National News

Elderly man injured during farm attack

Elderly man injured during farm attack

Niël Terblanché The Namibian Police in the Otjozondjupa Region is hunting for a gang of five armed robbers that attacked the 70-year-old Udo Gartner on his farm near Grootfontein on Sunday night. According to the report provided by Inspector Maureen Mbeha, the robbery gang pretended to be members of the Namibian Police when they approached Gartner in his house. She indicated that one of the robbers was dressed in the camouflaged uniform of the Special Field Force and that the person also wore a reflector jacket normally associated with the Namibian Police. Mbeha added that the four remaining men were…
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Scammers impersonate Mayor

Scammers impersonate Mayor

Niël Terblanché The Swakopmund Municipality has warned residents about the latest method used to extort money from unsuspecting victims. According to the Public Relations Officer of the Swakopmund Municipality, Linda Mupupa, it has come to the council’s attention that scammers are impersonating the Mayor of Swakopmund, Dina Namubes in a bid to extort funds from residents. “While scams and identity theft are always something to be highly aware of, the council urges residents to be extra vigilant and wary of any suspicious phone calls or text messages requesting payment related to a vehicle breakdown, traffic fines, payment of tickets, water…
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Education universality and training key for sector expansion: Kandji-Murangi

Education universality and training key for sector expansion: Kandji-Murangi

THE Minister of Higher Education, Technology, and Innovation (MHITE), Dr. Itah Kandjii-Murangi says the universality of education and training is key and should underlie development and expansion of the sector. The Minister highlighted that reforms, developments, and challenges in the education sector calls for the re-examination and implementation of proactive strategies and policies on key areas such as teacher training. She said tertiary institutions should be clearly separated and classified based on the recognised expected levels of knowledge and skill set they provide. Kandji-Murangi said this at the last week’s three-day tertiary institutions engagement meeting where public and private tertiary…
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High failures rate investigations commence

High failures rate investigations commence

Martin Endjala Following a shocking high number of learners who failed grades 11 and 12 last year countrywide, the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Education, Science, ICT and Youth Development will be conducting oversight visits on the high failure rate of learners for the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Ordinary Level (NSSCO) and the Namibia Senior Secondary Certificate Advanced Subsidiary (NSSCAS) levels in the 2022 academic year. The Committee will seek answers and clarity on the effect of the introduction of the new curriculum and the extent to which the teachers were prepared for the implementation of the new curriculum. This will…
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Kawana warns stock thieves

Kawana warns stock thieves

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Albert Kawana, the Minister of Home Affairs, Immigration, Safety and Security, said stock theft which is one of the most prevalent crimes in Kavango West Region should not be tolerated by law enforcement agencies. “As a rural-based economy, cattle and other stock animals are the farmer’s bank account. Cattle are the livelihood of the rural economy. Stock theft robs rural communities of their livelihood and should not be tolerated by law enforcement agencies. I, therefore, call upon the Inspector-General of the Namibian Police Force to ensure that police officers with competency in the investigation of crime are stationed…
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Over 180 modern slavery cases were reported in two years

Over 180 modern slavery cases were reported in two years

Hertta-Maria Amutenja Between 2022 and 2023, the Namibian Police recorded 187 cases of human trafficking. This was revealed by Namibian Police’s Crime Investigations Coordinator in Ohangwena, Deputy Commissioner Zacharias Amakali on Friday at the observance of World Day Against Trafficking (TIP) in persons at the Oshikango Border Post in the Ohangwena Region. Amakali said the police currently have 101 cases of trafficking persons on hand compared to the 86 cases reported in 2022 and 26 cases are on court roll. In addition, he said the psychological impact on the victims has made it difficult to investigate cases of trafficking. “Victims…
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Retrenchment at Etosha Fishing cancelled

Retrenchment at Etosha Fishing cancelled

Niël Terblanché The intended termination of all 430 staff of Etosha Fishing, which was set to become effective on 31 July 2023 has been retracted. The acting Managing Director of the Walvis Bay fishing company, Volker Paulsmeier also announced that Etosha Fishing has received a quota allocation of 5 000 tonnes of horse mackerel According to Paulsmeier, the allocation was approved by Cabinet, through the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources as Governmental Objective to sustain the cannery and preserve employment at the company. He said that operations at the cannery will however not commence with immediate effect as the…
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Gay activist hits back at Venaani

Gay activist hits back at Venaani

Stefanus Nashama Gay activist, Wendelinus Hamutenya, last week hit back at the leader of the official opposition, McHenry Venaani, by saying that they do not need permission from the Popular Democratic Movement (PDM) for same-sex marriages to be recognized. Hamutenya stated that Venaani should first get rid of the members of parliament who are part of the LGBTQI+ community. However, he did not mention any of the Parliament member who is part of the LGBTQI+ community. He added that politicians should respect their existence and the ruling of the Supreme Court. “This is the time for us to speak up…
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Newly appointed Labour Advisory Council tofocus on unemployment

Newly appointed Labour Advisory Council tofocus on unemployment

Stefanus Nashama The newly inaugurated Labour Advisory Council says that it will prioritise and create solutions that will address the high unemployment in the country. The Council is a tripartite body tasked with advising the minister of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation on issues facing the industry. The 15th Labour Advisory Council was inaugurated in Windhoek last week and the former Executive Director in the Ministry of Labour, Industrial Relations and Employment Creation, Bro-Matthew Shinguadja, will chair the body. The 13-member Council will serve a three-year term and is drawn from the state, registered trade unions and employer’s organizations.…
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Cooperation holds the key to peace and prosperity

Cooperation holds the key to peace and prosperity

Niël Terblanché The success of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) is highly dependent on strategic partnerships with countries and governments from around the world. The Vice President of Namibia, Dr Nangolo Mbumba addressed delegates to the Russia Africa Summit and said the African continent has set itself ambitious goals and flagship projects to propel the continental development, as enshrined in Agenda 2063.“One of those flagship projects is the AfCFTA which was launched in 2021. We encourage the Government of the Russian Federation to provide the necessary support to the African Union Member States as we implement this continental…
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