
Directive: Decongest the ghettos right now . . . But how? – The devil is in the details

A letter from the minister of urban and rural development, Erastus Uutoni to mayors and regional governors announced a ‘directive’ to develop urgent decongestion plans. This is a part of the fight against the spread of COVID-19. Local political officials and appointees, likely without technical skills, must now do the job of the ministry. Assuming there are funds available, they must decongest (undefined) the impoverished peri-urban residential areas. This is easier said than done. The fact that land for residences can materialize out of nowhere in haste, points to something disturbing. If the ministry could provide basic land to house…
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Government to honor bonuses

Government to honor bonuses

Andrew Kathindi Public service workers will breathe a sigh of relief as government stated that it still plans to honour birthday bonuses for its employees despite revenue pressures intensified by COVID-19. Despite hundreds of private sector workers being retrenched on a monthly basis due to economic pressures, with many companies cancelling the 13th cheque as part of cost containment measures, government maintains it will continue to pay bonuses to its employees. “The pay structure of government employees did not change, all conditions of employment, as per the contract of employment each employee has signed with their respective employer, remain applicable…
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Corona hits Windhoek Central Prison . . . As 120 inmates are quarantined

Corona hits Windhoek Central Prison . . . As 120 inmates are quarantined

Katrina Andreas The Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) says it has no plans to decongest its prisons after 12 inmates from the Windhoek Central Prison tested positive for COVID-19. The Windhoek Observer can reveal that 122 inmates and 14 prison officers were tested for Covid-19 a week ago and the results confirmed 13 positive cases, of which 12 are inmates. NCS Commissioner General Raphael Hamunyela stated that there will be no further release of non-serious offenders for the purpose of decongestion to allow social distancing within the correctional facilities. This is because there are no more petty offenders after President Hage…
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Sisa case has merit – LSN lawyer . . . as pressure mounts on conflicted lawyers

Sisa case has merit – LSN lawyer . . . as pressure mounts on conflicted lawyers

Andrew Kathindi Lawyer Uno Katjipuka, who unsuccessfully argued the Law Society of Namibia’s (LSN) case to have Sisa Namandje’s books opened, has said that Judge Herman Oosthuizen’s ruling was not made on the merits of the case. This comes as Judge Oosthuizen, on Friday, dismissed with costs the LSN’s application to probe Namandje’s law firm’s books to investigate his possible involvement in the Fishrot saga. Katjipuka told Windhoek Observer that the Judge’s ruling is unfortunate but not surprising. “I guess we saw it coming.” “He just dealt with whether or not the Director of the LSN was properly authorized to…
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O&L acquires majority stake in German company

O&L acquires majority stake in German company

Staff Writer The Ohlthaver & List (O&L) Group has acquired a majority stake in CRONIMET Mining Power Solutions GmbH from the exiting shareholder CRONIMET Mining AG in Switzerland and the deal is effective, 1 August 2020. Engineering-Procurement-Construction (EPC), is a German-based renewable energy project development, investment and asset management company. “The merger comes after half a decade of successfully partnering with CRONIMET in Namibia through a joint venture. In cementing the corporate merger, the O&L Energy business and CRONIMET will henceforth adopt its new trade name and brand, “O&L Nexentury” As of August 2020, “CRONIMET Mining Power Solutions” and “O&L…
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We have less than two weeks to get it right

The Stage 3 state of emergency rules in play in Windhoek and other areas gives the nation a chance to get it right. Masks, sign-in at stores, hand sanitizing, staying at home, closure of public places (to varying degrees) are all difficult. But, we have 16 days to buckle down and get it right. Let’s do it. Resisting the rules, scoffing at common sense (i.e., going to parties when COVID test results are pending), avoiding quarantine, or moving around without a mask, will prolong the problem. The public must accept that the pandemic is here to stay. Stop resisting the…
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Otjomuise targeted for Corona decongestion

Otjomuise targeted for Corona decongestion

Andrew Kathindi The City of Windhoek has identified land in Otjomuise which will likely be used as a COVID-19 decongestion location, amidst rising numbers of confirmed cases in the capital city, Windhoek Mayor Fransina Kahungu has revealed. This comes as President Hage Geingob last week gave directives to decongest densely populated informal settlements where community transmission continues to skyrocket. Kahungu told Windhoek Observer that the city started with preparations and that informal discussions at the City of Windhoek where conducted. Formal meetings will continue at management committee level on Tuesday 18 August. “I can be specific that the place that…
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EIG to cost Gvt N$210m more

EIG to cost Gvt N$210m more

Staff Writer The Ministry of Finance has added an additional N$210 million to its initial budget of N$562 million, budgeted for disbursement under the Emergency Income Grant (EIG), a once-off N$750 cash payment per qualifying person, on the basis of meeting a set of criteria. To date according to figures from the Ministry of Finance, 765,452 beneficiaries have already received payment under the scheme launched in April by government to aid those who have lost jobs or income, as a result of COVID-19 from an initial estimate of 739,000 Namibians. “As we speak 765, 452 have received their grant already.…
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Netflix – The Old Guard – check it out!

Netflix – The Old Guard – check it out!

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Ok, Martha, my youngest daughter and movie-watching BFF, and I saw The Old Guard on Netflix. OMG (as she would say) – that movie was lit! Ironically, my other daughter, Neni in France also watched it. We agreed that the next movie we watch, we will do it via Netflix Party so we can text each other while the movie is going on. I must give context that we are a super-hero-movie-loving household. Therefore, a movie about a hidden team of immortal mercenaries that have been running around the planet fighting in wars and conflicts for centuries…
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COUCH CAT: Send for take-out, please

Jackie Wilson Asheeke With the setback in our advancement towards a full end of the State of Emergency, restaurants and cafes are getting kicked in the butt again. We can’t go to our usual places and meet friends, socialize (from a distance), or get a hot meal or cappuccino anymore. We can only get take away. To keep the declining restaurants alive for a bit longer, those who can, must get take-aways as often as possible. If you are like me and working remote and suffering on half salary indefinitely, money is super tight (even though you are actually putting…
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