
Medical doctors are not God

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Doctors are not GOD. But, both the doctors and patients don’t act like they believe this. I read a story of a young mother now suing her doctor and Oshakati State Hospital. She feels her precious baby’s death after receiving medical attention was caused by negligence. The young mother seems to have not known what was being done to her baby or why. The courts will have to sort that out. But there have been increasing tales of medical horror in the news. This matter must be addressed. The medical profession is difficult and challenging, especially now…
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‘Good Riddance’ is not the appropriate response

Swapo Party Secretary-General Sophia Shaningwa was quoted as saying that the resignation of Affirmative Repositioning (AR) leaders and members from the party on Heroes’ Day was a relief. She said they never supported Swapo anyway. The details around that entire chapter are extensive. But, a glaring issue that remains on the table is that members of the party who disagree with the leadership are a burden to be joyfully shed. There is no internal Swapo platform to work through differences; there is only the exit door. Nowhere in the world does everyone agree with everything. That standard cannot be reached.…
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Gvt suspends solidarity, wealth tax plans

Gvt suspends solidarity, wealth tax plans

Andrew Kathindi The solidarity wealth tax which was proposed over two years ago by then Finance Minister Calle Schlettwein has been dropped due to lack of support, the Agriculture, Water and Land Minister has revealed. In its place, a “proper” wealth tax was proposed before his change in portfolio; however that too was met with opposition and has since been put on the back burner due to COVID-19. Finance Ministry spokesperson Tonateni Shidhudhu said the wealth tax has been set aside to focus on other options. “The Wealth Tax and the Solidarity Tax were just ideas to augment the revenue…
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Namibia placed under national curfew the country opens borders to tourists

Namibia placed under national curfew the country opens borders to tourists

Andrew Kathindi President Hage Geingob has extended stage 3 lockdown measures currently in place across the country’s 14 regions for an additional period of 14 days. The President has also extended the curfew, which was introduced on 13 August and currently being enforced in Erongo and Khomas regions, between 8PM and 5AM daily, to all 14 regions across the country. This comes as Geingob announced that Namibia has recorded five more COVID-19 related deaths, bringing the national death toll to 65. Namibia currently has the highest rate of new infections per population on the continent, and there are now confirmed…
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Eggplant Mixed Grill

Eggplant Mixed Grill

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Namibians love to Braai. It is getting a bit warmer these days and now is the time to dust of the grill and get some Saturday afternoon action underway. This recipe is about eggplant (aubergines) and other veggies, but you can as well add good ‘ol Namibian meat to the grill and stuff your face with proteins provided in the Land of the Brave. I haven’t tried this recipe yet, but I will this weekend. I worry about grilling aubergines because they fall apart and make a mess on the grill that has to be scrubbed off…
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Robert Mugabe Clinic is the weakest link

Employers sending their staff to be tested for COVID-19 may be unwittingly responsible for spreading it further. Anyone driving by the Robert Mugabe Clinic has seen the tightly packed lines of people waiting to be tested. Some are waiting for their COVID-19 results. There is no social spacing and most have their noses uncovered as they improperly wear masks. There are those who are there who have been called in to collect their written results. A few of those results are positive. Those who are positive are standing amongst those who are negative or those waiting for results. This is…
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Fish quota auction raises N$630m

Fish quota auction raises N$630m

Staff Writer The government has raised N$628 million from the auction of its fishing quota as part of efforts to generate income to fund COVID-19 related expenditure, the Ministry of Finance announced on Thursday. Finance minister, Iipumbu Shiimi said the auction had attracted increased scrutiny amid transparency concerns after it was announced. He said, “Section 3(3) of the Marine Resources Act, Act No 27 of 2000 as amended, makes provision for the State to utilize or harvest marine resources to advance any social economic, cultural or other governmental objectives in the public interest.” The minister reiterated that government had managed…
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‘Good riddance’: Shaningwa on resignations

‘Good riddance’: Shaningwa on resignations

Andrew Kathindi Swapo party Secretary General (SG) Sophia Shaningwa has said good riddance after a number of opinionated, outspoken youthful members, including Job Amupanda, officially resigned as members of the ruling party on Wednesday. The Affirmative Repositioning (AR) leader along with a number of former Swapo party youth league members, including Walvis Bay constituency councilor Knowledge Iipinge, officially left the party in a coordinated effort on Heroes’ Day, attributing their decision to not wanting to be associated with the “corrupt” Swapo party. Shaningwa, however, welcomed their departure, stating that it was a “headache off her shoulders as a Secretary General…
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Slow cooker meatballs in tomato sauce

Slow cooker meatballs in tomato sauce

Jackie Wilson Asheeke Simple recipes are the best. I like this one for slow cooker meatballs in tomato sauce. My sister Susan turned me on to the meatballs as she usually makes them when I am home in the USA for the holidays. I stole her idea and used it for family meals when I returned to Namibia. It was a hit! I played around with the directions below and found combinations that work for Namibia and for me. A lot of these recipes on line are geared for what is available in US or European stores. A few of…
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Don’t blame education failures on COVID-19

The pandemic has slammed Namibia’s already weak educational system. The victims of this are the students. Many learners have lost time in their climb towards degrees or advancement from one grade to another. But, no one can credibly blame the failures of Namibia’s ability to uplift its learners, on the pandemic. The massive problems and alarmingly bad test results existed long before that. During apartheid, Bantu education systematically, purposefully and deliberately buried minds and creativity. Oppression can never work if people expose lies, embrace new ideas and lose all fear of anyone calling themselves superior. But, after independence, those minds…
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