National News

Financing of the ACC is vital for Namibia

Financing of the ACC is vital for Namibia

Niël Terblanché The impact of corruption is severe and if it is allowed to persist the phenomenon has a detrimental impact on economic growth, healthcare, and social and economic infrastructure development, and may even negatively affect Foreign Direct Investment. While presenting arguments for the budgetary allocation of N$81 688 000 for the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), the Speaker of Parliament, Professor Peter Katjavivi said that foreign Investors may not invest in Namibia if authorities in the country are not financially empowered to curb corruption and related crimes. In addition, Namibia has been undergoing the Eastern and Southern Africa Anti-Money Laundering Group…
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Parliament requires more funds to review laws

Parliament requires more funds to review laws

Martin Endjala The allocation of a share of the National Budget to the Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises is seen as an enabling tool for Parliament to review some of its legislative laws that are deemed outdated or no longer applicable in an era of modernization. The Speaker of the National Assembly, Peter Katjavivi during his speech in motivating budgetary allocations said that the National Assembly will require a N$182 million budget allocation of which N$167 million is earmarked for its operational needs while N$15 million will be directed towards its development programmes. Katjavivi said that this will be…
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Two men murdered, three murder attempts over the weekend

Two men murdered, three murder attempts over the weekend

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Two men were murdered while three other men sustained injuries in attempted murder incidents over the weekend, according to the police’s weekly crime report. On Friday, at about 23h30, 23 years old Timoteus Ndiiluka Pius allegedly died on the spot after he was stabbed at Oshithashembungu village in Omusati region. It is alleged that Pius, while on his way from Ondumbo location to his house ,realized that his cellphone was missing and went back to the shebeen. “An argument erupted between the deceased and the suspect in connection with the cellphone and a fight broke out. In the…
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Police seize smuggled contraband from Angola

Police seize smuggled contraband from Angola

Niel Terblanche During the execution of Operation Amazing March, members of the Namibian Police stationed in the Omusati Region confiscated contraband from a smuggler at a temporary roadblock over the weekend. According to the incident report provided by the Omusati Regional Police Commander, Commissioner Ismael Basson, the discovery of 84 plastic bags containing 1 680 sachets of Best Whisky and 150 cartons containing 1 500 packets of Yes cigarettes led to the arrest of the driver of the vehicle at the roadblock. According to Basson, the driver was apprehended on the main road between Ruacana and Kamanjab near Oshifo. Upon…
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Sports minister wants projects completed

Sports minister wants projects completed

Niel Terblanche The Minister of Sports, Youth and National Services says she addressed the staff members of her Ministry, National Youth Council, National Youth Service and the Namibia Sports Commission, of whom she requested to complete and implement current programmes in the coming financial year. Agnes Tjongarero, during her motivation for the ministry budget allocation encouraged management to align themselves with the 2023/2024 Annual Plan and the current strategic plan to focus on the completion of ongoing programmes and projects as reflected in NDP5, HPP 2 and MTEF. “This Ministry has a number of outstanding programmes and projects which, for…
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Geingob expresses condolences following Soldiers’ deaths

Geingob expresses condolences following Soldiers’ deaths

Niel Terblanche President Hage Geingob lamented the deaths of three members of the Namibian Defence Force who died as a result of a motor vehicle accident that occurred on the main road between Omuthiya and Oshivelo, a day after the country celebrated its 33rd year of independence. The President extended his condolences to the families of the three soldiers, who have since been identified as 42-year-old Paulus Nadhipite Nuuyoma who hailed from the Oneshoko Village in the Oshitayi area of the Oshana Region, 30-year-old Teopolina Aipanda who hails from the Ohamunyela Village in the area of Ombalantu in the Omusati…
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PM calls for the appointment of UN Special Envoy on Water

PM calls for the appointment of UN Special Envoy on Water

Stefanus Nashama Prime Minster Saara Kuugongelwa-Amadhila yesterday called for the appointment of a United Nations Special Envoy on water, saying that access to water for all requires bigger investment and coordination among sectors and different development partners. She stated that there is a strong need for the global water community to engage and share technical expertise to accelerate efforts towards meeting water-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), beyond the UN 2023 Water Conference. Kuugongelwa-Amadhila made these remarks at the United Nations conference on the Midterm Comprehensive Review of the Implementation of the Objectives of the International Decade for the action of…
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American sues the government for almost N$1.3 million

American sues the government for almost N$1.3 million

Hertta-Maria Amutenja One of the citizens of the United States of America that stands accused of the murder Andre Heckmair is suing the Namibian government for N$1 260 000 for alleged violation of his human rights. According to documents filed last year in June at the Windhoek High Court, Kevan Townsend and Jaco Kennedy, who stands accused of a different crime, are citing the Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, the Commissioner General of the Namibian Correctional Services, the Officer in Charge of the Windhoek Central Prison and the Ombudsman as…
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Human rights activist ya Nangoloh breaks silence on arrested protesters

Human rights activist ya Nangoloh breaks silence on arrested protesters

Stefanus Nashama Well known Namibian Human Rights activist and founder of Namibia Rights and Responsibility, Phil Ya Nangoloh has taken issue with the violation of the right to protest and the Namibian Constitution, in light of the recent arrest of activists in relation to a protest against unemployment. “Our human rights without any human responsibility equates to zero,” he said. Ya Nangolo made the statement after the failed attempt by the youth to protest unemployment on Independence Day. “The Independence we have all fought for so heroically and have shed our precious blood and received on March 21 1990, created…
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Special force soldier found dead

Special force soldier found dead

Niel Terblanche A member of the Namibian Defence Force’s special forces, who was attached to the anti-poaching unit in the Mangetti National Park was found beneath a tree in the reserve by members of his squad, with a single bullet wound to the head. The deceased has been identified as 38-year-old Corporal Julius Jamara. According to the incident report provided by the Public Relations Division of the Namibian Police, members of Corporal Jamara’s squad went looking for him on Independence Day after he did not return to their encampment as expected. “At about 08:00 on Sunday morning, the deceased person…
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