
Local venture uplifts Nauaspoort, Groot Aub communities

Local venture uplifts Nauaspoort, Groot Aub communities

Staff Writer A local business entity, Crewfield Investments has pledged to establish community gardening projects and a medical centre which will uplift the Nauaspoort and Groot Aub communities. Crewfield Investments Chief Operating Officer, Honest Madzivadondo speaking after meeting Windhoek Rural Constituency Councillor Penina Inga-Iita on Wednesday to discuss the two projects, said him and his partners plan to construct a health centre in Groot Aub area as well as encourage food production in Nauaspoort through gardening projects. “It is so painful to observe that millions of dollars are being spent on food imports in the process thus tempering with employment…
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Cabinet announces EDs reshuffle

Cabinet announces EDs reshuffle Uiras is removed after less than four months Staff Writer Secretary to the Cabinet, George Simataa has announced the appointment of new Executive Directors and transferal of some to other government offices, ministries and agencies. Of note is the removal of Dr Moses Maurihungirire as Executive Director of the Ministry of Fisheries and transferred to the Office of the Prime Minister, assigned to the Public Service Commission Secretariat. Maurihungirire is a former Fishcor board member and was Executive Director during the tenure of former Fisheries minister Bernhardt Esau when cases of corruption are alleged to have occurred. Wilhencia Uiras…
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Namibia investigates 5G rollout

Namibia investigates 5G rollout

Staff Writer Namibia has started the process of investigating the possibility of rolling out 5G technology in the country, with cabinet recently directing the environment ministry to conduct a thorough environmental assessment. “Cabinet directed the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to ensure that a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) is undertaken and that proper assessment is made, prior to the possible introduction of 5G technology in Namibia,” information minister Peya Mushelenga said. A strategic environmental assessment is a systematic decision support process, aiming to ensure that environmental and possibly other sustainability aspects are considered effectively in policy, plan and program…
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Kids become Young Defenders of their environment

Kids become Young Defenders of their environment

Two groups of Young Defenders from the //Huab and Doro !Nawas conservancies were hosted at the //Huab Under Canvas Ultimate Safaris Camp for an immersive wilderness experience. Each group enjoyed a free four-day conservation course during the month of July, made possible by a partnership between Conservation Travel Foundation (established by Ultimate Safaris) and the Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE). The communal conservancies in north-west Namibia are a conservation success story, as communities have embraced the concept of wildlife and habitat conservation for the benefit of current and future generations. This is why the first two courses of this kind…
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Bank Windhoek releases Green Bond Impact Report

Bank Windhoek releases Green Bond Impact Report

Staff Writer Bank Windhoek this week published its first Green Impact Report. The Report details projects that received funding from its NSX listed Green Bond proceeds and highlights the core environmental impact indicators on a project level basis. The impact indicators according to the bank are derived from the bank’s Green Bond Framework and the International Capital Market Association’s Green Bond Principles. Green Bonds are one of the most prominent capital raising innovations in the area of sustainable finance over the past decade and the majority of applications for green financing was for solar energy projects to generate electricity to…
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NWR records N$22 million profit

NWR records N$22 million profit

Staff Writer Namibia Wildlife Resorts (NWR) Chairperson Ambassador Leonard Iipumbu has announced that the hospitality group has managed to record a N$20 million profit, more than 20 years after its creation. "After more than 20 years, we managed to record a profit for the first time since our creation in 1999. This past financial year saw us record a N$22 million profit, which is a N$41 million improvement on the 2018 financial year. We achieved this by increasing our revenue by 11 percent compared to the 2018 financial year and by keeping our operating expenses flat, despite inflationary pressures," Iipumbu…
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Introspection:  Will the Swapo party recognize its mirror image?

Introspection: Will the Swapo party recognize its mirror image?

Citizen Nahas Angula The Central Committee of the SWAPO-Party joined by leaders from the structures is due to meet in Windhoek from 25-26 July 2020 to conduct what President Hage Geingob describes as an introspection of its own conduct. The Party will examine itself with the view of finding out whether it still represents the interest of the broad masses of the Namibian people. The Presidential and National Assembly election results of 2019 clearly demonstrated that there is widespread feeling of disillusionment, especially among the youth, in the way the Party is running the affairs of the country. Many voters…
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Banning alcohol solves nothing

Ever since South Africa re-banned alcohol in their country, noises about doing the same in Namibia are louder. We disagree with the clamor. Bans are not solutions; they only reveal your fears. Banning anything is the lazy man’s governance path. It is harder to investigate a problem from the bottom-up and delve into the ugly side of life; so, people avoid doing it. And, empty state coffers make such programs nearly impossible these days. Prohibition will not work; it has already been tried and failed over and over again. And yet, the police and church groups keep demanding that everyone…
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SADC-PF lawmakers fret over elusive Electoral Justice

SADC-PF lawmakers fret over elusive Electoral Justice

Moses Magadza WINDHOEK – A call has been made for Members of Parliament to support efforts to bring about fair and credible elections that deliver electoral justice. The call comes in the wake of increasingly tightly-contested elections and electoral disputes in the SADC Region. Victor Shale, the Principal Consultant at Shalestone Elections & Governance Consultants made the call when he addressed parliamentarians. The MPs represented their countries on the SADC Parliamentary Forum’s Standing Committee on Democratisation Governance and Human Rights, last week. He said electoral contests in the SADC region and Africa had become “highly competitive and often followed by…
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Haste makes waste

… houses hurriedly produced are done poorly Namibia has a shameful housing backlog. Tens of thousands of people want to buy small homes, but cannot - there are none in the market in their price range. The Mass Housing Project (MHP) that crashed five years ago was supposed to address this. However, houses remain incomplete or not built at all. Some are finished but remain unoccupied. And now, complaints are coming from those who bought low-cost houses that foreshadow an unpleasant backstory. Houses completed in haste due to political pressure may have been built poorly. According to complaints, many of…
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