperation, commitment and dedication of government…
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