
CRAN upholds decision on CoW licence

CRAN upholds decision on CoW licence

Staff Writer The Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN) on Tuesday upheld its decision to award a Class Comprehensive Telecommunications Service Licence to the City of Windhoek. The telecommunication sector regulator has, however, imposed additional licence conditions to the CoW licence to address stakeholder concerns around fair competition and infrastructure sharing. This comes after Paratus and MTC among other telecommunication companies had objected to the award, resulting in them appealing the regulators decision. “After careful consideration of the various and valid observations and comments raised by stakeholders, CRAN upholds its decision of 29 April 2020, and awards the Municipal Council…
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Rössing records N$503 million profit

Rössing records N$503 million profit

Staff Writer CNNC Rössing Uranium recorded a N$503 million net profit for period January 2019 to December 2019, an increase from N$166 million recorded in 2018, the company’s latest Report to Stakeholders shows. This comes as the uranium miner’s revenue was in line with those of prior year at N$2.82 billion during the period under review. “Lower sales volumes were largely offset by a more favorable exchange rate. However, a 15 percent reduction in operating costs had a positive impact on profits before tax. The reduced costs largely contributed to an improved net profit after tax from normal operations of…
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Coping with financial anxiety during COVID-19

Coping with financial anxiety during COVID-19

Staff Writer The pandemic has led to many people struggling with financial anxiety and high stress levels due to mounting expenses, reduced household income and job uncertainty. “Finances can evoke a strong emotional response, which may impact your self-esteem, sleeping patterns, productivity and overall mental wellbeing. It can also impact partner and family relationships, so it’s important to manage financial anxiety and get appropriate support” says Alna Booysen, Head of FNB Premium. Here are ways to help you deal with financial anxiety: 1. Set aside time to reflect on your financial situation and find possible solutions. 2. Remember that your…
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Differing perspectives within a party are a must

The Founding President declared during this weekend’s Swapo introspection meeting that he didn’t want to hear about Team Swapo and Team Harambee anymore. He feels it has become divisive. He is right. There is only one ruling Swapo party. But, that doesn't mean there should be only one Swapo idea or thought pattern. New ideas that reflect the Swapo of tomorrow can only take root if people with different points of view, openly advocate for their ideas. The final goal should be agreed by the majority with opposing points inculcated where practicable. The need to walk lock-step on all things…
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Shangula hits back at Haufiku

Shangula hits back at Haufiku

Andrew Kathindi A war of words has erupted between Health Minister, Kalumbi Shangula, and his predecessor, Bernard Haufiku, after the minister hit back at Haufiku’s comments recently made on how government had botched its COVID-19 response. In a recent interview with Windhoek Observer, Haufiku said that he had presented several scenarios to the Health ministry in April on how to contain the spread of COVID-19 in the country; however, his suggestions were ignored. However, Shangula has not taken kindly to Haufiku’s claims, stating that the COVID-19 task team, which he heads as minister, was under no obligation to follow the…
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Fire forces Govt to provide land

Fire forces Govt to provide land

Andrew Kathindi The rogue fire that ravaged the Walvis Bay township of Twaloloka on Sunday 26 July has forced government to allocate and service temporary land to the tune of N$20 million. Walvis Bay Mayor, Immanuel Wilfred, confirmed the development, which will see the local authority suspending some capital projects. These are projects the council is yet to decide on in order to fund the servicing of land on Farm 37, a new location that was launched in the coastal town last year. Farm 37 was identified in 2016 by the Walvis Bay and Erongo regional councils as a solution…
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Awesome hot ham and cheese

Awesome hot ham and cheese

Jackie Wilson Asheeke A toasted ham and cheese sandwich is a cheap, easy eating solution. Add a cup of soup or broth and that can add vitamins and warmth without breaking the bank. I spent about N$20 on the entire lunch (soup included) for myself. Not including the soup, this toasted ham and cheese lunch takes about 10 minutes. Ingredients: 2 slices bread (I used brown bread) 2 teaspoons butter 2 slices Emmental cheese (I use mozzarella with the Emmental) 2 thin slices German ham (Spar Maerua has the nicely sliced deli ham) 1 teaspoon mayonnaise (not the salad mayo!)…
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The three musketeers jammin’ with beats

The three musketeers jammin’ with beats

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Namibians will not let COVID-19 destroy creativity and the need to jam. A new group with hot beats just formed in 2020. They are called: The Musketeers. In the midst of a pandemic and lockdown, they are making music. Even if we dance alone in our homes or in socially-distanced venues, check out their new release, titled LOST featuring Azaria. Radio stations need to get on board with this music as well. Their new album has 10 tracks all exclusively written, recorded and mastered by The Musketeers and Azaria, a female artist new on the scene from…
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Can the ideologically disinclined deliver us from exploitative system?

Yours Truly Ideologically- Fourth Installment: Kae Matundu-Tjiparuro Has independence heralded the Second Phase of the Namibian Revolution and what is the nature and character of this Revolution? Last time this columnist ended with this pertinent question. A question that Namibians must continue to ponder and unpack if her avowed developmental trajectory has to assume real revolutionary meaning. Underlining this question is another one whether there has been anything akin to a Namibian Revolution, at any point ever, pre-liberation war, during the war itself and after, when the radical transformation of the pre-independence socio-economic system must have been contemplated, let alone idealised…
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God Bless the child that’s got his own

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Namibia needs to wake up. No one will help us, but us. The country, communities and families are under unprecedented pressure. Looking to donor countries, the government, the president, a political party or a church to ‘solve’ individual problems is a waste of time. The new normal means increased self-sufficiency. It is time for Namibians to do more for themselves. The government is broke. Many who are in power are insecure in their positions. Businesses are reeling from the pandemic, but also three years of drought and economic depression before the virus hit. Families are uncertain about…
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