National News

LPM accuses Ondangwa of poor service delivery

LPM accuses Ondangwa of poor service delivery

Martin Endjala The Ondangwa Town Council says that despite the circumstances no one is allowed to occupy land illegally. The CEO of the council, Ismael Namgongo emphasized that the town council’s mandate is to provide land to its residents and the illegal occupying of land interferes with this mandate. The CEO was speaking about the illegal occupation of land by Uupopo residents, stressing that no one will be given preferential treatment in this regard. In an interview with the Windhoek Observer, Namgongo said that they are engage in dialogue with the Uupopo residents’ committee to find an amicable solution. This…
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Swapo constitution clear on filling of top 4 posts

Swapo constitution clear on filling of top 4 posts

Martin Endjala The resignation of President Hage Geingob as Swapo Party president before the 2024 election will be filled through the provisions of the party constitution. President Geingob indicated earlier that he would step down from the party’s presidency and pave the way for the Vice President that has been elected at the November party congress to take over. He revealed his intentions at the Swapo Party’s internal campaign launch on 14 September. Deputy Prime Minister and the Minister of International Relations, Netumbo Nandi-Ndaitwah, Prime Minister Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila and Minister of Environment and Forestry and Tourism Pohamba Shifeta are in…
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MEFT receives equipment worth N$21 million

MEFT receives equipment worth N$21 million

Staff Writer Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism today received consignment of equipment worth approximately N$21.7 million from projects of the MEFT funded by the German Governmentthrough KfW development bank. Pohamba Shifeta, Minister of MEFT received the equipment consisting of 10 vehicles, park management and law enforcement equipment. “On behalf of the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, I am delighted to be here this morning to receive this consignment of critical equipment worth approximately N$ 21.7 million. This consignment that includes ten (10) 4x4 off-road vehicles, water maintenance equipment, camping equipment, wildlife monitoring equipment, predator transport crates, workshop tools,…
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Swapo campaigns thinon bread and butter issues

Swapo campaigns thinon bread and butter issues

Tujoromajo Kasuto Analysts are concerned that the Swapo Party candidates’ campaign statements lack focus on bread and butter issues and the frustrations of the Namibian people. Political Analyst, Ndumba Kamwanyah said the top candidates need to prioritise public anger, whether real or perceived, particularly perceptions about corruption that the public has over the party. ‘’There is a perception out that Swapo is offering the same old people. We haven’t seen or maybe they need to come up with the more viable motos and agenda. But none of them have shown that they have something new for Namibia and the Party…
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NA passed the access to information bill

NA passed the access to information bill

Martin Endjala A brain child of Deputy Minister of Information, Technology and Communication Emma Teofelus has today seen the light at the end of the tunnel, as the National Assembly passed the Access to Information Bill with amendments. The bill aims to promote the public’s free access to information held by public entities, and to compel public and private entities to proactively and promptly make information available. The bill was tabled in June 2020. The MICT Minister Peya Mushelenga said that the passing of the bill demonstrates good governance, accountability and transparency which are all elements of democracy. The bill…
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Minister pleads with fishermen to return to work…Klazen takes swipe at union for mass resignations

Minister pleads with fishermen to return to work…Klazen takes swipe at union for mass resignations

Obrein Simasiku The mass resignation by fishermen at Walvis Bay was as a result of alleged promises of hefty salaries by some fishing companies, the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources, has established, as it hopes it will convince the companies and the former employees to make up their differences. This comes in the wake of 612 fishermen who resigned from a fishing joint venture company in August, and are now demanding for September salaries, as they claim they are entitled to remuneration by virtue of the provision of a fishing quota associated with them. The revelation came to light…
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NSA launches land cover management system

NSA launches land cover management system

Staff Writer Namibia, which currently lacks a uniform land cover management system, will soon have one implemented through the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) by the Namibia Statistics Agency (NSA). NSA statistician-general and chief executive officer Alex Shimuafeni said NSDI initiated a process of implementing a national standard with the aim to harmonise land cover classification in the country. “Through meetings with the NSDI Committee for Spatial Data and the NSDI Inter-Agency Sub Executive Committee (SEC) during 2019, a consensus was reached that Namibia needs to formulate its own National Land Cover Standard to harmonise and align land cover maps…
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Motorists get fuel relief

Motorists get fuel relief

Tujoromajo Kasuto Motorists have been given a reprieve for the month of October 2022 after the Ministry of Mines and Energy decided to reduce petrol price by 100 cents per litre, while diesel prices will remain unchanged. This comes as oil prices continue to decline during September 2022, and the current levels represent the lowest since January 2022, amid growing concerns that a projected economic slump could harm global demand in energy markets. According to Andreas Simon, Senior Public Relations Officer for the Mines and Energy Ministry, the new fuel prices in Walvis Bay will be N$ 20.08 per litre…
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Namibia’s domestic economic activity improves

Namibia’s domestic economic activity improves

Staff Writer The performance of the domestic economic activity has improved during the second quarter of this year despite elevated inflation, tighter financial conditions, economic downturns in China and Russia, and weaker consumer spending in the USA. According to Bank of Namibia’s (BoN) Director of Strategic Communications and International Relations Kazembire Zemburuka, the mining sector and agricultural sector showed improved performances. “During the second quarter of 2022, activity in the domestic economy increased, supported by the primary and tertiary industries. Available indicators show that the improved activity was particularly reflected in the mining sector, where the production of most key…
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PDM prepares for 2024 elections

PDM prepares for 2024 elections

Martin Endjala The Popular Democratic Movement has commenced with its mobilization campaigns aimed at reaching a wider audience, with Manuel Ngaringombe, secretary general emphasizing the party’s promises to have an increased political participation. An interactive website is needed to engage and inform the electorate online. Ngaringombe was speaking today at the launch of the PDM website in Windhoek. PDM will present its message directly to the Namibian electorate, mobilize support during and between campaigning periods, as well as engage supporters and adversaries in dialogue and debate. The PDM website will also be seen as a component in an online strategy…
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