
Namibia among the world’s highest spenders on education

Namibia among the world’s highest spenders on education

Staff Writer Namibia has been rated among the countries with the highest expenditure on education, with an average expenditure per learner of US$1,190.00(N$ 21,860.30). A report by the United Nations Children’s Fund(UNICEF) said Namibia devotes a significant share of its budget towards the education of children, with an annual average spending of 20.7 percent of the total budget and 7.8 percent of gross domestic product (GDP). Namibia is ranked the 3rd highest spender in the East and Southern Africa Region. The report says Namibia’s overall spending on education is relatively high to improve quality of education. Shockingly, last year, grade…
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Investment sector set to create 122 000 jobs

Investment sector set to create 122 000 jobs

Niël Terblanché Namibia is regarded internationally as one of the best investment destinations on the African continent because of its favorable tax regime, excellent investor-related service as well as financing facilities. As a result, the country can expect a net worth growth of more than 60 percent in the next decade. According to the African Wealth Report of 2023 published by Henley and Partners, a company viewed as the global leader in residence and citizenship by investment, Namibia has become the “new frontier” for international investors seeking a foothold in Africa because of its attractive territorial tax regime. In this…
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SWAPO refutes headquarters construction halt

SWAPO refutes headquarters construction halt

Martin Endjala The Swapo Party Spokesperson Hilma Nicanor has refuted allegations that the SWAPO Party’s Headquarter construction has been halted due to a lack of funds. According to her, construction is still ongoing and the inauguration of the building is yet to be announced. Sources say that the party is awaiting funds from one of its companies and that the money has not yet been received. In the meantime, the Chinese contractor has reportedly reduced the workforce drastically. Sources claim the cost of the building is N$1 billion. “No it’s not true, the headquarters construction did not stop, it is…
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“I am sick and tired of being called corrupt”- Imalwa

“I am sick and tired of being called corrupt”- Imalwa

Hertta-Maria Amutenja and Stefanus Nashama The Prosecutor General, Martha Imalwa is challenging those accusing her of being corrupt to provide evidence, saying that she is “sick and tired of being called corrupt”, with no evidence to back up the claims. Imalwa did not mince her words in questioning those “dirtifying” her name. In an interview with the Windhoek Observer yesterday, Imalwa explained that there are laws and procedures in place to hold corrupt office bearers accountable. “I always tell the Namibian people if they think the PG is corrupt, they should come out with their evidence and prove to the…
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Modern day slavery in Namibia

Modern day slavery in Namibia

Niël Terblanché An investigation by various international bodies launched into the use of slavery or trafficked humans to serve as fishermen in Namibian waters will eventually result in criminal charges against the Namibian registered owners of two fishing vessels. The 60 fishermen were rescued in September 2022 after officers of the Fisheries Observer Agency, the Namibian Police and immigration officers got involved. Although the incident caused huge embarrassment for Namibian authorities because the country is a signatory to various programs to end human trafficking, the government has promised to assist international bodies in their investigation into the allegation of modern…
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Freshly recruited NDF soldiers are not fit enough

Freshly recruited NDF soldiers are not fit enough

Martin Endjala The Minister of Defence and Veterans’ Affairs, Frans Kapofi, has expressed concerns about young people’s health which seems to be deteriorating as it has come to his attention that some of the 1 300 new recruits of the October 2022 intake have quit training due to unfitness and related health conditions. Kapofi said that the number of original recruits was reduced because some of them have voluntarily dropped out of training. The minister described the behaviour as very alarming given the fact that the young recruits were laying the foundation for others to follow suit and some of…
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Abuse of state organs enables<br>mafia style corporate governance

Abuse of state organs enables
mafia style corporate governance

Niël Terblancé The arrest of Jennifer Comalie, the board chairperson of the Namibian Petroleum Corporation on Monday, and the resulting debacle surrounding the matter, has revealed that state organs or certain parts of such institutions has been captured and that state-owned companies are run by people who can be equated to gangsters. The shocking threat of all out gangsterism in the top tiers of Namcor’s management was laid bare in a letter dated 28 March 2023 and written by the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises, Ipumbu Shiimi, and addressed to the Inspector General of the Namibian Police, Lieutenant General…
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Credibility of Comalie’s Case Questioned

Credibility of Comalie’s Case Questioned

Steve Nashama The credibility of the arrest and the State’s case against Namcor Chairperson, Jennifer Comalie, has been called into question after it was revealed by the Minister of Finance and State Owned Enterprises , Iipumbu Shiimi that as early as last week she alerted him and the Minister of Mines, Tom Alweendo that she feared for her life. Comalie was arrested on Monday under suspicious circumstances in connection with dealing in drugs. She was subsequently granted bail yesterday afternoon in the amount of N$ 7000 when she made her first appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court. State Prosecutor Rowan…
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The Arrest and the N$6m exit package

The Arrest and the N$6m exit package

Niël Terblanché A female member of the Namibian Petroleum Corporation’s Board of Directors has been arrested on charges relating to the possession of illicit drugs shortly after a meeting of the board at the offices of the state-owned energy corporation in Windhoek on Monday. The arrest of the senior board member was confirmed by the commander of the Namibian Police’s Public Relations Division, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi. According to the incident report, arresting officers reacted to intelligence received from an informant when they swooped in on the female board member. During a search of the lady’s official vehicle, the officers…
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ECN facing a budgetary shortfall of N$60 million

ECN facing a budgetary shortfall of N$60 million

Niël Terblanché The Electoral Commission of Namibia will need almost N$500 million in the coming financial year to conduct voter education and voter registration for the next cycle of National and Presidential Elections slated for November 2024. This is according to the Speaker of the National Assembly, Peter Katjivi, who motivated a budget allocation of N$421 930 000 for the successful implementation of ECN programmes for the next year. He pointed out that the budget ceiling will leave the ECN with a shortfall of N$60 million. Despite this shortfall, he stated that the ECN will have to discharge its duties…
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