National News

BPEEA calling for nationalisation of mineral resources

BPEEA calling for nationalisation of mineral resources

Staff WriterThe Black People Economic Emancipation Association is calling on the Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX), Bank of Namibia(BoN) Ministry of Mines and Energy and the Parliament to nationalise mineral resources in the country. Today, the BPEEA, led by Namibian Economic Freedom Fighters (NEFF) economic commissar and activist Michael Amushelelo, demonstrated in front of the NSX, BoN, Ministry of Mines, and Parliament. Amongst their demands the BPEEA demanded urgent action plans and programs which will lead to the transfer of wealth to the ownership and bring it under the control of historically disadvantaged people, the nationalisation of all foreign-owned banks operating…
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Green Hydrogen investor wants concessions from Govt

Green Hydrogen investor wants concessions from Govt

Staff Writer The green hydrogen project negotiations between Hyphen and the Namibian government are stuck in negotiations with the developer wanting concessions from government. According to confidential information leaked by the Affirmative Repositioning activist, Dr Job Amupanda, Hyphen that has been touted to be coming with a 10 billion US dollar investment to develop the green hydrogen ambitions of Namibia is negotiating for some give-aways and changes to the country’s laws, including prospecting and mining rights. So far, what is known about the negotiations is that the newly created Welwitschia Sovereign Wealth Fund will take the role of strategic equity…
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NAMDIA records N$144 million profit

NAMDIA records N$144 million profit

Obrein Simasiku Namibia Desert Diamond (NAMDIA) has bounced back from a mere profit of N$13.3 million attained in 2020/21 to a whopping ten-fold gain of N$144.7 million in 2021/22 financial after tax, and a total of N$218 million before profit. The exceptional financial returns follow poor performance as a result of Covid-19. The company paid N$150 million in dividends to government today, which is an increase from N$40 million in the 2020/21 financial year. “NAMDIA performed well during the 2021/2022 financial year. Profit after tax amounted to N$144.7 million, compared to N$13.3 million during the 2020/21 financial year, a period…
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Shaningwa denies leaving CC meeting unceremoniously

Shaningwa denies leaving CC meeting unceremoniously

Martin Endjala The Swapo Secretary General, Sophia Shaningwa in an interview with the Windhoek Observer stated that she did not storm out of the Central Committee meeting last Friday, but left the meeting as was arranged prior with the chairperson of the CC, party president Hage Geingob. She explained to the Observer that she had to catch a flight at 13h00 for her campaign elsewhere, and therefore informed Geingob that she’ll have to be excused if the meeting takes longer than expected. The central committee meeting only had one agenda point, which was to discuss Jerry Ekandjo’s request to be…
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Seibeb wants Alweendo, Kandjoze axed

Seibeb wants Alweendo, Kandjoze axed

Martin Endjala The Landless People’s Movement has called on President Hage Geingob to relieve the ministers of Mines and Energy, Tom Alweendo and Obeth Kandjoze, the Director General of the National Planning Commission. In a statement, the deputy leader of LPM Henny Seibeb said the two must be relieved of their duties to ‘’allow for a complete independent investigation and possible prosecution’’. Seibeb alleged that judging from the ministerial statement around a deal involving the payment of 50 million dollars, it would seem that Alweendo had information of ‘’corruption by his former advisor, but did nothing about it’’. Without giving…
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2 men arrested for theft of 26 diamonds

2 men arrested for theft of 26 diamonds

Tujoromajo Kasuto TWO Namibian men aged 32 and 42 have been arrested in Outjo after they were caught collecting stones on Saturday, 22 October at Farm Hopewell Stone Mine. The two suspects were found with 26 alleged precious stones, whose value is still to be determined. According to NamPol’s weekend crime report, a security guard that was on night shift spotted cell phone lights in the mining area and when he inspected, he realized that there were three men picking up stones. He then ran to wake up other colleagues in the room and came back and found the suspects…
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VP Race: Ekandjo goes down fighting

VP Race: Ekandjo goes down fighting

Obrein Simasiku The two-time presidential hopeful Jerry Ekandjo’s wishes were dashed this afternoon at the Swapo Party Special Central Committee meeting, called to entertain his request to be part of the Vice President race. This was the final straw to his third attempt at the party’s vice presidency. The special meeting had another twist when, Swapo SG Sophia Shaningwa allegedly stormed out of the CC meeting after she was questioned about why non-delegates are allowed in the internal meetings intended only for the candidates and delegates. “She refused to answer any of the questions raised, instead she stood up and…
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Amukwiyu:uniquely tested cadre

Amukwiyu:uniquely tested cadre

Obrein Simasiku As the campaign for the Swapo Party top leadership positions and race for Central Committee reach the climax, Oshikoto Swapo regional coordinator Armas Amukwiyu who is vying for the Secretary General post, says he has an unmatched track record of leadership having been groomed through the ranks, as well as working under the leadership of all three party Presidents and six administrators. The campaigns are towards the Swapo Party 7th congress slated for end of November. “No one else carries this track record, and this is a unique leadership role. That is why I am standing up here…
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Absence of minister delay work of Parliament

Absence of minister delay work of Parliament

Martin Endjala National Council MP, Paulus Mbangu has vent his frustrations about motions that are being put on hold due in parliament due to the absence of some ministers. Mbangu blames the delays in the processing of motions on the ongoing internal Swapo campaigns for the top three positions in the party. He told the Windhoek Observer in an interview that some of the motions, questions and querries require the presence of the ministers and Swapo MPs who have made the campaign their priority instead of their law making responsibilities. He argued that personal political ambitions should not be at…
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Namibia shines at Africa Energy Week

Namibia shines at Africa Energy Week

O’brien Simasiku Namibia is cherished by many countries over its recent oil discoveries in the off-shore coast including its touted development of the green hydrogen project, which will make it feature among leading energy industry players. This was evident at last week’s Invest in Namibia Country Spotlight event, organized at the African Energy Week 2022, in Cape Town where a delegation consisting of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Namibia Investment Promotion and Development Board (NIPDB) and the National Petroleum Corporation of Namibia (NAMCOR) made breakthrough presentations to market the country. According to Africa Energy Group with major oil and…
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