National News

NAC emergency drill successful

NAC emergency drill successful

Niël Terblanché The Namibia Airports Company (NAC) has successfully completed a tabletop emergency drill at Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo Airport in Ondangwa. According to the NAC’s Marketing Officer, Dan Kamati said that the test was done to ensure that all the necessary participants in the Aerodrome Emergency Management System (AEMS) are trained up to standard and effective. Kamati said that the Andimba Toivo Ya Toivo Airport has an approved AEMS and added that it was developed in line with the requirements of Namibia Civil Aviation Regulations (NAMCARs). “The AEMS contains the requirements related to the training of the participants of…
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There is a need to create more jobs

There is a need to create more jobs

Martin Endjala The Kavango East Regional Governor, Bonifatius Wakudumo believes that there is a dire need to evaluate industries which can create sustainable employment. He is of the opinion that with the proper implementation and establishment of Green Schemes, agriculture can be a huge enabler for addressing unemployment. The Governor said this while attending a public hearing on Youth Unemployment by the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resources and Community Development on Wednesday. “Irrespective of the issues we have as political parties, the real issue here is youth unemployment,” said Wakudumo. The Governor pointed out that the region has the…
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Dams supplying water to Windhoek running dry

Dams supplying water to Windhoek running dry

Niël Terblanché The Namibian Water Corporation (NamWater) has taken steps to ensure that water from alternative water sources may be utilized by consumers in case the dams from where Windhoek and other settlements in the central part of Namibia rely on run dry. The Chief Executive Officer of NamWater, Abraham Nehemia, confirmed that the central areas will have a secure water supply until July 2024. Water levels of the three dams in the central areas of Namibia have dropped by 20 percent and currently stand at a combined 36.1 percent of their capacity. This is more than 20 percent lower…
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The race for the CoW CEO position is over

The race for the CoW CEO position is over

Niël Terblanché Moses Matjayi who serves as the current Chief Executive Officer of the Otjiwarongo Municipality, has been appointed as the new Chief Executive Officer of the City of Windhoek. Matjayi became the top candidate for the position after Conrad Lutombi, the current CEO of the Roads Authority, declined an offer to fill the position. The appointment of Matjayi was announced on the social media pages of the City of Windhoek yesterday. In April this year, the top candidates were shortlisted for the CEO position, including the Deputy Executive Director at the Ministry of Works and Transport, Joyce Mukubi, Chief…
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Poisoned porridge wipes out almost an entire family.. as death toll reaches 13

Poisoned porridge wipes out almost an entire family.. as death toll reaches 13

Niël Terblanché Samples of the porridge that, so far, has killed 13 people from a single household at the Kayova Village in the Nyanga District of the Kavango East Region have been sent to a laboratory to determine what led to the tragedy.Ben Nangombe, the Executive Director of the Ministry of Health and Social Services, confirmed yesterday that four more members of the family have succumbed to the effects of the poisoned porridge since Tuesday.“We are awaiting the results from the toxicology tests from the laboratory. To suggest anything else about what could have possibly caused the tragedy, without the…
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Youth encouraged to join forces with those in tourism sector

Youth encouraged to join forces with those in tourism sector

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Minister of Environment, Forestry and Tourism, Pohamba Shifeta has urged the youth of Africa and all tourism industry players to collaborate and form partnerships to place the “Africa Brands or Destinations” at the center stage of the Global dialogue. Shifeta said this yesterday at the fifth Africa Youth in Tourism Innovation Challenge and Summit in Swakopmund under the theme “Developing Youth and innovative entrepreneurship solution for inclusive tourism recovery in Africa.” “I urge the youth of Africa and all industry players to collaborate and form partnerships to place the “Africa Brands or Destinations” at the center stage…
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Ondangwa Town Council sued for not demarcating cemetery

Ondangwa Town Council sued for not demarcating cemetery

Hertta-Maria Amutenja The Ondangwa Town Council and renowned Paediatrician, Doctor Solomon Amadhila, are being sued by a pensioner, Andreas Kalumbu over the removal of a gravestone that he placed on the grave of his late mother, Maria Ithindi. Kalumbu, in documents filed at the Oshakati High Court is claiming N$82,000-00 and an order compelling the town council to plan the layout of the townlands of Ondangwa and the area of the cemetery and zone the area as a cemetery in terms of the Town Planning Scheme. He also wants the Town Council to pay Amadhila a just and fair compensation…
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Oshikoto police happy withnumber of reported rape

Oshikoto police happy withnumber of reported rape

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Oshikoto Regional Commander, Commissioner Teopoline Kalompo-Nashikaku yesterday said she is happy with the number of rape victims speaking out and reporting rape cases. She also said that the region expects the cases to rise, due to the outreach programs the police is doing with community members in the region. In the month of May alone, Oshikoto region reported eight rape cases. “It is a good sign for the police to have so many rape cases reported because it is attributed to the police’s action towards the community. Meaning the case are only going up because the targeted people…
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Muharukua unhappy with Politicians not feeding the needy

Muharukua unhappy with Politicians not feeding the needy

Martin Endjala Politicians are failing to deliver on their promises to uplift people’s livelihoods and this has led to many losing faith and trust in their leadership. These are the sentiments of Popular Democratic Movement Parliamentarian Vipuakuje Muharukua, who maintained in an interview with the Windhoek Observer that people are hungry and without employment. “There is a concerted feeling that leaders can do much better. We are living in an era where politicians are about overpromising and under-delivering. Namibians are increasingly losing faith in the ability of our democratic order to be the answer to their daily strife and struggles.…
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Kavango East Poisoning death toll rises to nine

Kavango East Poisoning death toll rises to nine

Niël Terblanché The Ministry of Health and Social Services has launched an in-depth investigation into the death of nine members of the same household who reportedly consumed poisoned porridge. The tragedy occurred last Friday after 18 people who live at the Kayova Village in the Nyanga District of the Kavango East Region ate porridge made from a combination of mahangu flour and the fermented sediment from a homemade beer known as mundevere. The victims ranged in ages from two to 33 and only one person out of the 18 did not show any signs of poisoning. According to Ben Nangombe,…
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