National News

UNESCO and NamPol join forces to enhance Police-Media Relations

UNESCO and NamPol join forces to enhance Police-Media Relations

Staff Writer THE Training and Development Directorate of the Namibia Police (Nampol) in the Erongo region is scheduled to participate in a five-day workshop to create a training module for police officers. Supported by UNESCO and the Namibia National Commission for UNESCO, the workshop will focus on creating a module centred on Freedom of Expression in connection with media and the improvement of the relationship between the media and the law enforcement officers. The five-day workshop which began this past Monday was officially opened on by Erongo Regional Commander, Commissioner Nicolaus Kupembona. According to UNESCO, the intention behind creating this…
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Namibia studies Ghana’s utilisation of oil proceeds

Namibia studies Ghana’s utilisation of oil proceeds

Staff Writer AN Upper House of Parliament team paid a courtesy call on the Public Interest and Accountability Committee (PIAC) in Accra Ghana to learn more about petroleum income management and maximisation for the benefit of the people. The visit was meant to help Namibia understand how Ghana is using of oil proceeds for the benefit of its citizenry. The delegation was led by the Vice-Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee on Agriculture, Environment, and Natural Resources, Elder Filipe. The visit was in accordance with Rule 159 of the National Council Standing Rules and Orders of the Namibian Parliament which mandates…
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Health ministry faces lawsuit over infant death

Health ministry faces lawsuit over infant death

Hertta-Maria Amutenja A lawsuit has been filed against the Ministry of Health and Social Services following the death of an infant at the Oshakati Intermediate Hospital. The parents, Roman Joachim and Jakob Ndafenongo, are demanding justice for the loss of their baby girl, Suama Ingashipola Ndadenongo, who was born on September 18, 2022, and passed away on November 9, 2022. Joachim, and Ndafenongo, are seeking a total of N$3,760,080 in compensation for their child’s death, alleging negligence and wrongful conduct by medical personnel involved in the care of the mother and child during labour and delivery. The parents are alleging…
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Kayova food poisoning forensic results still pending: NamPol

Kayova food poisoning forensic results still pending: NamPol

Staff Writer PRELIMINARY results from one of the most significant food poisoning case in Namibian history, in which 16 family members from one household died after consuming pearl millet Mahangu flour, have revealed that no man-made poisons were found in the victims’ blood and tissue. According to Namibian police’s national spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the Namibian Police Forensic Science Institute (NPFSI) has yet to send food samples from the deadly Mahangu consumed by the family to South Africa to determine the presence of any poison. The tragedy occurred towards the end of May in the Kavango East area, notably…
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Prospects for good harvest remains a concern

Prospects for good harvest remains a concern

Niël Terblanché THE Namibia Annual Livelihood Vulnerability Assessment and Analysis which is currently underway, is set to present the actual number of food insecure people in the country. According to the January 2023 report’s projections, it is estimated that 234 000 people, representing nine percent of the population are experiencing high food insecurity. The Agro Business Information Services Unit in the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform and the Namibia Meteorological Service, with technical and financial assistance from the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA Harvest) undertook the…
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Climate change to make Windhoek drier and warmer: Uapingene

Climate change to make Windhoek drier and warmer: Uapingene

Martin Endjala WINDHOEK is expected to become drier and warmer in the near future as a result of its aridity and socioeconomic conditions, a development exacerbated by climate change and is set to make it one of the world’s most afflicted cities. These findings were presented by City of Windhoek (CoW) Mayor, Joseph Uapingene during a recent regular council meeting, where he introduced the city’s approved Integrated Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan. Climate change, he said, is the most significant global concern of our time. “As a result, Windhoek, like many other towns in the developing world, is already…
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Kawana warns police officers over conniving with criminals

Kawana warns police officers over conniving with criminals

Stefanus Nashama HOME Affairs Minister, Albert Kawana has warned police officers not to collaborate with criminals as this is promoting criminal and unlawful activities. He stated it is intolerable to find out that some police officers are colluding with criminals and, in some circumstances, even help them flee. “This has got to stop. As a result, the Inspector-General of Police and the entire Force administration are obligated to guarantee that such dishonest members have no place in the Force and must be dealt with. Police officers must understand that their job is to arrest crimminals and not to help them…
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CoW blamed for dangerous spot next to Defence Ministry…residents says area is promoting criminal activities and prostitution.

CoW blamed for dangerous spot next to Defence Ministry…residents says area is promoting criminal activities and prostitution.

Stefanus Nashama The City of Windhoek (CoW) has come under fire for its failure to address the unsightly conditions between the Ministry of Defence, Veteran Affairs, and Checkers. Numerous visitors to the city have been shocked by the presence of dead grass and litter in this particular area. The general public has voiced their concerns, stating that an open space within the town displaying such a visible mess does not reflect positively on the Capital City, which is a preferred destination for many foreigners. Additionally, members of the public have raised alarm over the fact that this area has become…
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Home Affairs Ministry urges undocumented citizens to approach responsible offices

Home Affairs Ministry urges undocumented citizens to approach responsible offices

THE Ministry of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety, and Security has urged undocumented people in the Kavango areas and throughout the country to visit their local office and get registered. According to the Home Affair Ministry this only applies to people who are not registered but have the necessary supporting documentation. This is in response to the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) Youth League’s recent assertions that a considerable proportion of residents in Kavango East and West regions lack national documents. The Ministry has also urged parents to register their newborns at any Ministry hospital-based office as soon as possible after delivery.…
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New NDF recruits graduate

New NDF recruits graduate

Niël Terblanché OVER 1000 new Namibian Defence Force (NDF) recruits celebrated their graduation at a spectacular parade at Oshona Base near Okahandja. Speaking at the pass out parade, Defence Minister, Frans Kapofi said the journey of the 1 264 recruits, which began in November last year, took the recruits through a difficult nine months of hard training. “The training was very difficult, and I believe some of you considered quitting at some point, but you persevered, and thus you line up here today, tall and proud,” he remarked. According to Kapofi, the training was divided into three phases that were…
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