National News

Ashihaya Primary School in dire need of classrooms

Ashihaya Primary School in dire need of classrooms

Hertta-Maria Amutenja ASHIHAYA Primary School, situated in Okankolo circuit in the Oshikoto region, is facing a shortage of classroom needed to accommodate its growing number of pupils. The school, which currently serves approximately 174 learners from grade 0 to grade 7, is appealing for donations of building materials, particularly corrugated zinc sheets and bags of cement to construct three more classrooms. Established in 2014, the school currently operates with only one classroom per grade and efforts are being made to create an improved teaching and learning environment for the learners and teachers. However, the situation is dire for learners in…
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We are left out: Northern based SMEs lament

We are left out: Northern based SMEs lament

Hertta-Maria Amutenja NORTHERN based Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) say they feel left out when it comes to access to information as most interventions are provided to SMEs in Windhoek and do not reach the Northern parts of the country. This was revealed at two Bank Windhoek SMEs information sessions held in Ondangwa and Oshakati in collaboration with the Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) Northern Office. Northern based SME owners advocated for access to finance to grow their businesses, mentoring and coaching on the various aspects of a business and most importantly to engage with bank staff that…
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Iipumbu pleads for Amushelelo’s release…says judicial system is politically captured

Iipumbu pleads for Amushelelo’s release…says judicial system is politically captured

Stefanus Nashama NAMIBIAN Economic Freedom Fighters (NEEF) Deputy Leader, Kalimbo Iipumbu says it is time for the judicial system to heed the country’s cries for the release of the detained Michael Amushelelo. “Remember from the onset of his arrest, members of the public have been questioning why he has been kept in jail while others are out,” he said. Iipumbu yesterday explained that the party understand the role of the Court, but a person who was fighting for many voiceless shouldn’t be kept in jail for that particular time or be denied bail application several times. Amushelelo is NEEF’s Head…
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Industrialisation Ministry committed tofinalising new Investment Act: Iipumbu

Industrialisation Ministry committed tofinalising new Investment Act: Iipumbu

Staff Writer MINISTER of Industrialisation and Trade (MIT), Lucia Iipumbu says the Ministry is aware of the need to expedite the process of finalising the new Investment Act, which is intended to shore up and revitalise the country’s investment regulatory and policy regime by embracing a modern and transparent legal framework that accommodates new economic dynamics. The new Investment Act is also expected to accommodate new developments to ensure that Namibia leverages on dimensions that cover new economic and investment priority areas. Iipumbu said this at a recent Investment Promotion stakeholder meeting which she said was crucial for critical engage…
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PDM calls Govt to provide menstrual hygiene in rural areas

PDM calls Govt to provide menstrual hygiene in rural areas

Hertta-Maria Amutenja POPULAR Democratic Movement (PDM) has challenged government to take comprehensive action to ensure that all girls have access to proper menstrual hygiene products, safeguarding their health, education, and dignity. PDM says this move is a resolute push for social change and gender equality, the, is taking a stance to address menstrual hygiene for girls in rural Namibia. “The lack of adequate menstrual hygiene solutions continues to be a pressing concern for numerous girls in rural Namibia. Many girls are forced to resort to using unsanitary material during menstruation, compromising their health and hindering their ability to fully engage…
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EU Bird flu outbreak upsets Nam’s poultry imports

EU Bird flu outbreak upsets Nam’s poultry imports

Niël Terblanché THE outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Denmark and the Netherlands has caused the suspension of imports of live poultry, birds, and poultry products to Namibia. The two European countries have borne the brunt of avian influenza, commonly called bird flu, in recent years which has led to the culling of millions of birds in the past two years, affecting the supply of poultry meat and eggs. Namibia’s veterinary services directorate said in a statement that the suspension will affect poultry products packaged in Denmark on or after June 28 and poultry products from the Netherlands packaged…
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Mafwe Traditional Authority demand boreholes amidst crocodile attacks

Mafwe Traditional Authority demand boreholes amidst crocodile attacks

Martin Endjala THE Mafwe Traditional Authority in the Chincimane area, 65 kilometers southwest of Katima Mulilo, in the Zambezi region’s Linyanti constituency, have called on government install boreholes in strategic locations to avoid competition for water sources between humans and wild animals. This follows a visit by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Natural Resources to the traditional authority last week for a consultative discussion on community issues. The meeting is part of the Committee’s public hearings to gather advice from communities in the Zambezi, Kavango East, and West regions on how to address human-wildlife conflict concerns. Crocodile attacks have occurred…
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Man commits suicide after killing roommate

Man commits suicide after killing roommate

Hertta-Maria Amutenja PETRUS Junias (28), who is accused of killing his roommate Ananias Angala (21) last Saturday morning at Omuthiya in the Oshikoto region, escaped the jaws of justices as he hung himself murdering his roommate. According to a police crime report, Namibian Police (NamPol) spokesperson, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, said a co-worker from another shack who witnessed the incident, heard Angala screaming for help. According to the police report, the witness said he had Angala say he was being cut with an axe. “When the witness opened the shack door, the deceased (Angala) came out running but bleeding heavily.…
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Erongo Desalination Plant celebrates decade of production

Erongo Desalination Plant celebrates decade of production

Niël Terblanché THE Erongo Desalination Plant (EDP) celebrated a new milestone after it reached a decade of supplying NamWater Swakopmund. According to Christine De KlerkOrano Mining’s Communication and Communities Consultant, the company signed an agreement with the Namibia Water Corporation (NamWater) to supply water from the Erongo Desalination Plant to NamWater and its customers in the Erongo Region 10 years ago. She said the official commissioning took place when the tap was opened and the first high-quality potable water from the plant streamed to the Erongo Region via the NamWater supply network. “From a humble beginning of 166 000 cubic…
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Windhoek milking residents with tariff hikes: Ndala

Windhoek milking residents with tariff hikes: Ndala

Martin Endjala LANDLESS People’s Movement National (LPM) Youth Element Leader, Duminga Ndala has accused City of Windhoek (CoW) of emptying residents’ pockets, by milking them with its ever increasing tariffs without considering their economic status. Ndala made these remarks this week while reacting to the 8.6 tariffs increase which the City announced recently. A statement issued by City authorities this past Tuesday highlighted that tariffs hikes which came into effect from 01 August, are necessary to foster social and economic development through affordable electricity tariffs, and are cognisant of the fact that electricity is an essential commodity. “The City of…
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