
Geingob needs better advisors

…as ill-advised labour ministry action judged to be illegal The High Court has found that the government acted against the constitution when it cherry-picked parts of the labour law and supressed certain clauses. The Minister of Labour failed by authoring this disastrous legal debacle. The Attorney General failed as he did not protect the administration by stopping the doomed labour action. Together, they exposed the president. Geingob needs better advisors. The Attorney-General, as the lawyer for the government, is supposed to do the legal research on proposed actions by the government. It is his task to go through the constitution,…
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GIPF embarks on member Education campaign

GIPF embarks on member Education campaign

Staff Writer The Government Institutions Pension Fund (GIPF) will embark on a member education campaign aimed at informing, educating and sensitizing our members about their benefits and rules of the Fund “The campaign will commerce on 29 June and will run until 31 July 2020. It is with great pleasure that we invite all our members to make use of these member information sessions on radio and print. We wish to emphasize that it is our members’ responsibility to make sure that they tune in and listen or buy the local newspapers to know more about GIPF offerings. As a…
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Namport records increases in cargo shipments

Namport records increases in cargo shipments

Staff Writer The Namibian Ports Authority (Namport) announced that it has handled one million tons of cargo carried along its four trade corridors from 01 April 2019 until 31 March 2020. Immanuel !Hanabeb, Executive: Commercial at Namport said the Port of Walvis Bay and Lüderitz had contributed equally to the success by recording 5,561,999 tons of cargo handled during this last financial year 2019/2020. “The largest portion of growth is reflected by the 100 percent increased activity along the Trans-Oranje Corridor as 204,301 tonnes of manganese ore was exported via the Port of Lüderitz. The benefit of the Trans-Oranje corridor…
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SSC pays N$22m under stimulus

SSC pays N$22m under stimulus

…as 4,000 applications are rejected Staff Writer The Social Security Commission (SSC) says it has paid over N$22 million to 6,000 employees whose jobs and incomes were affected by the Covid-19 pandemic under its stimulus package. This comes as the commissions received 16,000 applicants of which 4,000 have been rejected and 6,000 are currently undergoing verification. Quizzed on the high number of rejections, SSC’s Senior Manager: Communications & Marketing, Unomengi Kauapirura said, “the applications were rejected for various reasons including that the employee’s salary may not have been impacted on and thus the employees is still receiving their full salary…
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NCCI welcomes easing of restrictions

NCCI welcomes easing of restrictions

Staff Writer The Namibia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI) says the easing of lock down measures as the country moves to stage 4 as announced by President Hage Geingob on Monday will allow the local economy and businesses to begin to recover. “It is with great relief that we can welcome the start of our society’s reopening, in the wake of this unprecedented economic lockdown. As we take our first steps along the road to economic recovery, we should be immensely grateful for the efforts by Government and particularly of all those who continue to work so hard to…
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Abortion debate enters Parliament

Abortion debate enters Parliament

Andrew Kathindi As the debate on the issue of abortion continues to gain momentum, Deputy Minister of Health and Social Services, Esther Muinjangue, has said while she is personally not for abortion, she intends to raise the matter for discussion and debate in the house tomorrow (Thursday). “For me, I have my own personal values that may not be my professional values. I would not go for abortion, but we are also in an era where human rights are being highlighted. Because this is also a woman’s body, let the women have a voice and take a decision as to…
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Win first – then run the tourism victory lap

Headlines blaring: ‘Tourists to return’ or ‘Namibia to open borders’ need to be examined carefully. The small print ‘terms and conditions’ for stages 4 and 5 of the re-opening, make those headlines too broad. Let us not raise expectations that cannot be met. It is important to not run a victory lap before the race is run. The hospitality, travel and tourism industry is failing and it is hurting tens of thousands of Namibians. No tourists = no tourism revenue = sector collapse. We know the industry is in pain. We do not envy policymakers who are juggling sharp knives…
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Book Review: White Fragility by Robin DiAngelo

Jackie Wilson Asheeke White Fragility should be mandatory reading for all white people. Yep, I said it. Most white people do not recognize their micro-aggressions against people of colour. They would never call someone an offensive racist name. They are truly appalled at the vicious murder of George Floyd. But, they don't 'get it' that their buy-in to white privilege is part of the reason why that happened. To those who want to understand more - I challenge you to read this book and think about it. [Let me know-] This book was written by a white woman who…
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Govt, NTTU clash over taxi fares

Govt, NTTU clash over taxi fares

Andrew Kathindi Namibia Transport and Taxi Union (NTTU) has rejected government’s dismissal of its call to have the 15 percent taxi fare hike made permanent. Taxi fares were increased to the current N$14 from N$12 as part of government efforts to cushion the taxi sector during the state of emergency as they are no longer allowed to carry their full load. In agreeing to the increase, Minister of Works and Transport, John Mutorwa, informed the NTTU that government was not going to indulge in discussions over the increment becoming permanent because the 15 percent increment had been approved as a…
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Floodgate for job loses opens

Floodgate for job loses opens

Staff Writer The Tuesday High Court ruling in favour of employers, which declared parts of two proclamations issued by President Hage Geingob relating to the suspension of the Labour Act and also parts of the Covid-19 state of emergency regulations as unconstitutional, could spell trouble for workers. According to the National Union of Namibian Workers (NUNW), the development will not auger well for workers who had found some form of job and remuneration protection under the government regulations. “The concern is that their aim is to pay workers less, cut salaries and take away leaves days but we won’t tolerate…
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